@usernamesAreTricky@uspolitics This kind of behavior could be an early sign of dementia like many other signs recently. Trump MUST have been checked for dementia. If so, the American people have the right to know the results.
IF it is dementia he must be taken out of the election immediately, dementia is progressive and a president with dementia is very very dangerous. #VoteVoteVote#HarrisWalz2024#VoteBlueToEndTheMadness
Think about how funny it will be to watch his most devout followers embrace and defend his demented ramblings, though. To everyone else, it will be interesting to see the mental gymnastics they employ to try and convince others that he's not losing his mind.
When he gets lost and scared on his way to the podium, when he gets angry and starts getting super racist during interviews, when he soils himself during a visit to a foreign country. We'll get to watch most of his followers erode, but there will be hardliners who will try to defend a literal dementia patient as some masterful gambit.
Whether he wins or loses, we'll be hearing about him for the rest of his life, and we'll see his descent into mindlessness either way. We have a rare opportunity to put a literal mad man at the helm of a super power. This opportunity might not come again.
He will die suddenly. It will likely be in the bathroom. The level of physical stress at his age should be as taxing as it appears to be. I'm sure he has a Sam Altmann/Lance Armstrong level of blood doping vampirism, but even that won't save him IMO. How and when he dies may be important. He is a traitor. He should not be alive or a candidate for his coup.
My absolute favorite thing about this country is that nearly everyone votes for who the news networks tell them to vote for, even if the candidate is in clear cognitive decline.
For most of this race it was between two candidates who clearly are in cognitive decline, and both sides insisted we all vote for their brain-damaged guy as a moral imperative, completely unironically.
Then Kamala came along and for the first two months of her campaign, she insulted our intelligence by insisting we be joyful, when tens of millions of Americans are working 2-3 jobs just to fund the bare minimum of essential living needs. (And the polls seem to reflect how displeased people are with that.)
You're absolutely right that I don't think much of my fellow citizens. What reasonable person could?
Assuming this trend continues and isn't media cherrypicking an illusion to start a narratice, or just Trump being under the weather temporarily, would you rather have Trump as president in a diminished and confused state, or Vance as president after Trump leaves office due to the condition?
Vance as president after Trump leaves office due to the condition?
For so many reasons Vance as president.
First, there is a zero percent chance Trump gives up the presidency. So the more time can be spent infighting, embarrassing themselves and getting nothing done, the better.
Second, Vance as president won't have the same level of cult following him. If Vance pushes Trump out, he'll make enemies. If Trump somehow leaves, the moment Vance fucks up the smallest thing, Trump will shit on him.
Third, Vance doesn't have the Trump "charisma". Vance isn't going to be able to convince people to follow his lead. Vance is a yes man, not a leader.
Fourth, Anything Vance does, he has to take responsibility for. If Trump is "in charge" then Vance can always come along later and say "oh, I actually disagreed, but I trusted in Trump". If Vance is in charge then he has to support his decisions. (And yes I know neither of them will actually take responsibility. Supporters won't care. But the margins that decide elections will and that's enough).
Of course that's all hypothetical and in the terrible future. Harris/Walz let's us avoid that unnecessary pain and chaos.
I mean, which is preferable. Which do you think the country would survive more easily? I also would prefer neither but I find it helpful to imagine worst case scenarios out so I can try to prepare for them.
No way. His narcissism would never allow him to admit that he isn't the smartest person ever. Just like how Ted Kaczynski refused to let his lawyer claim insanity.
It's true, he has a very huuuuge ego. But he likes to game the system, remember how proud he was that he didn't have to pay taxes for years because of his casino bankruptcies? He thought that was a 'smart' thing to do. Anything that keeps him free and in money, he will do.
Ok this is a bit reaching.... He was just asking his people who's job is to manage his time while on the trail. He's on the tail end of the trail too. I think anyone would be having a hard time keeping up