Propaganda! If you tell people you won enough times, eventually they'll believe you.
In the meantime, you convert the whole legal and illegal drug industry into a money making market so that your shareholders can make a profit .... because in the end, Capitalists did win the war on drugs by profiteering from it.
Anti weed ads are so funny after trying it because I've had it like 3 times and the "worst" thing I've done is annoy people with my nonsensical ramblings about whales and automobiles after taking too much
Mostly it just makes me withdrawn and annoyed because a lot of the time it doesn't fucking work and just makes things worse on ADHD innattentives.
Thus, in this essay, I will demonstrate that Ronald Reagan deliberately invented and spread ADHD as part of the drug war to create artificial scarcity so the CIA could sell more LSD and cocaine and
As someone who used to smoke everyday, now when I smoke modern good weed I swear it's more like I'm tripping if I take more than a couple hits. Like crawling on the floor tripping.
Today I was high as balls and my MAGA uncle wouldn't stfu about tariffs and how King Trump is going to save all the white babies from starvation this winter.
I couldn't take anymore so I shoved his face into the gravy bowl until the bubbles stopped.
Thankfully grammy came in and slapped me away and pulled his head out. sucked the gravy out of his esophagus with a Turkey baster and he started to breathe again.
weed man, it's a gateway drug to murderous rage. I'll be moving on to something safer like meth. I gotta find a new dealer though, I almost killed my last one with a bowl of gravy.
Can we get a CSI style story detailing everything that happened between taking the joint and getting into a murderous craze, and also where dafuq did he get that marijuana? 🤣