So I don't really understand why you are paying so much for food?
Looking at the local delivery app, I just now chose a "big Mac mcmenue" containing a big Mac, fries and a 0.5l drink. This would cost me 10,89€, let's say 13€ with a very generous tip.
At this moment it seems 13€ are worth $13,48. What are you ordering that costs more than double of that?
Almost everyone on uber eats (and similar services) mark up their items. This sausage burrito meal is $10 on uber eats and is 8 something in store
Delivery fee 5.99
tip (whatever you want to pay)
For a normal meal this will more than double the price. Order just about anything else and you’re easily at $30 with still almost half the price being the delivery.
As an American, I can tell you it's true, and we don't realize it in large part because portion sizes in the US are crazy. A medium-sized beverage here would be a large in most other countries. Restaurants traditionally serve huge portions of food, supposedly originally so that no matter how big your appetite, everybody would get enough to eat and have leftovers to bring home. But now people just eat it all.
Add in all the sugar that's in our food (thanks to a health propaganda campaign that convinced people fat was bad, most fat is replaced with sugar - especially high-fructose corn syrup), which is way more fattening than actual fat, and the lack of pedestrian access to most things, and you've got a perfect recipe for an obesity epidemic of people who eat too much, drink too many sugary drinks, and don't exercise enough.
There's zero indication that OP is ordering delivery often, so I'm not sure why you have jumped to that conclusion?
Besides, whether or not ordering delivery often depends on what you're ordering and on your disposable income. McDonald's is far from the only option, plenty of real restaurants offer delivery too these days. If you can afford it, you can probably eat a fairly healthy diet even if you never cook. Not for me, in no small part because I usually enjoy cooking, but I'm not gonna judge people who don't. Doesn't affect me, I'm not gonna go out of my way to be annoyed.
My post was in no way attacking OP. I was just soapboxing about food delivery services that charge insane fees for something which, in my opinion, is mostly useless.
I fully admit I’m being judgmental. And people are free to disagree with me.
I actually order way too much, but it costs like 2 euros to get it delivered with a 5€/month subscription. My time is worth roughly an euro per minute. Anything farther than a 5 minute walk is a net loss to pick up on foot. There's nothing closer than a 30 minute walk there and back. Car also takes fuel to get started
If delivery starts costing me 10 or 20 euros, I'll start walking or driving to pick up my food.
I'm happy that you are physically able, that you have places within walking distance to pick the food up from, or if not that you own a vehicle and are not vision impaired or afflicted with some other ailment that would make driving impossible. I hope you reflect on how fortunate you are.
My point was that most people are able to procure their own food without paying exorbitant fees for it; in their case, I consider it lazy and wasteful. That’s also my opinion, and people are free to apply their own judgement.
It was a completely reasonable take and everyone understood what you meant.
Only on lemmy would someone try to paint an exploitative middleman like UberEats as a noble service for those unable to journey to the store.
There are actually services that do that and they don't charge a 30% markup. That actually seems even more exploitative and you'd think the other commenter would be enraged at Uber.
Such is the price for a popular top-level comment. I suffer so that those who must always be the contrarian can satisfy their unrelenting urges. Today, it is my internet cross to bear.
I'm happy that you are physically able, that you have places within walking distance to pick the food up from, or if not that you own a vehicle and are not vision impaired or afflicted with some other ailment that would make driving impossible
The implication being that thankfully for UberEats people who aren't physically able, don't have places within walking distance, don't own a vehicle, or are vision impaired or afflicted with some other ailment that makes driving impossible, they can get their food delivered.
UberEats is a cancer and honestly, everyone I've known who's disabled or on a fixed income in some way couldn't afford the insane markup.
That's not at all what I implied or meant but thank you for assuming I'm the worst person ever for pushing back against someone being proud they can just get off their ass and pick up food.
Yes, Uber Eats is a cancer but I've known people to count down to the cents so their account won't be overdrawn so that they can order one hot meal delivered. Yes I absolutely think it is in the monetization plans of all the delivery apps to take advantage of people in that situation, I was just trying to point out "get off your ass and pick it up" isn't a viable option for everyone. Also, not everyone is the best at math or managing their money.
It is not that easy for everyone. I for example can't afford a car. And restaurants aren't exactly around the corner. So if i want to get food like that, i have to have it delivered.
5 euros is cheaper for delivery than 15 for a train ticket. Its not that big of a deal honestly. I don't know the pricing in america but its not to bad where i live. The food itself is becoming way to expensive though.
I only order food a few times a year so its no problem.
It's significantly different in America. I think doordash has different payment structures in Europe bcos of laws whereas, in most of America, drivers are paid next to nothing. It's like tipping culture with American service workers, except way worse.
So like, inflated prices (set by the restaurant and optional, but often done to make up for doordash's cut) + delivery fee (pocketed by doordash of course!) + ridiculous tip bcos now I gotta pay this driver's livable wage.
Door dash really is an unsustainable business. It's probably gonna tank in the next 5 years, I'd bet.