"in its most basic terms, this was a killing that was intended to evoke terror"
Who? Who was it to terrorize? Finish your sentence. Was it billionaires who steal money from hard working Americans then let them die from denied coverage? Was the answer?
So basically, the whole premise of the American death penalty? As opposed to the deaths and bankruptcies that create terror that health insurance companies are allowed to promote, or the terror created by those who arrest mothers getting their health insurance appeals denied because they echo their mottos back to them to attempt to suppress any popular support at a revolution?
I will say, with Trump getting voted in, Americans have shit timing at their attempts at revolutions. This is the last millisecond type of stuff, quite lacking and even somewhat (but not very) controversial.
Often it's religious nonsense to be fair. "My God has a bigger imaginary dick than your God and I want your people to be forced to pray to mine" is quite common, sadly.
But obviously this is the other kind, exactly as you say. The rich being shocked and horrified there are consequences for their sociopathic inhumanity. "You cows are just supposed to line up for the captive bolt, you weren't supposed to kill the bolter! This is outrageous! it's unfair!"
I keep saying incels need to pivot from elementary schools to country clubs.
They can legit be making the world a better place and fighting back against the people who are actually responsible for their suffering.
Rich people don't have a problem getting laid, ever. In fact, the idea that wealth makes someone more attractive actively contributes to the the rise of incels.
Would love to be on that jury just so I can say this.
I'm reminded of "affluenza kid," the rich boy who went drunk driving and killed four people, injured nine others, but only had to go to rehab because "his parents taught him that wealth buys privilege."
I am so tired of seeing that CEOs ugly mug everywhere. Regular people who are killed don't get their faces plastered everywhere every time there's news about their killing. It feels like the media are trying to encourage sympathy from the masses, but all I see is a monster who let hundreds of thousands die and/or suffer from crippling ailments for profit.
* I have no confirmation that this is legit not some sort of fraud nor, if it is kegit, what percentage will go towards his legal fees. But I choose to believe that it is what it claims to be and nothing more.