I don't think people join the right because they are annoyed by leftists, I think they join the right because they see a bunch of people full of hatred and want to join in because of their self-centered misanthropy.
Youre all good, my upstairs neighbor were thumping bass till 5am so I feel your pain, about to take a nap before getting started on a Thanksgiving meal. My apartment complex's solution is for me to call the Police non emergency line to tell em to turn it down, cause in their words, "the police usually scares them." Not gonna use institutionalized violence to solve my probelms so I did an annoyingly loud loop over my guitar amp to tell them to turn it down.
It's the same people that say Atheists are as annoying as Christians. Bro, there a lot of atheists you just don't hear about, you're making a lame excuse to be Christian.
I live in Czech Republic. Atheism is the default here. Almost nobody talks about faith, since most people don't care, so you can't really tell if someone is Christian.
To me, internet atheists are annoying as shit. I get it that the USA close to being an open theocracy and a lot of pushback is still needed before things are even close to normal, but still. Forceful atheism you usually see online is obnoxious, goes to extremes, the smugness is off the charts - simpmy annoying.
IMHO, the modern US is how Divide et Impera (divide and rule) looks when it has entirelly taken over the public discussion domain: identitarian wars over moralistic stuff that has no connection with real power, all the while those who have the one and only greatest power of the land - money - most of whom themselves couldn't care less about those things, keep on milking the rest for what they still have.
In Europe, you don't yet see quite the same warring in the moral plane whilst excluding what maters the most to most people (you know, live well in a nice place with a full belly) , though I've noticed that both on the Left and the Right here already quite a number of people have been "inspired" by the heavy, heavy propaganda that leaks from the US system and staked and taken identitarian sides in an environment that lacks most of the social and historical anchoring-points that exist in the environment where those chewing-gum for moralism "ideologies" were crafted.
I think to a degree the left pushes people out though, as your lefty card needs to be spotless or it’s revoked.
Sometimes a person can say one thing wrong and they’ll be labelled an alt-right fascist, and not part of “the group” on the left, especially online.
Obviously that doesn’t make people right wing, but it is a problem that pushes people away from more left leaning views/groups. Rather than try to discuss and correct, people will berate and ostracise.
You think that doesn't happen on the right? There's a huge fight in congress now about which idiot is the Republicanest. They're all calling each other RINOs.
Not supporting Palestinians (you know, the civilians, including children) tends to bring out those accusations.
The way you formulated it, however, indicates that you think that Hamas = Palestinians or at least that it's fine if Palestinians suffer for the actions of Hamas, something only a racist would think, so in your case the "accusations" are associated to you being percieved as a racist.
Maybe the one thing the entirety of the Left agrees on is that Racists are scum, not least because racism is one the main defining features of the oldest most murderous kind of rightwing extremism there is: Fascism.
People don't align with the Right because of shared political ideals, they align with the Right because the Right hates the same people they do and promises to punish those they hate.
They can scream and wail about "family values" all they want, but when they're lined up with neo-nazis, white supremacists, and pedophiles all praising their glorious leader (who, BTW, believes that there are "very fine people" among a group who chants "Jews will not replace us! "), everyone on the outside has to wonder what "values" they are really fighting for.
I will say, anger and hatred are very contagious. I mean, not so contagious that I could start being racist and homophobic…wait, yeah, right wingers are assholes.
Usually memes make up what one side says to make a great comeback, but in this case it's definitely correct. People absolutely go right because of stupidity on the left, and vice versa
I thibk what thwy're saying is, is that it is proof you have horrible moral axioms or no axioms at all if you're willing to shift entire poolitical directions over annoyance. Constructing society MUST be done by people who are less petty and judgemental.
you are correct, however consider that most voters are stupid and they care more about who's louder and is painted in a better light by the news and their coworkers, not actual policies or beliefs