One time I was joining a meme group chat on Facebook Messenger and the admin told me I would be banned if I didn't send her pictures of my butthole. I accidentally posted those picutes to my main account later on and got my account permabanned.
Young adult, novice queer. Made a post on Tumblr about how I was tired of both gay users bashing ace people, but also ace users bashing gay people, and I was done with both communities. For context, Tumblr users in this era looooooved to dunk on posts about lesbian sex and I was sick of it.
Older mutual who's opinion I really cared about sent me a long DM about how I'm not ace anymore, and how "that's nice for you, but real people can't change their sexuality," before ripping into unrelated aspects of my character.
I've technically been treated worse especially as a child, but that one stands out because I liked him. :( And it made me paranoid about being queer "wrong" if people weren't allowed to change their label.
Thanks <3 it's OK, it has to be around a decade now. It just came to mind as the worst experience because in hindsight it was so stupid to torment me so much. "Oh no I offended the guy who thinks his sexual orientation is thinking gay people are gross 🥺"
I developed this large world in Neverwinter Nights. I found someone to collaborate with and he stole it and pretended he had made it and put it online. He told me his reason was because he could.
For anybody else considering sharing stuff you're working on in private, you can use tools like freetsa for verifiable timestamping before you share anything to prove you had it first. Timestamp multiple versions with your name on it as you progress.
Others who you share the files with later will not be able to come up with provable timestamps older than yours
Getting dogpiled by assholes from the Steam Community because I made a post suggesting we get rid of the Jester award. I suggested it because the Jester award has been used as nothing but a badge from trolls who think honest reviews of games are a joke. I've had nearly 150+ of my reviews just bombarded with marks of 'X people found this review funny' and half of them were slapped with that stupid Jester badge.
Furthermore, I was gaslighted and antagonized both through DMs and openly on the forums to the point where I am now permanently banned from the Steam Forums in the general Steam community. I have no faith in Valve's sluggish ways that they'll deal with the sheer toxicity of their own community anytime soon.
And I was openly doxxed on a gossip site when that same someone openly threatened to cost me my IRL job.
I've been online for 29 years now and by this point, I've dealt with so much shit from shitty people to the point where I almost see reality as purgatory. I cannot wait until I enter my self-imposed retirement when I reach 30 years because I've watched the internet drown in shit with bots, AI, corporate enshittification and more.
When i was around 13-15 years old, i followed a creepypasta page on facebook, and since fb at the time was adding more automated moderation they decided to create a private group (so they didn't have to worry about ppl reporting their content) which i decided to join.
It was normal at first, people posted the same content there as the regular page, but then they started posting gore, and then cp, like actual, real cp.
I also noticed that a lot of the members of the group had variations of the same profile pic: a heart with a smaller heart inside it.
I decided to gtfo of there, and a few days later i saw a report in the news about a symbol that pedophiles were using to identify themselves online: a heart with a smaller heart inside it.
To this day it gives me chills to think how in danger i could've been.
Someone doxxed me and spread a photo of my face with the text "she said she was 18" superimposed on it (in meme format), and then spreading it in the community.
All because they took issue with a friendship I had with another user who "sounded young". Which culminated in the community leadership getting her to prove she was, in fact, not underage, "just in case" we ended up in a relationship because they "know how these things go" or something.
Ah, the horseshoe theory proving nutjobs who wants apartheid because they think races can't mix because checks notes they think there will always be a problematic power imbalance so lets not even try integration