Yeah this shit was creepy as fuck. Colbert showed a clip of it, otherwise I never would have seen this garbage. Mainstream media news should be showing this more. Not that I guess the MAGAs really care. They probably like this shit.
I miss the good old days when conservative politicians were only perverts behind closed doors, rather than running their fetishes up the flagpole and expecting everyone to salute them.
And if one person doesn't salute them with tears in their eyes for how patriotic their fetish is they'll cry on camera about how their free speech is being taken away for weeks. Conservatives' have always been quick to say that but it's scary how often they get away with it now.
No way President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho would have been a cool as fuck. Fucker Tarlson will never be anything other and a weak little boi who only has money because daddy gave it to him.
The world suffers a lot from fathers who love material wealth and power more than they love their own children. It seems to be the background of many of these right-wing figureheads, and they'll do the same to their own kids.