- [Wind and Truth] this book is so gay
low spoilers for wind and truth, duh
i am still in fhe first half of the book but already it is so queer, with so many different charecters having their quewrness explored.
while it has been present for a while, i always thought the cosmere books were lacking in this regard and i am so happy this has been so greatly improved now :3
this combined with the focus on healing, empathy and redemption - almost reminding me of steven universe - as well as mental health and neurodivergence makes me love this book more, than the phantastic world and storries already did
- Official Cosmere RPG Kickstarter - by Brotherwise Games
A bit of a late post, so most of you have probably seen this already.
It looks like the cheapest virtual only buy in for the full game is $150, while the cheapest physical full game is $195 (+shipping/import tax!)
There are some links in there for some early reviews and play-throughs too. These only look to be the Stormlight system though, so I assume the Mistborn/Scadrial (an any other planets) are still in the works.
- Cosmere Canvas 2024
If anyone wants to join in drawing the cosmere logo on the canvas :) I already completed most of it but maybe you have some other ideas. The Logo is at 930, 200. You can use the build in template
- Just finished the SA books and ... the magic system ?
So, finished RoW, I did not read the halfs (yet?) Edgedencer & Dawnshard - instead I cheated a bit and looked up the summary for these (Dawnshard mainly) as I was too hungry for more "spice" of the SA story so I wanted to continue with next SA book straight away. I did read all of the current Mistborn series we have before SA though about a year or something ago
So I do have some notion about the...
shards, investiture and stuff but... I am still confused how the Cosmere magic works in general - I know that magic (Investiture) is different for each planet/system of the Cosmere and guessing it has something to do with the specific shards of that system... ?
Well, if anyone wants to chime in with pointers I would be very thankful! Meanwhile I will be scouring the wiki and WoBs to get a better picture.
- [Dragonsteel Prime] musings
light dragonsteel prime spoiler
does anyone else ship bat'chor and topaz? that's really all i wanted to ask :3
i think the two have a cute dynamic. i really like that idea of a merchant, escaping their responsibility, to go on adventures with an excentric jesk they secretely love. following them on an unknown quest, out of loyalty and love..
i dont really think it's there in the text, but i like to imagine it anyway
- [The Sunlit Man/SP4 full/Cosmere] I'm certain I know.
Canticle is a dragon or other powerful being's egg. The entire planet is an evenly rotating massive investiture sink. I can easily seeing that being a major part of the development of a dragon, both heating and sustaining the embryo. The hostility of the planet is also likely in part a defense mechanism.
- [Oathbringer] speculation about consequences of how healing works on roshar
the way that radiant healing and the surge of progression (regrowth) works, is by making someones body the way they see themselves. even old wounds can be healed this way, as long as the person doesnt yet accept their current body. this is demonstraded by lopen healing their arm.
so what would happen if a trans person (or generally any person with body dysmorthia) who doesnt accept their current body were healed this way? in my unchangable opionion, their body should transform to how they see themselves, physically transitioning them! i imagine a closeted, radiant trans person sucking in storm light for the first time and suddenly changing their appearance, to the surprise of everyone
- [All Cosmere] Questions about Shards, vessels, the metallic arts
I wanted to ask everything in one post instead of multiple, so I divide this one.
Shards and Vessels
It's known that a Shard's Intent eventually overpowers the agency of the vessel. It's mentioned in the Stormlight epigraphs that Ati, the vessel of Ruin, was once a kind man.
I've been wondering about this process. Does the amount of time it takes for the vessel to lose agency depend on the shard and the vessel? For example:
- If the new vessel is already a sliver of the same shard, will they lose agency faster?
- If the new vessel is already a sliver of a shard with opposing intent, will they lose agency slower?
- If a vessel (as in the case of Sazed) holds two shards with opposing intents, are they able to maintain their personality forever, the different intents "cancelling out"?
- Do shards that seek change (Ruin, Endowment, Cultivation) in the most general way influence their vessel faster than the more passive intents (Preservation, Honor) who want to maintain?
Do the 16 shards divide neatly into eight pairs of opposing shards? I think we've only seen Ruin and Preservation as complete opposites, though it could be argued that Devotion/Dominion also works.
If a person held all the shards (assuming the Splintered ones are somehow fixed, and that no one managed to stop them in the process), what would happen? How about holding all the dawnshards as well? Would any mortal being be able to handle such a great amount of investiture?
What level of control, if any, does a shard have over their associated magic system? Could Sazed decide to "turn off" allomancy for the day?
Related somewhat, what shards is surgebinding associated with? It looks like it can be performed with any one of Stormlight, Voidlight and Lifelight. Does surgebinding with one of these constitute a separate magic system? If so, what actually are the Surges? If not, what's common to Honor, Cultivation, and Odium?
The Metallic Arts
In Allomancy, the metal that is burned is not the actual source of the power (investiture), but rather a key which determines which kind of investiture is drawn from Preservation.
The Lost Metal
We've seen in era 2 that Allomancers can also draw upon alternative sources of investiture, such as the Dor and whatever Autonomy's portal is made out of.
This is all fine for Mistings, but how can Mistborn (or Hemalurgists) decide which ability they want, if they have no metals?
In Allomancy, even non-Allomancers can burn the God Metals, whereas in Feruchemy, unkeyed nicrosil seems to be the only kind of metalmind that non-Feruchemists can access. Why is this?
And, when saying that anyone can burn God Metals, what does "anyone" mean? Is it any living creature who can digest them? Or do they have to be Scadrians, having some of Preservation's own investiture in themselves? Ditto for Feruchemical nicrosil.
Can a Rosharan human (the species existed before the Shattering) burn lerasium or drain nicrosil?
The Lost Metal
did Harmony make Wax and Wayne burn some lerasium instead of making them Mistborn directly, as with Spook
And lastly, is the cosmere-wide story arc just Autonomy and Odium being jerks to everyone?
- What to read next
I just finished the first mistborn series and loved it! I didn’t know about the Cosmere before I started but now that I know, what should I read next? I’m leaning toward the next mistborn trilogy.
- [All Cosmere] Can Feruchemists use other Investiture?
Let's assume a Feruchemist has access to some other form of Investiture, maybe with a Perpendicularity, liquid Dor, becoming a Radiant, getting Breaths, or maybe even tapping Connection to become Elantrian or something. We've seen from TLM that Allomancers can use Investiture from a Perpendicularity instead of metals, so can Feruchemists do the same? If so, how would something like a coppermind work, where the attribute has data stored rather than just an amount? There's probably a WoB explaining this somewhere, but I can't find it.
- Cremposting
Hello! I created a community for Cremposting (!cremposting@slrpnk.net). Right now I'm adding some memes from Reddit so we can have content, but please join the community to share the finest crem!
Mods, delete this post if it's not allowed.
- [Rhythm of War + Secret History] Spren Assassination?
Its been a while since I read RoW so I may be wrong on some of this, but this thought came up when reading another post.
RoW - All & Mistborn Secret History
- Do we know what happens when a godmetal is taken into the cognitive realm?
- We know that lower spren have a presence in both the physical and cognitive realm - do bonded spren have a visible presence in the cognitive realm when they are in the physical? In M:SH people show up as lights in the cognitive realm.
- if you can take one of those god metal (or inverted god metal) assassin blades into the cognitive realm, could you kill A) spren B) people using them?
- [Yumi and the Nightmare Painter] Hoid as he appears in YatNP
Behold, Hoid, immortal wanderer, slayer of god (participant), collector of magic... questionable interior decoration
- Just about 1 week until SP3!!!
Who's excited??? I know personally I am waiting for my physical copy before reading it, and avoiding spoilers is going to be really difficult.
- [Secret Projects] Which Cosmere project are you anticipating most?
Going by the sample chapters, are you more excited for Secret Project Three or Secret Project Four? Or does Tress of the Emerald Sea hold your heart too tightly for either to overtake?
(I'm using the codenames here because neither Lemmy nor Kbin supports labeling posts as spoilers and so the first line may show up in feeds, but shouldn't be a problem for the comments.)