‘If the circumstances are right, in 2028...I’ll do it,’ the former Democrat VP hopeful said
Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, Kamala Harris’ 2024 running mate, has suggested he may run for president in 2028.
Reflecting on the Democrats’ loss to Donald Trump and JD Vance, he admitted: “A large number of people did not believe we were fighting for them in the last election – and that’s the big disconnect.”
Walz said his life experience, rather than ambition, would guide his decision.
Though his VP campaign was marred by gaffes, he remains open to running if he feels prepared.
Walz was great in 2024. He had enthusiasm and actually answered the interviewers' questions. I would have preferred the symbolic victory of a black woman president, but I like Walz better as an individual person. I think he could have won if he'd been the presidential candidate. Well, Harris won too, but I mean he could have won even with the voter suppression stealing all those democratic votes.
President Walz and Vice President Cortez is the future we need. But probably not the future we'll get.
The Harris campaign had to cover the governor’s tracks when he tripped up during a California fundraiser by stating that the constitutionally-mandated system used to select the president, otherwise known as the electoral college, “needs to go”.
How the hell is that a gaffe? It's both the truth and exactly what people want to hear. Any lib who thinks like that needs to kindly keep their mouths shut for the next four years. This country needs radical change, the only choice you get is which one you want.
Yay back to the same old same old likeable candidate who will do the same old same old things that will eventually allow for another Trump. Rinse and repeat...
I live in MN. Last year Tim W was having his house renovated. So he rented a house for over 17000 dollars a month for him and his family to live in while his house was worked on. MN tax payers paid for this. Absolutely ridiculous.
Is he going to play a centrists or actually move the needle?
Don't need another "capitalist Harris"
Seemed like a genuine awesome dude, love what he's done in Minnesota but I lack faith that in the democratic party he'll do any good. That and he needs to work on debating....
Rather have AOC
That said better than most of the geriatric pandering democratic ineffective options. Even though he'll be close to 70....
Him calling the GOP weird was not a gaffe but the campaign made him walk away from that language because it might offend potential turncoats. The fact he is internalizing the criticism worries me.
Unless he steps up and starts fighting alongside the progressives trying to do something (like joining Bernie's current Midwest tour), I don't see him as being a viable candidate for 2028.
I like Walz. A lot. But he's got to show more leadership on the national stage right now, ala Newsom, Whitmer, Pritzker and (in a pleasant surprise) Mills. I think he was thrust onto the national stage before he was ready by the DNC looking to swing the Midwest with a non-threatening centrist candidate, and his silence after the election (and the lack of a real response from the Harris campaign) has left it to other governors to take up the mantle of national leadership.
Would I vote for him if he were on the ticket? Yes. Would I vote for him over Newsom, Whitmer or Pritzker - probably not unless he steps up and takes the battle to Trump NOW.
Walz is a completely valid candidate. The only thing that held up Harris was that she was a black woman. I'm confident that any reasonable white man would have beat Trump, and that's unfortunate, but it's the reality of the American electorate
We could do (and have done) a lot worse. My only concern is whether or not he has the backbone to refuse to be steered to the right, the way Kamala was after the convention. His Midwestern politeness definitely didn't serve him well in the debate.
I'd argue that it wasn't so much that the campaign failed but the DNC did by failing to recognize the importance of the election and worrying too much about not turning off Republicans. The reality of Tim Walz is he's not going to be subject to the racism and misogyny Harris was. Maybe that's enough.
I wouldn't mind a big field of (good) Democratic candidates. Sanders, AOC, Crockett, Walz, they can all campaign. They can mutually have have their rivals as VP picks, and Sanders can have a public contract where the VP can remove him from office, if his age makes him mentally unfit for office.
What I would like to see, is a dynasty of (genuinely) progressive candidates of at least 24+ years. Sanders/Jasmine --> Jasmine/AOC --> AOC/???.
The Geronocrats and Republicans had the opportunity to show their worth, and have been found wanting. It is time for some new blood that truly cares about the wellbeing of Americans and the globe.
Walz's self-awareness is refreshing, but his track record doesn’t inspire national confidence. Lacks deeper analysis of whether his candidacy would be viable given his role in the 2024 defeat.
Better than 70+. But he will be 64 at the time of the election. That means 68 at the time of the next one if he wins. I thought we were trying for younger presidents. Can we aim for someone in thier 50's?
What's become clear in American politics is that it doesn't matter if you hang a little to the left or a little to the right so long as you're not cleft down the center.