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Broke her rule
  • Glock does

  • Do other languages have similar acronyms to 'tbh', 'imo', 'smh', etc?
  • Hundreds of elden ring messages that just say "grass" or "time for grass" in random locations suddenly make sense now

  • Sanders: Supreme Court Is “Out of Control” and Must Be Reformed
  • The problem is apparently having someone in office that will live long enough to actually reap what they sow. I didn't used to think this would ever be a thing we'd have to be worried about, but, here we are. Environmental issues in particular hit this note I think.

  • Measurements
  • I mean, nice, but that definitely doesn't in any way alleviate my fears of syphilis.

  • 'There Are No Kings in America': Biden Blasts Supreme Court, Issues Dire Warning After Immunity Ruling
  • Not really.... It's not that anything he says instantly becomes law, it's only that he can't be charged with committing a crime. It's not a cheat code that lets him create or modify any law because the change or new law just won't be recognized by the government. It isn't a crime, per se, it just gets ignored. Or it gets voted on and the GOP squashes it.

  • 'There Are No Kings in America': Biden Blasts Supreme Court, Issues Dire Warning After Immunity Ruling
  • Fucking lol,

    This entire thread is people giving you answers that range from reasonable to nuanced, and you sticking your fingers in your ears and screaming about how the only options are murder or nothing.

    I don't get to pull this quote out very often, so please, feel honored.

    What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

  • 'There Are No Kings in America': Biden Blasts Supreme Court, Issues Dire Warning After Immunity Ruling
  • Moderation isn't in his playbook, he would never just add 4. He'd add 69+ new judges or else just appoint every single GOP congressman as a Supreme Court Judge.

  • 'There Are No Kings in America': Biden Blasts Supreme Court, Issues Dire Warning After Immunity Ruling
  • There's a very important difference here. If you're fascist and rich, things can be done about your crimes. They are still crimes. Just nothing will be done.

    A president can now do what he wants and nothing CAN be done about it, period, barring an actual act of Congress.

    That's an important distinction.

  • Democrats say Trump is an existential threat. They’re not acting like it.
  • Name checks out.

    Trump hasn't been able to debate past 2004. Every single sentence out of his mouth since before his first 2016 campaign has been either gibberish or lies. I'll take a doddering old man over a pathological liar every time if those are my two options. Not to even mention Trump's extremely obvious dementia and extremely obvious fascist tendencies, racism, sexism, 34 felonies, convicted sex offender, on tape saying he'd like to fuck his daughter, on tape partying with Epstein, on tape committing voter fraud, can't stay awake at his own criminal trial, moans and complains and cries at every little thing that hurts his widdle feewings....

    And this is the guy you want running for president?

  • Hammer and firing pin
  • Alright this is like the third time I've seen a Whizzbanger in as many days. Who taught y'all about this? This is supposed to be cursed knowledge.

  • Yep.
  • The tree of liberty must be refreshed, from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

    -Thomas Jefferson

  • Sonia Sotomayor Is Trying to Warn Us About the Supreme Court’s Dirtiest Open Secret
  • Humanity has an oligarch problem.... We aren't the first, and I'd be surprised to hear we were the last.

  • We Need to Talk About the State of Calendar Software on Desktop
  • And yet it illustrates his point so poignantly!

  • What YouTubers did you used to watch back then but not anymore?
  • that goofy dude that likes to play dumb around electricity

    You're probably talking about Electroboom, but also check out StyroPyro. Especially now, guy needs the views, he's going through some serious medical issues. Probably my favorite YouTube channel that exists.

  • To all you outside of the US...
  • He was the only option on my primary lmao

  • ‘The Movement to Convince Biden to Not Run Is Real’
  • Fuck sake, why do you have to be right?

    My immediate response was "well anyone who is paying attention absolutely would vote for one of them given the alternatives of Trump and Biden" but that's exactly the point, most people aren't paying enough attention. I can't even argue with that. And the people whose vote we have to court the most are the fence sitters who definitely especially aren't paying proper attention. Fuck.

    I don't even have more to add to that, now I'm just depressed. Because you're right, I WOULD vote for Biden anyway even if I hate it, I said so myself, so I'm not even the target audience here. And Joe Moderate is going to ratchet us three clicks further right just in order to attempt preventing even worse.

    On some level I definitely already knew all this but I have to say this is throwing it all into some pretty stark light.

  • what are these rubber holes on the back of the pc case?
  • Only sort of, it still exists but it's a lot more compact now. And not super common as far as I know, like the other poster said here air cooling has come a long way. I've got a water cooled GTX 1080 Ti in my rig right now, but it's basically just a couple rubber tubes coming off the GPU leading to a little square radiator that I have a fan bolted to. It all sits inside the case (or, well, it's intended to... My case isn't quite large enough for everything I've got in it so I've got the radiator and fan a little bit jury-rigged to the front of my case right now. No biggie.)

  • ‘The Movement to Convince Biden to Not Run Is Real’
  • Literally every one of those names is one I would vote for if put on the ballot. The bar is that low. It is dangerously low, they could run anyone and people would show up to vote, red flags or not. We're mostly interested in taking a loan to pay the piper at this point, a future catastrophe can be dealt with after we deal with the current catastrophe.

  • I just cited myself.
  • That does very accurately sum up my understanding of the matter, thanks. I haven't been adding on to any of the other conversation in order to avoid putting my foot in my mouth further, but you've pretty much hit the nail on the head here. And the higher mathematics required to solve this halting problem are beyond me.

  • Oklahoma’s State Superintendent Requires Public Schools to Teach the Bible
  • Cue 382 additional lawsuits regarding every other religion that has ever existed getting their own representation. I'm going to need a full semester class on Zoroastrianism.

  • skulblaka skulblaka

    I may or may not be any number of unfathomable beings.

    Account migration from after learning the admins of that instance are wankers.

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