Anita Bryant, singer and anti-gay rights crusader, dies aged 84.
Anita Bryant, singer and anti-gay rights crusader, dies aged 84.
Bryant was Miss Oklahoma and Florida Citrus spokesperson before leading anti-LGBTQ+ ‘Save Our Children’ campaign

You shouldn't say anything about the dead unless it's good. So she's dead. Good!
The world is a better place today than it was yesterday!
53 0 ReplyLike Clarence Darrow, I never wished anyone dead, but I have enjoyed reading several obituaries.
49 0 ReplyI can't say the same about the first part.
15 0 Reply
New gender neutral urinal just opened up!
39 0 Replyin remembrance, here’s a video of her getting hit in the face with a pie:
33 0 ReplyRest in piss
33 0 ReplyBye bye asshole.
33 0 ReplyDing dong the witch is dead!
31 0 ReplyAnd nothing of value was lost
30 0 ReplyThe sad part is her life.
21 0 ReplyAnti-gay people don't deserve rights
20 0 ReplySucks it took so long
19 0 ReplyFuck you Anita Bryant. The world is in a better place now that you're gone. I wish you nothing less than eternal pain and torment.
16 0 ReplyGood riddance. I'll have a celebratory beer tonight.
15 0 ReplyGood.
15 0 ReplyShe knew she could safely pass, knowing her legacy is about to get fucking supercharged by the incoming musk administration.
10 0 ReplyGood.
7 0 Replykthxbai!
7 0 ReplyMy list of possible graves to piss on, lucky, keeps getting longer!
4 0 ReplyWho?
4 0 ReplyJust garbage finally making its way out the door.
6 0 ReplyThere's a Dollop episode about her if you're interested
3 0 ReplyOh no, I was being facetious...
2 0 Reply
New respect the dead video?
4 0 ReplyThe world is always better than it was before a genuinely evil person passes, just a crying shame her putrid legacy didn't kick the bucket with her.
3 0 Replyfucking finally
3 0 ReplyIf there is a hell, may she suffer the worst torments that it has on its menu.
2 0 ReplyFUCK YES! Burn in hell you horrible bigot!
1 0 Reply