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Banker Who Slugged Woman at NYC Pride Event Charged With Assault
  • Ok, now you're the one making extraordinary claims. It's fairly obvious to anybody who stops to think about it that throwing liquids at others is not legal. That she's not getting charged is a case of partiality on the side of the AG, and is why I'm bringing it up as an injustice. I don't care if she's on my side, assault / violence should be a no-no.

  • Banker Who Slugged Woman at NYC Pride Event Charged With Assault
  • assault and violence are not the same thing.

    If you want to get semantic... from the Britannica

    violence, an act of physical force that causes or is intended to cause harm. The damage inflicted by violence may be physical, psychological, or both. Violence may be distinguished from aggression, a more general type of hostile behaviour that may be physical, verbal, or passive in nature.

    It's damage to belongings, and psychological.

    Secondly, that’s about Arizona law and this happened in New York City.

    Are you trying to claim that throwing liquids at somebody you dislike is legal in NY?

    I don't even understand what point you're trying to get at. Are you claiming it's fine to just toss random liquids at others? My point is they both broke the law, they both should be impartially judged for it. How and why is that even controversial?

  • Banker Who Slugged Woman at NYC Pride Event Charged With Assault
  • Well I'm not advocating for them both to get the same sentencing. He should obviously get a heavier sentence due to severity. I am however not a fan of excusing violence just because I happen to agree with their cause.

  • If Batman was real today, he'd go after the CEOs of companies, not gangsters.
  • useless in the face of the corruption of the system and the businessmen who abuse their power

    You could put any superhero in that situation and have a story. But if it's just a white-collar crime setting, would Supe then be any different from any other Tom Dick or Harry? Is it even a superhero comic at that point? It would be interesting to some, but I can see why the writers wouldn't want to take that risk.

  • ‘Going to go broke’: Condo owner hit with $224K assessment
  • The new Florida law was enacted after the 2021 collapse of the Champlain Towers in Surfside, which mandates increased building inspections and reserve funding for condo buildings.

    Sounds like decades of neglected maintenance catching up to the owners. Which sucks for those who just bought in and got left holding the bag.

  • Is my girlfriend gaslighting me? (Edit: No, she is not gaslighting me, but may have some other issues.)
  • I feel like there might be a culture gap here. OP hasn't mentioned where he's from, or what his neighborhood is like. I've lived in places where women do NOT want to be alone at any time, and I suspect many of the commentors here have never experienced a place like that.

    It might just be an unhealthy relationship, but depending on context, it might be a very reasonable and understandable reaction.

    PS - none of this is gaslighting. OP, do you even know what it means?

    Edit: Nvm, OP mentioned they live in a safe city in the comments. Proceed with the traditional calls for breakup!

  • Rare twin elephants born in Thailand 'miracle'

    The birth of the second calf, a female, has surprised even her own mum.

    Rare twin elephants born in Thailand 'miracle'

    An Asian elephant in central Thailand has given birth to a rare set of twins, in what caretakers have described as a miracle.

    The mother, 36-year-old Chamchuri, was not expected to deliver twins and when she gave birth to a male calf last Friday, staff at the Ayutthaya Elephant Palace and Royal Kraal, had thought the delivery was done.

    But while cleaning up the first calf and helping it stand on its feet, they heard a loud thud and realised that Chamchuri had given birth to a second calf, a female.

    The second birth sent the mother into a panic and caretakers had to restrain her to prevent her from stepping on the female calf. One caretaker was hurt in the melee.

    Dramatic footage on social media showed a crowd of caretakers - known locally as mahouts - frantically separating the female calf from the mother, with blood from the birth still visible on her hind legs.

    Twins occur in only one percent of elephant births and male-female are even more rare, according to Save the Elephants, a research organisation.

    “Once we pulled the second baby elephant out, away from the mother, the baby stood up. We were all cheering because it’s a miracle,” veterinarian Lardthongtare Meepan told the BBC.

    “We’ve always wanted to see elephant twins but not everyone can see this because it doesn’t happen a lot,” said Ms Meepan, who grew up at the elephant park, and is herself a mother of twins.

    Charin Somwang, a 31-year-old mahout, broke his leg while restraining the mother.

    “I was so happy, I couldn’t feel the pain,” he told the BBC, adding he felt the extent of the injuries only when he was brought to the hospital.

    “It’s normal that the new mother will always try to kick or push the baby… I was afraid that she might break the baby elephant, so I put myself forward and tried to block the mother from the smaller one,” said Mr Somwang, who has been working at the park for 15 years.

    Elephants are considered sacred in Thailand, where a majority of the population is Buddhist. They are also a national symbol.

    Since the birth, the Ayutthaya Elephant Palace and Royal Kraal has featured the twins in live streams on social media.

    Park visitors, including children, are also allowed to see the twins, but only after disinfecting their footwear and their hands.

    A sign near the nursery reads: “Please don’t touch the elephant babies”.

    They will be named seven days after birth in accordance with Thai custom.

    At 55kg (121lb) the female calf is slightly smaller than usual and has to step on a stool during feeding with her mother. Her brother is heavier at 60kg.

    The park claims its elephants were rescued from begging on the streets. In 1989, Thailand banned logging in natural forests, leaving mahouts who worked in that industry jobless.

    This forced them to make elephants perform tricks for tourists in exchange for money. This practice was outlawed in 2010 - though there are still rare cases of this happening.

    In Ayutthaya, Thailand’s former capital, some elephants carry tourists on their backs to temples and historic ruins.

    Conservationists oppose elephant riding as they say this stresses the animals out and amounts to abuse.

    An earlier report by the World Animal Protection (WAP) says that harsh methods are used to get a wild elephant to carry a human on its back. The process starts soon after it is captured. It is often referred to as “breaking-in” or “crush”.

    Aside from Ayutthaya, elephants have also become tourist draws in highland villages in Chiang Rai and Chiang Mai in the north, where tourists can feed them with bananas, go walking with them and bathe them with mud.

    The Asian elephant is an endangered species due to poaching, illegal trade and habitat loss, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature.

    More elephants are used for tourism in Thailand - over 3,000 - than anywhere else. Unlike other countries with captive populations, those in Thailand are nearly all privately owned.

    Compared to their African counterparts, Asian elephants have smaller ears round and hunched backs.

    Meanwhile, visitors continue to flock to the park in Ayutthaya to see the twin babies, as they await their names.

    They walk in a small pen covered with hay as they roll their trunks on their mother’s leg.

    “I am always happy when I see elephant gives birth,” said Mr Somwang, their mahout who is recovering from injury.

    “It doesn’t need to be twins. Elephant babies always bring joy,” he said.

    MLMYM can't login?

    Trying to login with the MLMYM interface just goes to a blank screen for me. Is anybody else having issues with it? Is there anything I can do to get it working?

    Edit: I have no idea why a simple help post is getting this many upvotes / downvotes

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