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Why does nobody here ever recommend Fedora to noobs?
  • I tried a bunch on distros when I switched to Linux full time. Currently I have OpenSUSE in my laptop but I don’t think that will last too much longer. I’ve been running Fedora on my main machine for months now and it makes a lot of my other distros just feel clunky.

  • I just ordered a 3ds from AliExpress - Wish me luck.
  • I order from there quite a lot. I’m not really a fan of buying Chinese stuff but all the electronics are made there whatever you do and this way I’m cutting out the man-in-the-middle dickhead types who closed all the local factories and moved production to China just to push up the share prices.

    I’ve always found it to be pretty good, remember that you don’t really deal with Ali that much, rather individual shops selling their stuff on there. I’ve had problems with stuff arriving broken before but I’ve usually found their customer service to be pretty amazing, they’ll often replace stuff without much fuss. I once ordered a Bitcoin miner before realising later that it was a scam, and Ali refunded me all the money.

    The two main problems are that nothing on there is good quality, it’s all just cheap Chinese stuff. The second problem is that it takes ages for everything to arrive.

  • Climate change solutions must resist colonialism
  • What a bullshit article. This is just Westerners trying to tell other countries they should be offended about stuff that doesn’t bother them. I’ve been near to that Ouarzazate site before and there is nothing for miles and miles around. It’s just a big empty area. It’s not fertile farmland, it’s the desert.

    It’s not colonialism, it’s just business, and the Moroccans want it. Sounds like the author thinks African countries will lift themselves out of poverty with handouts.

  • What does the world think of India?
  • Honestly, off the top of my head I often like the people who come to England but as far as the country itself I don’t really think about it much. First thoughts are that it’s a massive country that’s heavily polluted and kinda obsessed with making money without much care for how they do it, such as how much of the world is making sacrifices to stop buying gas from Russia but India’s just undermining their good intentions for profit. I think if Pakistan invaded they’d expect the whole world to rally around them.

  • Why I Can't Use Linux - My Top 3 Reasons
  • If people ever wonder why people don’t use Linux they should just read the comments here. People are so obsessed with blaming users for not using Linux rather than trying to make Linux meet their expectations.

    Most people will go to a shop and buy a laptop with Windows preinstalled and ready to be used, and even if they’re brave enough to install the OS themselves (most aren’t) they will still expect pretty much everything to work automatically after the install.

    I don’t know what the solution is here but it’s not to blame users.

  • Fedora 41 to Transfer Anaconda Installer to Wayland
  • I don’t know much about the tech behind either, but when I’m using VNC it feels like I’m just remote controlling the mouse and keyboard on another machine via a series of streaming jpegs and when it’s full screen I either have to scale the display so all the elements on the screen are too small or too big, or have scroll bars.

    With RDP it’s so smooth it’s like I’m on the other machine. RDP doesn’t just remote control the screen on the other computer, it creates a new desktop session formatted for the remote computer. Someone else can even use the other computer while you log in as a different user. I don’t know if VNC can do this but RDP can even forward local drives and devices to the remote computer, you could plug a USB into your laptop and have it connect to the machine you’re RDPing into. It’s so seamless that I often forget I’m using a different machine when I have it in full screen.

  • Upgrade extruder on old Prusa clone

    Tldr; does anyone know of an upgraded extruder that will fit a Geeetech i3 Pro B?

    Long version: I have a Geeetech i3 Pro B that I’ve had for years now. I don’t exactly use it loads but I do like having it to print random tools and bits for my other hobbies (mostly car bits). The problem is this useless thing just jams up all the time with no explanation. I was using it fine about a month ago and then just came back to it yesterday (actually excited that it wasn’t broken for once and I could just use it), then when I went to change the filament I realised the stupid shit had jammed again. I seem to have a constant rotation of heatbreaks on this thing. Even when I got it out I couldn’t see any reason why it had jammed at all. It wouldn’t be so bad but it’s a total pain to replace since it’s not compatible with the compressions clips. I can’t even see how it could be changed to use one since the hotend is supported by the heatbreak. I looked at somehow modifying an Ultimaker one for it but it looks like it would be tricky to mod.

    I would just buy a new one but if I was to do that I’d want something like a Bambu thing that would make printing much easier, but I can’t really justify spending that much. I definitely don’t want to spend a bunch of money just to end up with something that’s basically the same and will require all the tubing again.

    I better stop writing now as it’s turned into a big rant.

    Guides for working settings for each game

    I’ve dabbled with Linux and I’ve finally decided to try and switch to it for real, mostly because I’m starting a new job soonish that will require more Linux knowledge, but also because I’m getting sick of all the Windows privacy issues.

    I’m actually liking it better than I thought. Taking an attitude that I’m sticking with it is giving me more of a drive to actually fix the issues I’m having rather than moaning about them, and it’s a good opportunity to learn.

    The one thing I’m struggling with though is gaming. I’ve got a 2060S which I need for CUDA, but I’ve got the drivers working. I’ve not exactly been through my whole Steam library but I’ve not had anything running acceptably yet. DEATHLOOP, for example, on Windows runs at smooth at near 4k. On Wayland the input latency is unplayable and it crashes out every few minutes anyway. I improved it by switching to X11 but I’m still only getting 10-15 FPS when it was smooth in Windows. Even Skyrim has input latency and it’s clearly not running as fast as it should be.

    When I check on ProtonDB for help I see no consistency in the settings people are using. Most of the time they just say Experimental, and I figure that changes over time anyway so it’s no help to me anyway.

    Is there any helpful advice online as most of the time I just get told to try every proton version and fork until I find something that works? I’ve not even gotten into figuring out what stuff like Lutris is.

    I’m on Fedora in case that’s important.

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