This sounds like the work of a developer. If you want to take a plot of land and sell it for $2x/m², it's entirely possible... But it may take $3x/m² worth of improvements if you're not careful.
Frankly, if you have to ask these kinds of questions Lemmy is not the place to get the answers. You can get a college degree in this kind of thing, and it seems like you'd need to start at the very basic level.
That's a basic economics thing that doesn't have an easy answer. But basically, at lower prices, people generally demand a higher quantity of something. Raise the price, and people start to think twice and consider other options. Supply is the opposite: at a higher price, more of a product will be produced (or in the case of pre-owned land, landowners are more likely to cash out). At lower prices, people won't bother.
So in the case of land, price is affected by what people want, but also what's available. If there is a lot of open space and that's what everyone wants, groovy! But if people want limited amounts of tree land, prices are going to skyrocket for that and people will look at open land as an alternative.
You're putting your priority of beauty on others, who seem to prioritize function if they do hobby farming (in which case, trees could get in the way of whatever they're trying to do with the land)
Neither preference is wrong. In theory prices should reflect supply and demand.
bragging with Windows supremacy
I don't think that's as common as you think it is. Most Windows users see Windows as part of the computer, a tool to get the job done. As a DIY'er (basically a tool normie) I don't brag about the supremacy of my Kobalt tools, I just drill the damn hole
Ditto. I'd have so few friends, not to mention my wife and daughter (no males in the house other than me) so things would be pretty confusingly lonely, pretty quick!
At least OP was pretty clear that all people of the opposite sex were to have disappeared so I can still have my dog.
But like sex and gender are social constructs
Honest response here, no hate intended: I thought gender was a social construct but sex is biological?
I'm not sure the cost to make vs value is really the best measurement, within reason. At the end of the day society gets a tool to measure a unit of wealth to easily transfer, and there is value in having that.
That said! Yeah. The US had a half-penny until 1857. I can look at an inflation calculator that only goes back to 1913, and half a penny then was worth 16¢ today. We don't need the penny anymore.
My wife had a hysterectomy a few weeks ago. Even though she already had her tubes removed and the hysterectomy was for other reasons, she said this felt like a good "eff you" to Trump
Very similar time frame for me... I always thought that preps were more of an upper-class group. Maybe there's a little overlap between those two groups though.
You're right, that isn't going to happen 😉
Also, keep in mind that every position has at least one backup
Apparently that was 100% Joe Biden 🙄
Appreciate it. I'm generally able to roll my eyes, make that comment, still help, and move on.
And to be fair, I did make a post in that group about that subject (basically, that dads exist and feel a bit ignored when questions are needlessly directed at "moms", but understanding that Mom groups have their place in the world too) and the response was overwhelmingly (I believe entirely) positive. And there have since been "and dads" mentioned in posts was well! But there are a lot of people who come in and don't stay forever.
In theory, that could be the goal. Cripple the government by choking revenue.
In practice, this is not what most people use to file taxes, particularly those who pay substantial amounts. More importantly, those taxes are mostly paid through paycheck withholdings. Most people get tax refunds by filing, or if they came up short through the year they only pay a small amount through this system.
Mom groups are definitely a thing, and even where things don't have to be for moms specifically the mentality still exists. My daughter was a "nano-premie" and was on oxygen for a while. I'm on a group for parents that have to deal with that, and every week or two there will be a post starting with "any moms who _______"
I like to answer those posts and start by asking if dads can also answer (but also give a real answer too!)
It is kind of hard when you try to be an involved dad but then get ignored in different ways
Soon to work on my kitchen backsplash as part of a total reno. Have the "layering" figured out for height and need to get an idea of where to start the pattern horizontally so it looks nice against edges and windows and stuff
Every other Nintendo console shakes things up pretty massively, the next one is mostly a horsepower upgrade with no major innovation
NES / SNES (home console gaming in general)
N64 / GameCube (viable 3D graphics)
Wii / Wii U (much different control. I have to admit I never really touched the Wii U but it follows the pattern of missing the major hype)
Switch / Switch 2 (mixing an honest console with honest portability)
Nobody said the courts are good (at least not 100% of the time where it matters most)
For me it's some kind of cartoon with the caption "Best comic funny 🤣" and sometimes "funny short film" (even though it's a picture)
Like, Meta has to know this is happening. Do they really think this is what will keep their userbase? And nobody would think it's just a little weird?
Off the top of my head
/calibration/filamenttype/stuff.gcode /wife/project/stuff.gcode /otherprojects/stuff.gcode
Not great, but looking at the other comments I'm pretty proud of myself
Or like... Get a job as a cook on a ship. Keep the beer for yourself
In the past I've gotten around this by printing on the left side of the bed, but some things need the space so here I am.
I've got an Ender 3 V2 with some tasteful mods: OctoPrint, BLTouch, a magnetic flexible bed surface, and a few other things people are bound to do with an entry-level printer they got for $100 with a Micro Center coupon. One issue I'm having with it is that any printing done on the right side of the bed seems to have a pretty big gap. I have the G28 and G29 commands in to run the bed level, I try to get it leveled properly with the springs (with help of the bed visualizer plugin for OctoPrint) and no matter what I do, the nozzle drifts just a little farther from the bed on the right side, so the filament does not stick.
I'm open to more mods, but before I spend more time and money on this for what I think is the problem, does anyone actually have a good idea of what's wrong here?
Thanks much!
Looking at a couple receivers. I'm not a huge audiophile or anything, but have some functional things I'm looking for (Zone 2, phono, network control, Bluetooth transmission would be nice). I tend to hang on to this stuff for a while, so 8K would be nice so I don't need to buy a receiver if/when the day comes that I get a new TV (Sharp 1080p sorta-smart TV still going strong 12 years in!)
Anyway, I'm down to two receivers:
- Denon AVR-X1700H (new at Costco)
- Marantz NR1711 (used on Facebook, includes some nice speakers I could probably resell if needed)
On paper, the Denon has a little more power and a few more 8k HDMI ports but otherwise similar. Since they're both run by the same company behind the scenes, I suspect most components inside are identical.
In practice, I know the Marantz is supposed to be the better brand... but it seems conceivable that a lower-end slimline, slightly older Marantz could probably be beaten by a midrange Denon, yeah?
For what it's worth, this is replacing an Onkyo TX-NR709 I've had for about 14 years. It's been a workhorse but I really want proper Zone 2 functionality and it's been giving me troubles there (no HDMI sources work, even with the "source" mode)
Solution was to create a group and perform an action on that:
action: light.turn_on target: entity_id: light.kitchen_cabinet_sink data_template: brightness_pct: "{{100*state_attr('light.kitchen_sink_ceiling','brightness')/255}}"
Trying to run an automation to match one light's state (on/off/dim) to another's. Have this currently:
``` alias: Sync cabinet lights with sink light if:
- condition: device type: is_on device_id: [something]5710 entity_id: [something]a438 domain: light then:
- type: turn_on device_id: [something]b447 entity_id: [something]470f domain: light brightness_pct: 100 else:
- type: turn_off device_id: [something]b447 entity_id: [something]470f domain: light ```
That works fine to turn the lights on or off, and I have triggers in the automation for that and changes in brightness. But using a non-static number for brightness_pct (yes, I know I'll probably have to math the 0-100 scale instead of 0-255) is giving me trouble. When I try something like this:
``` alias: Sync cabinet lights with sink light if:
- condition: device type: is_on device_id: [something]5710 entity_id: [something]a438 domain: light then:
- type: turn_on device_id: [something]b447 entity_id: [something]470f domain: light brightness_pct: {{state_attr("light.kitchen_sink_ceiling", "brightness")}} else:
- type: turn_off device_id: [something]b447 entity_id: [something]470f domain: light ```
I have also tried {{states.light.kitchen_sink_ceiling.attributes.brightness}} instead. Both seem to have the correct value when I play around in the developer tools. But when I put it in the automation, I get an error that a float value was expected. I see some similar issues online, but it always seems to be in a different context and people fix it by changing some value I never had.****
My, how the tables have returned!
Year and a half old. It may feel silly, but she's always been in the single-digit percentile, usually low-single-digits at that. She was born about 3 months premature, and after her weight gain stalling, they prescribed a medication with a side effect of increased appetite to give things a jump start. I think it's going to work 🙂
So many instructions to cut an onion are essentially
- Cut off the top
- Peel
- Cut in half
- Cut horizontally (in parallel to the cut you just made)
- Cut vertically into strips from just shy of the bottom to top, with the bottom holding things together
- Cut vertically perpendicular to your last cuts to get little squares
On something like a potato, I'd understand it. You'll be cutting a 3-dimensional object along all 3 axes to get cubes. But as Shrek taught me, onions have layers. Why make that first set of horizontal cuts when the onion's natural layers do the same thing already, albeit a little bit curved?
Running on a Raspberry Pi 400
Lately my home has been dumb and unassisted at random times, and the HA app can't connect to my HA rpi server. Ditto when I go to homeassistant:8123 in a browser. I'm trying to see what's causing this, but the logs in app only show since last restart. Tried plugging my Pi into a monitor and getting something from the command line but not sure how to do the equivalent of a Linux tail or whatever. Searching was surprisingly unhelpful. Any advice?
Thanks much!
I get that some instances use the domain + TLD to make a word, like or to an extent, But I've seen so many TLDs I had no idea existed, like .world, .zone, .social, and yes .works as well.
Is there any real reason for that? Trying to look cool or kinda underground-y? Cheaper and more varied domain options? Something actually kinda functional?
Interestingly, I started on because I was a scared Reddit refugee and the .net TLD gave me comfort. Then it vanished a few days later without a trace. So here I am on