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  • Shelly relays for energy monitoring

    I'm wanting to add a bunch of energy monitoring stuff so I can both track costs, and maybe implement automation to turn stuff on and off based on power costs and timing.

    I'm using some TPlink based plugs right now which are like, fine, but I'm wanting to add something like 6 to 10 more monitoring devices/relays.

    Anyone have experience with a bunch of shelly devices and if there's any weird behavior I should be aware of?

    Assume I have good enough wifi to handle adding another 10 devices to it, but beyond that any gotchas?

  • Release v1.39.0-1 · zigbee2mqtt/hassio-zigbee2mqtt · GitHub Release 1.39.0 · Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt

    Improvements #22859 Allow hierarchical filtering of logger namespaces (@ghoz) #7694 Add support for leading/trailing edge dimming parameter for inovelli fan canopy module (@jsievenpiper) #23033 Su...

    Release 1.39.0 · Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt

    Based on

  • Compile errors with ESP32 Atom Echo

    Thanks to Smart Home Junkie's video (invidious link), I had my Atom Echos as voice recognition boxes with all audio output redirected to a media player of my choice (because the audio on the Echo is super quiet).

    Whenever ESPHome updated, I updated my Echos to get the recent ESPHome updates, and then reinstalled the custom yaml for audio redirection.

    However, with ESPHome's recent 2024.6.4 update, trying to install the yaml triggers errors that don't seem to make sense. For example, here's a section of the yaml: ``` microphone:

    • platform: i2s_audio id: echo_microphone_kitchen i2s_din_pin: GPIO23 adc_type: external pdm: true


    • platform: i2s_audio id: echo_speaker_kitchen i2s_dout_pin: GPIO21 dac_type: external mode: mono

    voice_assistant: id: va microphone: echo_microphone_kitchen speaker: echo_speaker_kitchen noise_suppression_level: 2 auto_gain: 31dBFS volume_multiplier: 2.0 vad_threshold: 3 on_listening: - light.turn_on: id: led blue: 100% red: 0% green: 0% effect: "Slow Pulse" on_stt_vad_end: - light.turn_on: id: led blue: 100% red: 0% green: 0% effect: "Fast Pulse" on_tts_start: - light.turn_on: id: led blue: 100% red: 0% green: 0% brightness: 100% effect: none on_tts_end: - homeassistant.service: service: media_player.play_media data: entity_id: media_player.${media_player} media_content_id: !lambda 'return x;' media_content_type: music announce: "false" on_end: - delay: 100ms - wait_until: not: speaker.is_playing: - script.execute: reset_led on_error: - light.turn_on: id: led red: 100% green: 0% blue: 0% brightness: 100% effect: none - delay: 1s - script.execute: reset_led on_client_connected: - if: condition: switch.is_on: use_wake_word then: - voice_assistant.start_continuous: - script.execute: reset_led on_client_disconnected: - if: condition: switch.is_on: use_wake_word then: - voice_assistant.stop: - light.turn_off: led


    • source: github://pr#5230 components:
      • esp_adf refresh: 0s

    esp_adf: ```

    On lines 3 and 10 I define unique IDs for the device's microphone and speaker.

    But ESPHome won't compile, telling me:

    • on line 46: Too many candidates found for 'id' type 'speaker::Speaker' Some are 'echo_speaker', 'echo_speaker_kitchen'.
    • on line 57: Too many candidates found for 'id' type 'speaker::Speaker' Some are 'echo_speaker', 'echo_speaker_kitchen'.
    • on line 77: Too many candidates found for 'id' type 'microphone::Microphone' Some are 'echo_microphone', 'echo_microphone_kitchen'.
    • on line 90: Too many candidates found for 'id' type 'speaker::Speaker' Some are 'echo_speaker', 'echo_speaker_kitchen'.

    There are no other occurrences of the word "speaker" or "microphone" in the conf yaml (and I'm not including other yaml files).

    I'm assuming most of this config is default, and the only things I care about are forcing pin 21 for the speaker (line 11) and redirecting audio to my media player (lines 45-52).

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