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  • My samsung phone regularly wakes to people talking in videos on my computer. They don't even say anything that sounds to me like hey google or Bixby. THEN it never seems to want to work when I try to use it.

  • Patience is a virtue
  • Near as I can tell, a leftist would do anything to keep a liberal out of power over believing only 75% of the same things as them, and allow the right to take control, but at least they get to keep the moral high ground of not allowing a liberal to do that 25%. Never mind that the right actively opposed everything to leftist wants completely.

  • Meta Now Lets Users Say Gay and Trans People Have 'Mental Illness'
  • The venn diagram of transphobes and racists is very nearly a circle.

  • Sick of woke ugly men in my Vidya games
  • "Unwoked" Joel is just Liam Hemsworth.

  • Those who live outside of the US, what's something Americans aren't ready to hear?
  • What about a coup forced you to refer to us as "americans"?

  • C'mon, make it cool
  • Always thought that was weird when I used to work on a navy base, and I don't know if it is typical of the other branches too, but they seemed to have a slightly altered version of their uniforms pushed on them every 6 months or so.

  • Heat Issues
  • Stops copies me!

  • My treats are not propaganda!
  • I vaguely remember being somewhat shocked at what Chicago PD has the "good guys" do and justifying it.

  • Those who live outside of the US, what's something Americans aren't ready to hear?
  • We hear shitty "solutions" all the time, yours is nothing new. Most of this thread is just taking shots at us, knowing full well the solution isn't as simple as "just do what everyone else did" when other countries never had a gun problem like ours to begin with.

  • Those who live outside of the US, what's something Americans aren't ready to hear?
  • See? You have no ideas, you could have just said that instead of acting like we can just solve this overnight.

  • Those who live outside of the US, what's something Americans aren't ready to hear?
  • Not much of a solution if you know it won't work. I'd still like to know what you propose someone with a crazy neighbor that wants them dead should do if defending oneself with a gun isn't acceptable.

  • Those who live outside of the US, what's something Americans aren't ready to hear?
  • "Just do something a large portion of the country would kill to stop from happening" isn't a good solution, but you know that. If reason was going to work, we would have used it decades ago.

  • Those who live outside of the US, what's something Americans aren't ready to hear?
  • Those countries don't have the culty gun fetishism we do.

  • Those who live outside of the US, what's something Americans aren't ready to hear?
  • Well I can't go back in time to preemptively stop them from getting a gun in the first place, I'd love to hear any suggestions you have for that situation.

  • Those who live outside of the US, what's something Americans aren't ready to hear?
  • Are you implying we do it out of hubris and everyone else is somehow gaslit into it or forced to?

  • Those who live outside of the US, what's something Americans aren't ready to hear?
  • The other realistic option is that he shoots me empty handed. No one is going to take his gun and no one is going to save me in time.

  • Choosing Indexers

    I know this is gonna come across like FBI guy trying to out some sites, but I'm slowly raising my sails again and I'm setting up qBittorrent and choosing indexers on jacket. Am I okay with just choosing whatever is on the list for the content I'm looking for or are there sites to avoid like the plague?

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