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Supreme Court Justice warns Americans: "The president is now a king".
  • "Cincinnatus was an opponent of the rights of the plebeians (the common citizens) who fell into poverty because of his son Caeso Quinctius's violent opposition to their desire for a written code of equally enforced laws"

    Hey, he had at least one thing in common with The Cheeto Man.

  • Lenin hits Makhno with "you're one of the good ones"
  • I have yet to see such a thing. Closest thing I know is him saying "We made state capitalism, which is the highest stage of capitalism, even higher than imperialism. Socialism is right around the corner, guys, you just have to wait for the material conditions to be right! It's almost there, trust me bro."

  • Lenin hits Makhno with "you're one of the good ones"


    Ah Bernie, what could have been...
    1. When people in the modern day call someone a social democrat, they generally refer to the modern definition. The modern social democrat aims to reform capitalism to be more fair, as opposed to democratic socialists, who want to achieve socialism.
    2. Social liberals like FDR are rather similar to modern social democrats. They have a different lineage, but in terms of policy the main distinguishing factor is a distaste for state-owned enterprises.
    3. While I do not discount the possibility that he is intentionally moderating the positions he espouses publicly, he does not want to do away with private ownership, which is the goal of socialism. That being said, he goes much further than most social democrats in how much he wants to nationalize, how much he wants to incentivize coops, and how he wants 20% of major companies to be owned by the employees.
  • Two brief articles regarding federal organization

    I have had thoughts akin to these articles for a while, and was glad to see that I am not alone.

    The articles discuss the friction between mandated delegation and federalism. While they ultimately propose extremely similar solutions, Herod rejects the language of federalism and delegation, while Sanchez preserves it.


    Why do non-psychologists talk so much about Freud?

    Most psychologists don't care about Freud's work outside of a historical sense and kinda hate him as a person. His work was quite literally used as an example of pseudoscience by Karl Popper.

    And yet for some reason philosophers have an obsession with integrating his views into their work and artists keep using his views as inspiration and analyze existing works via the lens of psychoanalysis.


    Laymen's Distros That Still Use X11

    Hello, comrades. I come to you seeking help. Recently, my young sister decides she would like to install Linux. Good brother that I am, I want to help her.

    Here's the kicker. Her PC has a GTX 770. The newest driver for such a card is #470 according to Ubuntu-derived systems. Alas, almost every "normal person" distro uses Wayland now, and Wayland doesn't support such an old driver. I am not going to install Arch on a 10-year-old's PC, btw.

    What are some good distros I can install on her PC so that neither I nor her have to have a headache getting Wayland out and X11 in?

    Thank you, friends.


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