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why do a bunch of gas stations have 88 octane cheaper than 87?
  • My dad thought it was silly for me to replace my gas powered motor with an automatic throttle control that doesn't really work with an electric one, but having no knowledge or desire to rebuild a carburetor (like him), I think I made the right move.

  • In the US, did Amazon kill the mall, is everyone too broke, or a combination of other factors?
  • Yes! I'm amazed at how few responses here bring up the lack of attraction in a mall. Nearly every square foot has been given up for dumb kiosks for cell phone cases or something like that. There's just nothing to give some warm fuzzies about visiting - a water feature, a kids play area... Heck, I grew up near the first indoor mall and at one point they had a giant parakeet cage. If one landed on your finger, you could keep the bird.

  • What's Happened Since Time Dropped Its Paywall 1 Year Ago
  • Generally speaking, people who contribute to society.

    I don't see "gambling on the right cryptocurrency" as a contribution to society. I also don't see how "individuals that own the overwhelming majority of dollars, euros, etc." wouldn't simply become "individuals that own the overwhelming majority of cryptocurrency" by virtue of working with that

  • What's Happened Since Time Dropped Its Paywall 1 Year Ago
  • If by "a big cut" you mean maybe a few percent, and that most businesses take electronic payments anyway because there are advantages (people are more likely to buy stuff when convenient, accounting is easier, less risk of theft/loss than physical cash, etc) then sure, I guess.

    If you think the solution is to make up a new kind of imaginary money that takes a shitton of energy to maintain, which has tons of different types (Bitcoin, Ethereum, whatever one was referenced in the initial comment) and would happen to greatly benefit those who happened to be early adopters (TOTAL coincidence, I'm sure)... No.

  • What's Happened Since Time Dropped Its Paywall 1 Year Ago
  • Why would it have to be a crypto donation? Their bank accounts are in USD. Most of their readers have USD. People can transfer USD. What does some arbitrary crypto thing you want to pretend is money add that makes it better for those "most people"?

  • I ordered my daughter a pizza, something I don't usually do. I got Domino's smallest size with two toppings. I got her cheese sticks and two sauces and tipped the driver 20%. $31.07.
  • That's true, I have generally gotten my pizza elsewhere (not that I'm an anti-chain purist snob, but there are several options and Domino's is my least-favorite). If Domino's is particularly egregious, why was that your choice? Surely you knew that and a coupon wasn't the only way they could do it?

  • I ordered my daughter a pizza, something I don't usually do. I got Domino's smallest size with two toppings. I got her cheese sticks and two sauces and tipped the driver 20%. $31.07.
  • In my experience, damn near every pizza place has had combo deals and coupons and stuff. And no, I never had to give any extra information or data or app install or whatever that I wouldn't have had to give for the order anyway. Just say "yeah, add that special to the cart"

    Kinda like if you order a cheeseburger, fries, and drink instead of a #1 combo.

  • New Fox Poll Has Biden Leading Trump: ‘His Best Result This Election Cycle’
  • The average poll respondent is older, whiter, and more conservative than the average voter. So you end up with a skewed sample.

    Any reputable polling group will adjust for that. Granted, fewer and fewer people are answering their phones and taking these polls, but basic demographics are a well-known and pretty easy to adjust for thing. Most polls take a lot of that information for that reason

  • New Fox Poll Has Biden Leading Trump: ‘His Best Result This Election Cycle’
  • I think people need to stop thinking that "most likely outcome" = prediction. They gave Trump a 1/4 chance of winning in 2016, which is far from impossible and better than most were saying. Their latest trackers have really emphasized the probability aspect of things, rather than the expected vote share.

    They actually did a project about this. Here's how close they were with US House predictions: (you can look up other elections but since there are so many to work with here I thought it was a good place to start)

  • McDonald’s will stop testing AI to take drive-thru orders, for now
  • their options are fairly limited. Ham/cheeseburger, chicken burger, fish sandwich, or nuggets is pretty much your array of options

    You must not have been to a McDonald's in a while. Do you want that chicken sandwich grilled or crispy? Spicy? Are we talking the basic value sammich you can wolf down before you leave the parking lot, or the bigger one that comes in a cardboard box? The one with bacon and ranch, or one of the others? Did you want a combo meal? Lettuce is stupid filler on a sandwich, do you want to skip that?

  • Biden says the next president may get to name two Supreme Court justices
  • Funny, I thought people are more likely to go to the polls over things that affect them and their families directly. Abortion and weed legalization being common examples. I'm assuming you have a source to back up the idea that supreme court justice term limits ranks up there in getting people to vote? Also, you do understand the difference between a "popular idea" and something that will motivate people to vote?

  • Biden says the next president may get to name two Supreme Court justices
  • And that's an excellent segue to what I was going to bring up upstream: we only have so many resources to drive voters. There are plenty of relatable issues that can drive people to the polls so Trump doesn't have another opportunity to appoint anyone. Removing SCOTUS lifetime appointments isn't going to do it. But if we can keep a Democrat in the White House and control in Congress, we may still have lifetime appointments but at least there will be reasonably sane people in the court.

    And before you say anything about a false choice fallacy, campaign resources and attention of the voting base are finite.

  • My daughter just took a full bottle - her second in a row. Then she fell asleep in my arms. Feels good .

    Year and a half old. It may feel silly, but she's always been in the single-digit percentile, usually low-single-digits at that. She was born about 3 months premature, and after her weight gain stalling, they prescribed a medication with a side effect of increased appetite to give things a jump start. I think it's going to work 🙂

    askculinary spongebue
    Anybody in this community? Why do onion cutting instructions say to make cuts horizontally?

    So many instructions to cut an onion are essentially

    1. Cut off the top
    2. Peel
    3. Cut in half
    4. Cut horizontally (in parallel to the cut you just made)
    5. Cut vertically into strips from just shy of the bottom to top, with the bottom holding things together
    6. Cut vertically perpendicular to your last cuts to get little squares

    On something like a potato, I'd understand it. You'll be cutting a 3-dimensional object along all 3 axes to get cubes. But as Shrek taught me, onions have layers. Why make that first set of horizontal cuts when the onion's natural layers do the same thing already, albeit a little bit curved?

    Viewing logs after HA goes down?

    Running on a Raspberry Pi 400

    Lately my home has been dumb and unassisted at random times, and the HA app can't connect to my HA rpi server. Ditto when I go to homeassistant:8123 in a browser. I'm trying to see what's causing this, but the logs in app only show since last restart. Tried plugging my Pi into a monitor and getting something from the command line but not sure how to do the equivalent of a Linux tail or whatever. Searching was surprisingly unhelpful. Any advice?

    Thanks much!

    Why do so many Lemmy instances use weird TLDs?

    I get that some instances use the domain + TLD to make a word, like or to an extent, But I've seen so many TLDs I had no idea existed, like .world, .zone, .social, and yes .works as well.

    Is there any real reason for that? Trying to look cool or kinda underground-y? Cheaper and more varied domain options? Something actually kinda functional?

    Interestingly, I started on because I was a scared Reddit refugee and the .net TLD gave me comfort. Then it vanished a few days later without a trace. So here I am on

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