I live in a northern country with cold winters. The alternative to "white Christmas" is really an icy or wet Christmas. Green would not even cross my mind.
And certainly I prefer snow over sleet or black ice on the roads.
Depends on the person. It sometimes gets into the negative double digits F where I live. Its forecasted to snow around Christmas and I'm hyped as fuck.
I live in the north of Sweden. I always hope for a white Christmas. If there's no snow, it's so dark, and gloomy. A few hours of sunlight in a day. No snow usually means it's cold enough for rain and a little bit of snow, but also warm enough to melt it to turn it into slush.
So definitely, we always hope for a crisp, snowy Christmas. Every year. More opportunities for outdoor activities then, too.
Aussie here, to me xmas = summer time. Xmas movies always felt irrelevant, and the idea of Santa wearing all his gear is mental when it's often 40C+ and humid af.
Being cold would feel alien that time of year, even more so if it snowed because that doesn't happen in 99% of the country regardless of the time of year.
Im not in a "cold" climate, but its the pacific northwest. It gets chilly this time of year. People still dream of white Christmases. Its the idealized Christmas.
My red and green this Christmas is fat sweet cherry tomatoes ripening in the sun on my balcony. I would love a little rain to ease the fire danger in the hills, but I had all the snow I need for life during college. It's funny the snowy people who said they can't even fathom green, if it weren't white it would be brown, they're right about their reality but you asked for a dream. I'm living the dream.
The other nice thing about being in Los Angeles at Christmas is that it's quiet and there's very little traffic, because so many people rushed off to visit the snow, either local skiing or far away.
No, because snow is nice and beautiful.
The problem is, we don't get a white christmas (or have snow for most of the winter) every year, because where I live we mostly either get wet warm winds which lead to rain or we get cold dry winds which just lead to cold days without snow.
Judging from the answers, it seems like no. And really, most people I know that live up north go somewhere warm in January or February, so get the escape then. I’m 45 and two winters ago I had my first white Christmas. And let me tell you, it was freaking MAGIC. We got like a foot to two feet depending where you were on the property. We were exposed to someone with Covid on Christmas Eve so for the next week we were sequestered away, with food and drinks and a beautiful winter wonderland. None of us ended up with covid but my daughters best friends grandfather is immunocompromised so we’re extra careful. We made a slide off the deck, walked in the woods behind the house, lounged around, did puzzles and read books, and just generally had the most peaceful and relaxed time.
I’ve always lived in warm places, and the Pacific Northwest now, so for me, snow is the most magic thing in the world.
Same where I live. And then you see all the shop windows dressed with fake snow and people buying santa hats when it's 40⁰C out there and the whole ordeal feels so out of place
I don’t live anywhere cold now, but when I did it was in an urban area. Urban snow is pretty for a couple of hours max before the cars, people, pollution, shitting dogs, etc give it a disgusting tinge. It was also miserably cold to me, regularly getting down into the 10s and 20s F (-12 to -6 C).
I wouldn’t say I was dreaming of a green Christmas necessarily, but a white one isn’t all it’s cracked up to be if you’re not living in a cottage in the woods!
Interesting question. I live in Belgium and... well first of all I don't care for Christmas. I do like to celebrate with family and friends but the religious celebration itself, no. Second I never actually considered it. I do love snow and ice. I recently took on ice skating and... even though I also love the Summer where I can roller blade and skate, knowing that something else is coming is a genuine joy.
So... I can't speak for others but I absolutely love the Winter, from hot chocolate to waffle outside to ice skating, hikes in the snow then relaxing by the file place, there is just so much to look for during that season that ... never dreamt of "a green Christmas".
Edit: I actually had one last year, going to Madeiras, Portuguese island West of Morocco, North of Africa, and... that was fine too. Honestly truth is I don't really care where and how as long as we share a good time.
I love the snow covered scenery if it’s like 30 F (-1 C) outside. We got our first big snow yesterday, and it’s definitely an improvement over browns and grays we’ve had for a month. When it’s negative degrees F though, that can piss right off.
My favorite season is spring, when the very first spring ephemeral flowers pop through the slush and mud, before the tree leaves bud out. I wouldn’t want to miss that.