‘If the circumstances are right, in 2028...I’ll do it,’ the former Democrat VP hopeful said
Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, Kamala Harris’ 2024 running mate, has suggested he may run for president in 2028.
Reflecting on the Democrats’ loss to Donald Trump and JD Vance, he admitted: “A large number of people did not believe we were fighting for them in the last election – and that’s the big disconnect.”
Walz said his life experience, rather than ambition, would guide his decision.
Though his VP campaign was marred by gaffes, he remains open to running if he feels prepared.
Muricans won't show up to elect a woman as president and y'all need to figure this out.
I love AOC but if she ran as president you're gonna see exactly what happened the last two times a woman ran.
Gotta be realistic. It's a shitty reality but it is the reality we live in.
Walz is a good candidate with a history of helping his citizens. AOC is a firecracker for sure, but the public isn't going to elect a woman of color. They just aren't.
I just don't think she would have as good a chance as we all wish she could.
Make no mistake, I would LOVE to be wrong here, I would love to think the Murican people have evolved enough to realize that a woman in charge would probably be in our best interest, I just don't see it happening. At least not in 2028
I give exactly zero fucks that she’s a woman. I don’t think a woman in charge would be in our best interest. I don’t think a man in charge would be in our best interest.
We need a leader who has the actual ability to evaluate the system, figure out what’s broken with EVIDENCE, and can articulate it.
Harris and Clinton are both hardcore establishment neolibs. Clinton had Epstein murdered in his cell to cover the rampant sex trafficking crimes of the elites, and Harris campaigned with the Cheneys and thought it was smart politics. It’s not their gender that turned people off, voters just didn’t want to show up for another corporate robot. AOC could be remarkably different here.
I assure you Trump considers Hillary one of “his own” much more so than any maga hat wearing rube.
Anyway, this could all be cleared up if the radically transparent Trump admin would release the missing footage from inside the prison that night, and also all the remaining evidence on Epstein beyond flight logs we already knew of in ‘22. I’m sure they will do that approximately never.
Even if those two had that kind of relationship where he would do her a favor, if he was also 'a client' of Epstein's, why would Clinton need to ask trump to do something that he already wants to do?
If you think gender had nothing to do with it I've got some baaaaaad news for you, my friend.
Also, saying Hilary had Epstein murdered in his cell is a magnificent stretch, since there are literally hundreds of scenarios that could have led to his death. An unsubstantiated conspiracy theory didn't hurt Hilary's campaign, especially since Epstein was still alive at that point.
Are Americans tired of corporate shills? Certainly. Do we still have a severe misogyny problem? Most definitely. To say otherwise is just silly.
Three of the seven swing states Harris lost elected female senators. This is just a bullshit excuse to excuse Harris's shitty campaign, because "the Democratic party can never fail, it can only be failed"
Don't put words in my mouth. Stand on your own, and don't tell me what my motivations are concerning why I draw my conclusions unless you have evidence to back it up
Harris ran an extremely imperfect campaign, I fucking hate the fact that the Democrats are the only other option we have, and a senator is a LONG way off from the leader of the country.
and a senator is a LONG way off from the leader of the country.
I love how this insanity is always what y'all turn to when confronted with direct evidence that you're wrong. The guy who determines who to vote for exclusively based on gender, but only with the presidency, and is perfectly fine with evaluating women fairly in all other top government positions.
It's just a way to arbitrarily limit the dataset to like two points in order to draw whatever conclusion you want from it. It's difficult to imagine any possible world in which we have stronger evidence that Harris did not lose because of sexism than the one we live in.
But I understand that, as I said, it's not about reason but fulfilling a psychological and rhetorical need. You're not fooling me with this, "Actually, I'm super critical of Harris" in one breath and "she's 100% my ideal pick" in another, it's just a motte and bailey.
I honestly don’t think it’s gender bias, just that they didn’t represent a change from the status quo which is essential in almost every presidential election. Could be wrong though, certainly a lot of shitheels crawling out of the woodwork these days.
She's smart, capable, (imo) gorgeous and aggressive in her outlooks. This is threatening to a LOT of men and women alike in our society.
As much as many hate to admit, misogyny is a problem in both left and right wing circles.
Let me make this clear, she would 100% be my optimal choice for a presidential pick. I honestly believe she would be the best person for the job.
I'm also unfortunately keenly aware of how far we have to go when it comes to overcoming the severely deep rooted hatred of women a lot of our citizens (on both spectrums) have.
A) she's a woman and they've tried that twice already
And more importantly B) she has said many times she doesn't agree with a lot of the democratic party's policies. She has beliefs that would undoubtedly vibe with a ton of voters but there's been a very obvious pattern of both parties only primary-ing "fly right" candidates.
I think Bernie scared the crap out of them and they don't want a repeat of that. Heaven forbid we get a candidate actually for the people!
It's not about the gender at all. Dems don't seem to care about that. They care about having a reason to get off the couch. The only time Republicans win is when Dems can't be bothered to get their asses moving.
What matters is having someone exciting enough to get the Dems to show up to the booth. Neither Hillary nor Kamala brought fresh energy or anything exciting except a continuation of the status quo establishment.
Please, no Tim Waltz either. I love the guy but my god, we need something fresh besides another sweet grandpa on the ballot.
Please, democrats. No. We have to do better. Biden barely slid by in 2020. Ffs. No more sweet grandpa's scuffling around the debate stage.
The reason a lot of people think that way, is that any truly progressive candidate isn't backed by the DNC.
Also, very recently, AOC was denied a seat at the table for a dying, cancer ridden old white guy. Granted, it wasn't a spot in an election, but her own party looked the other way for a leadership role.
It’s worse than that, the DNC will pour millions into establishment campaigns to crush any progressive primary challengers.
Perfect example - we could have had a wonderful progressive win in Texas, Jessica Cisneros, a few years back. Instead Pelosi stepped in with millions to back Henry Cuellar, who went on to vote with republicans like 95% of the time.
Time after time this happens, and frankly it has completely turned me off to the idea that the democrat party can be “fixed.” The corruption is too endemic, we need to start fresh with a new leftist party to have any hope of meaningful representation in Washington.
Yeah, but committee seats are where the establishment has explicit power. It's easy to connect establishment whims with that very same establishment electing their choice. It's a huge stretch to extend that to them dictating the votes of millions of people.
Or it speaks to the "norms" that Democrats slavishly adhere to.
AOC is relatively a junior member of Congress. I disagree with the "norms" nonsense in this day and age but the point is that not every action has a deeper meaning and those who keep parroting this belief have clearly never worked with a large number of people before.
you're right, we didin't want hillary, the cabal wanted her, we wanted bernie, the cabal wanted harris, we wanted dean, the cabal said his whoop was too much...don't be this naive dan
There was a primary. Bernie didn't win the primary. The numbers were not there in any supportable way. Bernie had a nice lead in the beginning with early states like, I dunno, Vermont, but he didn't pull in the votes.
While I understand your frustration, you could always try to get your state to primary as soon as Iowa. By canvassing and working within the local election system.
They weren't all powerful. I'd highly recommend reading up on how the Clintons captured the DNC after Obama. They very clearly did not want him, and made sure that something like him couldn't happen again.
If the DNC was that powerful Bernie wouldn't have won any states. And it's not like we're seeing polling (even progressively aligned polling) with 65% for Bernie and then somehow getting Biden. He was in the 30-40% range the whole time and then got 30-40% of the vote.
The DNC will tilt the scales in favor of the centrist establishment, but they don't dictate the result and saying they do is just a recipe for progressives to give up and check out rather than stay in the fight.
if the DNC was the powerful Bernie wouldn't have won any states.
Exactly. If you go back to my original comment, all I said is that AOC needs to run if she wants to run. There's no one picking the people who are on the ballot. If that were the case, the DNC would have blocked Bernie and Williamson. But they didn't.
People run for office, at all levels. No one is deciding to "run candidates" like we're choosing race horses to field for the day.
they don't dictate the result and saying they do is just a recipe for progressives to give up and check out rather than stay in the fight.
Something keeps telling me that this is the goal of all the DNC Boogeyman talk.
Policy-wise, I don’t think there’s much difference there. We didn’t get to see with Hillary in office though, but I suspect things would have been run much the same way, by almost all the same people, had she won.
I’m not so sure about that. I think they wanted the promised “hope and change,” and thought maybe this time the candidate would deliver. Spoiler alert - there were other priorities.
Not what I’m saying. I think people voted for Obama’s platform and marketing. At the time he was a relatively unknown political figure, which amplified the possibility of change. Which, again, was not delivered upon.
It’s not a cabal, just plain old corruption. Harris was anointed when instead we could have had a contested primary just before the DNC to excite voters. Hillary colluded with Debbie Wasserman Schultz to steal the nomination from Bernie.
When was the extra bonus primary supposed to happen? People demanded that Biden step down while the rest of us said, "what's your plan for when the front runner steps down?" Everyone ignored us yet immediately pivoted to this anointment narrative which is bullshit. The best we had was the delegates we elected in the original primaries making the best decision they could. As a bonus, the only other people running were shit-shows in their own right. Williamson or Phillips? That's who you preferred?
It's not collusion for the DNC to work with Democrats by definition. The DNC felt like Clinton was the best representative for the coalition. Bernie is an independent and as such literally not part of the party. Why would the party do anything other than support the front runner from the party.
All of these organizations are a loose, messy, group of humans and their actions can easily be explained as such. Stop believing Russian propaganda about back room deals and cabals.