I figured out how to get my food with NO delivery fee: I get off my fat ass and get it myself. Novel approach, I know.
213 0 ReplyUSPS should not focus on profitability and fuck Uber and the gig economy.
99 0 ReplyThis is a perfect illustration of why we should not privatize essential services.
94 0 ReplyEconomies of scale and different expectations of timely delivery... Both of those prices are much more than I deal with here in the NL though
61 0 ReplyAnd somehow USPS can still pay their couriers more.
54 0 Replythe postal system is significantly more efficient
47 0 ReplyOne is not designed to generate profit. Nor should it be for that exact reason.
38 0 ReplyI'm sure the food is cheaper if you ordered it more than 24h beforehand
32 0 ReplyIf most of that went to the driver I would be OK with it. I never use those services, they exploit workers
30 0 ReplyOne of these is a government service and subsidized.
26 0 ReplyDon't worry, they are already trying to get rid of the USPS so we can be charged ridiculous amounts for mail delivery.
24 0 ReplyGovernment vs private.
It's the same with healthcare believe it or not.
24 0 ReplyUSPS is the most underappreciated thing in the world. In the shittiest areas I've ever lived it's still been fairly reliable. In a nice area, forget about it, perfect.
23 0 Replythe economic ignorance in this thread is astounding
17 0 ReplyLook at that money on the table! Of course we should privatize the USPS!
(/s of course)
17 0 ReplyPost takes days, weeks, even months. Food delivery is minutes, and point-to-point.
16 0 ReplyI don't care if my mail is still warm when they put it in my mailbox.
14 0 ReplyToday we are learning about economies of scale, kids!
13 0 ReplyHow much is same-day courier service though?
13 0 ReplyYou pay 30usd for the food delivery? In the UK it usually is few quid.
9 0 ReplyAnd yet you still keep ordering.
7 0 ReplyCooking, the lost art.
7 0 ReplySometimes, people really want their taco order to ride on its own private taxi.
7 0 ReplyEr do people actually pay that high of fees for Uber eats? Maybe in NYC or something? I don't really use it if I can help it but I've never seen fees that high. Edit: although I will note that many of my experiences with GrubHub/doordash/Uber eats end with me looking at the fees, saying "yeah that's way too much", and closing the browser tab.
6 0 ReplyWell one is a service and one is a business so...
6 0 ReplyI honesty don’t understand how they are still a service. Who pays for that?
6 0 ReplyA letter doesn’t cost as much as overpriced food.
6 0 ReplyI mean, the one on the left side is subsidized?
4 0 ReplyOne is an essential service paid for mostly by the government, another is a profit-focused, privately owned company used to enrich the owners and pay the minimum amount to employees.
4 0 ReplyAnd guess which one gets paid more.
4 0 ReplyNo disrespect for the delivery people, but these apps need to tone the fuck down.
4 0 ReplyOne is a service paid for with tax money, the other a for-profit business.
Wonder if the postal service could be for profit somehow, seems like a lost opportunity3 0 Reply75 cents a mile is the actual cost of driving a car.
3 0 ReplyThe post office looks cheap because they get paid to deliver those 300 pieces of junk per week.
3 0 ReplyImagine not making new emails to get the new customer discount
2 0 Reply