Hi, I have a primary school girl who wants her share of gaming on the family android tablet.
While finding open source or commercial (i.e. I'm happy to pay) games with no ads that boys like is doable, I haven't been able to find the kind of games a girl wants:
with cute graphics
where you care for dolls or pet
no ads or subscriptions, no endless DLCs.
Do you have any recommendations for android games that fit the bill?
Edit: I should have been more clear: I literally typed the description she gave me of the game she wants.
I don't like gender stereotypes and I am not pushing her towards anything. I'd be perfectly happy for her to play any game she likes, as long as it has no adds or micro transactions.
She can play with puzzles, RPGs, tower defense, sims... She wants cute dolls, and I am looking for a game with cute dolls that does not suck.
Hah, sorry everyone jumped down your throat on the choice of words. Stardew Valley would be good for anyone old enough to read who would enjoy taking care of their own farm and building a relationship with villagers. I would call the graphics "cute", but not gratuitously so (which might be preferred). Cooking Mama is another one that has a good reputation on non-mobile platforms, and it looks like they made an Android version. (Haven't played the Android version, hopefully it's not full of micro transactions).
There are definitely games where the primary/target demographic is boys or girls though.
The arcade classic "Centipede" is a good example of this. It was designed to try to attract women to play it. The colors were pastel shades and its sequel Millipede took it further by having a "story" about an elf archer protecting a mushroom forest from a bug invasion. Centipede was partially programmed by a woman (one of four people who made the game), Donna Bailey, who was also responsible for choosing the games vibrant pastel color palette.
Now, is Centipede or Millipede only for girls? No of course not. No video game is only for a single demographic. But real world data showed that girls/ women generally played Centipede and Millipede more than boys/men did. Some things just have a general appeal to some demographics more than others. So typically when a person asks for "girl games," they just means games that will have a high appeal to girls or games that were designed with girls as the primary demographic.
Otome visual novels are this way as well. They target a female playerbase with a story-based romance game and generally feature a female protagonist who romances male characters in the game.
Minetest, a completely free and open source Minecraft clone
Picsart, a drawing app. I couldn't find any free app that is similar in features.
the camera app, to make short videos, even cool stop motion videos, or pictures to paint on with Picsart
Signal, to share her art with the family. Although I don't think it will run on a tablet.
Toca Boca World, a cute little game where you can decorate houses and play with figures
GCompris, a compilation of learning games, although she seems to have grown out of them in third grade
If you have a PC great games for her besides Minecraft are Spider-Man, Goat Simulator, Life is Strange: True Colors (we play that together) and GTA 5 (seriously, give her a 100% save. the interactivity in that game is through the roof)
I should have been more clear; I don't like gender stereotypes and I am not pushing her towards anything. I'd be perfectly happy for her to play any game she likes, as long as it has no adds or micro transactions.
I literally typed the description she gave me of the game she wants.
There is no reason to push her towards gender stereotypes. If she likes the look of a game then why don't you just let her play one of the many "boy's games" you mention are available.
If you're still looking for a suggestion then Stardew Valley is on mobile and a great game (although it is about farming and crafting rather than caring for a doll)
I've found that some games can still play after you've cut them off from the internet (in app settings from the phones general settings) but will no longer be able to display ads (and I assume microtransactions also won't work then). Which might make some of the options you've currently ruled out work for you?