It’s weird that a game can be made after initially being backed by fans and then absolutely slated by those same fans, but I guess the world works in mysterious ways.
How is this weird at all? People hopped on it because they wanted more Megaman by a major creator and contributor to many Megaman games. Turns out, with only one cog in the Megaman machine, a great game does not make.
I'm a big Mega Man (mostly Classic) fan. I think MN9 was judged way too harshly. It's not a bad game in its own right, not markedly great either, but certainly a passable and enjoyable one nonetheless.
People were hoping for another Mega Man X but of course it was never going to be exactly that. They need fangames and ROM hacks for that, not someone who could lose pretty much everything (job, work, money) if they stray too close to Capcom's IP. I don't know exactly how much Comcept promised and how much was hype built up by fans, but somewhere along the way expectations became misaligned and people were pissed and disappointed.
But yeah, going into it without any big expectations certainly helped me enjoy it.
It's a game in my todo list, but pretty low on that list. Actually, speaking to getting closer to that design, you'd think 20XX (and I guess 30XX but I didn't play) gets even closer. It certainly scratched my MMX itch in an interesting way.