This is why I would have never won anything on Wheel of Fortune .... because I was grasping for an answer and couldn't find one that made sense .... yours is much better.
Cardassian Sajak would have had me executed and given you the prize .... nice one!
It sounds so Cardassian that until I read your comment I didn't even realize it was Sajak as in Pat Sajak. I was reading it as sah-jahk like a Cardassian name, and just assumed it was the name of the dude who tortured Picard, because I don't actually remember his name lmao
In short, a Cardassian was torturing Picard, and told him to admit (under torture) that there are 5 lights behind him, when there were obviously 4. Picard refused to break. The meme is playing that out with the "four vs five" word on the bottom left.
It's a game where you have to figure out what a mystery phrase is by guessing letters individually. If you guess a letter that is part of the phrase, all instances of that letter are revealed. As the game progresses, the phrase is slowly revealed.
So Picard guessed the letter "R", and they revealed two of them. Picard, assuming that the phrase is "THERE ARE FOUR LIGHTS" mentions that they forgot to reveal one of the "R" letters. The person running the game is a Cardassian, and tells Picard that he is wrong, because the phrase is actually "THERE ARE FIVE LIGHTS".