The Chinese dredger suspected of plundering two World War II Royal Navy shipwrecks last year has been detained by Malaysian maritime authorities. MV Chuan Hong 68 and the entire crew is being held for paperwork violations including port clearances and having 60 unregistered LPG containers aboard and...
TIL that a Chinese barge spent much of 2022-2023 illegally pillaging scrap metal from WW2 war graves in Malaysian waters.
Looking at PDF report they are busted red handed. What a stupid move to fuck with WWII war graves - it's like the weather balloon all over again. CCP can you keep your country in check??
So the US has jurisdiction over any US military wreck globally in exchange for not pillaging war graves in domestic waters? Lmfao get fucked. You lost them boats fair and squaresies and have been too goddamn cheap and lazy to clean up your own mess. You snooze, you lose, especially when it comes to who gets the best pieces of garbage from the pile.