Och, Inhalte haben die schon. "Mehr Geld für Milliardäre" sähe auf dem Wahlplakat aber noch schlechter aus als Lindner.
Cut the gendered slurs. Those are not a good look.
But to give an actual reply to your... expressed views, no. Neoliberalism, deregulation and privatisation is an issue in Germany, but there's still a significant difference between Germany and the United States. And if you had paid any attention at all you'd know that German policy is primarily a policy of national self-interest, and that Germany doesn't follow America blindly. German and American interests just happen to be broadly aligned (happened to be, anyway, considering the new US administration seems more interested in conflict with Germany and Germany's allies).
Beyond that, most capitalist countries other than the United States have some form of universal healthcare system, I've just used Germany as an example because Germany was used as a point of comparison by someone else.
Germany is also a capitalist country. America's problems are more specific to America than they are to capitalism.
Yes, because ethnic cleansing famously doesn't cause loss of life. And even if you could somehow relocate millions of Gazans safely to a country that's willing and capable to accept them (of which there are none because the Arab nations aren't as much pro-Palestine as they are anti-Israel, one of the biggest mass murders of Palestinians was committed by Jordan) forcibly relocating people for a landgrab is still a crime against humanity. Even if it's not technically "genocide." Though considering the almost guaranteed loss of cultural heritage and consciousness calling cultural genocide would not be inappropriate in the slightest.
For fuck's sake, I'm as pro-Israel as you can get and that's not something I can defend. It's completely inhumane. It's also exactly what I expected from a Trump presidency.
There won't be a hanging, nor any other form of execution. We don't do that here. It's uncivilised, it's brutal, and it's unnecessary.
/r/retrogaming's definition doesn't work anymore now that there are multiple generations that grew up with video games. Just because it doesn't feel retro to the 40 year old who remembers playing the PS2 as a teenager doesn't mean it's not retro. The PS2 is absolutely a retro console, and the PS3 is very much getting there.
There's zero indication that OP is ordering delivery often, so I'm not sure why you have jumped to that conclusion?
Besides, whether or not ordering delivery often depends on what you're ordering and on your disposable income. McDonald's is far from the only option, plenty of real restaurants offer delivery too these days. If you can afford it, you can probably eat a fairly healthy diet even if you never cook. Not for me, in no small part because I usually enjoy cooking, but I'm not gonna judge people who don't. Doesn't affect me, I'm not gonna go out of my way to be annoyed.
... that's not how the fediverse works. You'd have to move to an instance that doesn't federate with whatever instances (regardless of whether those are Lemmy or Piefed or Mbin instances) the redditors flock to.
And sometimes you're too tired for that or want something you can't reasonably make at home. There's nothing wrong with ordering food.
Ja, aber alleine halt nicht ausreichend. Klar ist die Sturmflut im Wohnzimmer Scheiße, aber kein Wohnzimmer zu haben weil du dir die Mieten nicht mehr leisten kannst, wenn du auch regelmäßige Mahlzeiten willst halt auch. Und auf diese Situation bewegen wir uns zu. Fokus rein auf den Klimawandel geht an den tatsächlichen Problemen der Ärmsten komplett vorbei.
Edit - und das sage ich als Grünen-Wählerin.
That's because NTFS isn't case-insensitive. If it was there'd be no two folders. Windows is a case-insensitive operating system running on a case-sensitive file system. It's pretty clear Microsoft wanted case sensitivity and then realised how much legacy software that'd break.
If you were an "intel analyst", you'd know that Ukraine's Western support would cease the second they're starting to attack non-military targets, especially in Moscow.
That means you have to install more mods.
Germans will not be offended if you use someones ancestors family name
If you do it because of/to imply that someone is a Nazi, yes, we will.
The person in question could be offended, if they feel they are disconnected from their German heritage
I'm a native German living in Germany.
Yeah, the ending is ridiculous, but with the DLC it's bearable imo. Not great, not even good, but not enough to push it off the #1 spot for me.
Keep in mind that it's the first Fallout I played, so nostalgia is definitely part of it for me.
Probably controversial, but 3. I can't get into 1 and 2, NV's setting doesn't really do it for me and the exploration is very meh, and 4's dialogue and forced backstory is just awful (the gameplay loop is fun, though).
None, and I haven't in ages. No Google Wallet support is a dealbreaker.
On the one hand, yikes. On the other hand it's probably good that she doesn't vote, considering her views.
Imperial? Between Germany and China there's one country that claims territory belonging to virtually all of its neighbours - hint, that country is not Germany.
Lemmy has some unique issues beyond that, it's developed by and for tankies and it shows. I wouldn't blame anyone for looking at any even vaguely political community on .ml (effectively the flagship instance run by the devs) and just going straight back to Reddit.
Hi! :)
Nazis, tankies and terrorist justifiers can kindly fuck off.