It's also just the right number of lights.
31 0 Reply13 0 Reply
18 0 Reply15 0 ReplyIf the Lwaxanas had laser pointers attached to the side of their heads and Gul Madred was a child. this would be peak torture for Picard.
7 0 Reply9 0 Reply
14 0 Reply12 0 ReplyNeither too few nor too many.
2 0 Reply
You will respect my gay space icon goddammit or I will slap the tea out of your face
8 0 ReplyNo ill intent meant toward the good Doctor.
10 0 Reply
Ohh Jeannn LuuuuUUUccc!
6 0 Reply6 0 ReplyOh there you are, what are you doing in the Jeffrey’s tubes when you should have been giving me a warm welcome! Here, carry my bags to my quarters. I’ll have Mr Homn set you a place for tea time and a mud bath. Now now hurry up, I have to set Deanna up on a date!
2 0 Reply
Scheiße, Daniel.
(A joke for us German homies)
2 0 Reply
I like that everyone who saw this post thought of the exact same joke.
It's as if we're a collecti- hey wait a minute...
5 0 ReplyTo be fair, I didn't use it in the meme because I know you all too well... since, y'know.
5 0 Reply
More like the prime guideline
5 0 ReplyEverything is relative. Even if sometimes it’s not
3 0 ReplyWhat kind of crossover is this? The sequel to Assimilation²?
2 0 Reply4 0 Reply