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Yes, but in order to cultivate a society in which such politics are feasible and can thrive, some of the old ultraviolence is needed
Nah, it's just wanted by the people who don't want to wait for better methods to work.
Wait for better methods to work? How much more do you need to see before you understand that things are getting worse over time? How many environmental scientists need to explain yet again that the world is going to be inhospitable if we don't make a massive change - while virtually all major sources of pollution are increasing year over year?
This isn't the time to sit around and wait for things to inexplicably start getting better, it's the time to fight for the slim chance that we can turn things around before it's too late. And that fight is a literal one - there is no way to get those in power to stop exploiting our society and our world for profits than to physically stop them by whatever means we can.
Yeah, you really think most of us have the time to wait around? What with the changing global environment and all that entails? This must be the most asinine take I have heard in a while, and I think you really should sit down and have a serious think about these issues and maybe return to the conversation when you have the capability and capacity of forming a real, coherent argument. Unless you really enjoy the taste of boot, in which case you can just stay away.
Well no shit it's not just about sitting on your ass waiting for other people to do things for you. But any effective method will take time, and most major results won't happen within our lifetime.
Violence is a nice way to feel better about your circumstances, but it has about as much effect as inaction, especially in the current climate. Despite what so many proponents of violent action keep telling you, there's a ton of non-violent action one can take... it just won't have immediate effect. It also requires that you work with others who don't see exactly as you do. Which is a major problem for a lot of people these days.
Nah, it’s just wanted by the people who don’t
want to wait for better methods to work.have the privilege to waitFTFY, you overly privileged and status quo worshipping white moderate.
Movements thrive on a diversity of tactics. Let’s keep our eyes on the ball, in many different ways, rather than criticize those who don’t agree with us in the “right way”
No action you take will have immediate effect. Violence is just a balm you use to deal with that. Unfortunately, it has the effect of aligning people against you, which tends to make it take even longer.
But tell yourself whatever you want about how your violence will make effective change. At least you'll feel like you've done something as the world continues to burn around you.
If we wait, the globe will warm and humanity will become extinct.