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Daily Discussion Thread: 🌃 Wednesday, June 26, 2024
  • QV Cream has been the only moisturiser that hasn't eventually caused bad reactions for my skin. It can be a bit expensive and it's hard to know if it will work out before buying a tub of it and trying it, but it does goes on sale sometimes at pharmacies.

  • My other favorite is that veganism is for white people.
  • That’s what makes it a privilege.

    Completely wrong. You can still be vegan even if you aren't able to live without being forced to use animal products. The literal definition of veganism includes "as far as is possible and practicable" for reason. Please make sure you read the sidebar as that distinction is very important. It allows all the things that you've outlined in your comment as acceptable under the definition of veganism.

  • Daily Discussion Thread: 🌃 Wednesday, June 26, 2024
  • I did it!!!! I sent the email AND I FEEL AMAZING. I couldn't figure out how to explain that I sent this way past when I should have, so I just opened the email with this:


    Thank you for your patience over the past few months, I was unable to finish writing a reply due to force majeure.

    sentence about what the email is about

    With this new request there is ample documentation, coherent and eloquent arguments, all accompanied with supporting evidence that should imbue a greater sense of understanding regarding the request upon reading.

    Regards, name

    Attached with literally what I had wrote all those months ago (polished with an hour of proof reading + fixing up citations). It was this easy to do, but apparently it was easier to have panic attacks instead... I'm just so glad it's over, now I can finally read and action the "new" emails I have pilled up over the past couple of months!

  • Daily Discussion Thread: 🌃 Wednesday, June 26, 2024
  • I've been procrastinating sending off an important email for about three months now. I did 95% of the email (basically a structured essay with thorough citations) and got stat decs done to back it up, plus all the other supporting documents I need. Since then I've been having severe anxiety about finishing it every day and I haven't touched it since. My cursed ADHD + anxiety combo has had me in a vicious cycle of not doing anything about it yet worrying still. I'm kept up at night with the dread of not finishing such a simple task, completely helpless to and at the mercy of my shoddy executive functioning.

    Today, I'm breaking that cycle. I'm fucking going to proof read it and send it off even if it's not "perfectly" done, it's going to happen despite all my brain's attempts at stopping it. I'm not happy with it, but it's better late and imperfect than never and forgotten.

  • Calling all the meatsplainers.
  • Yeah but bees always make more than they need and the humans can leave them plenty of honey to survive winter

    What gives us the right to exploit them because they're good workers?

    Your not killing a baby chicken every time you eat an egg.

    While this could be argued there is nuance to this. Do you know what happens to the male chickens in egg slavery yards? Many baby chickens are killed in the production of said egg.

  • We can't even talk in this community dedicated to vegans without someone coming along and meatsplaining.
  • Alt text for image:

    A screenshot of a post by a user "Brusswole Sprouts" with the handle "@swolesprouts". The post reads as follows:

    I've been vegan for over 10 years and I still don't understand why it's acceptable to make fun of vegans in social settings while you would never make fun of someone eating halal or not drinking for religious or cultural reasons.

    Why is vegan culture less deserving of your respect?

  • Do you accept?

    I don't know if this classic has been posted yet, but if it has it deserves to be posted twice 😂

    Vitamin D3 Supplementation

    Does anyone have a good source for vitamin d supplements? I'm deficient and need to supplement it.

    Most of the supplements I could find online were not vegan, and the ones that were are exorbitantly priced. Like, surely vegan vitamin d3 can be bought in bulk for cheap? I'm probably not looking hard enough, but searching for "vegan vitamin d" kept giving me lanolin and "plant based".


    Edit: I'm from Australia, so things might cost more if importing from overseas.

    This is the best one I've found:

    90 x 5000 IU @ AU$32.95


    Edit 2 (2024-04-07): Adding this here just in case anyone reads this in future. I haven't received my order from uproar and have had no successful contact with them. It's been a month now, so I'm ordering much the same at iherb. I've opted with the deva brand.

    The last.year is available now

    I somehow got 20,023 scrobbles in 2023 which I thought was cool

    Mod transparency & update

    This is a community for vegans by vegans. Its aim is to enable discussions about veganism first and foremost. We don't owe it to carnists to let them come here and walk all over our values just because they feel offended by our existence. This place is meant to be a safe space that is welcoming and kind.

    After several incidents of brigrading by carnists and at the request of community members, I (and others on the mod team) have decided to be more strict in enforcing the rules here and ensure that the conversation isn't overrun by anti-vegans.

    I've cleaned up the rules a bit and made it a bit shorter, I'd like feedback on that (also any mods feel free to change them up, it's more of a draft lol). I've also started following up by looking at the modlog and banning repeat offenders.

    We also have new mods and I am sure that there would be room for others once we organise what we have currently. If you want to help now, please report comments/posts especially the ones that make the community unsafe for vegans.

    I'm committed to making this place much less hostile, but oh my, some of these posts really do blow up at the worst of times.

    Please, please, please be kind, not just to other humans and yourself, but to all the earthlings ✌️

    Victorian biosecurity bill could see fines for trespassing on farms double to $115,000 Fines for trespassing on farms would double to $115,000 under Victorian biosecurity bill

    Government says legislation designed to strengthen state’s response to animal security, while critics describe move as ‘ag-gag by stealth’

    Fines for trespassing on farms would double to $115,000 under Victorian biosecurity bill

    cross-posted from:

    > Government says legislation designed to strengthen state’s response to animal security, while critics describe move as ‘ag-gag by stealth’

    [Meta] This place need more moderators | See Comment Bellow

    I don't think I've seen every strawman argument against veganism all at the same time in the same place like that last thread that reached the front page the other day...

    There's one moderator on the community, but that's not enough to stop the trolls coming here to derail any semblance of vegan discourse. Like, banning carnists here isn't gonna happen (unless it does I guess), but we could have mods with copy-paste anti-strawman arguments with proper citations on standby, so hopefully it never gets as bad as the other thread.

    I'm not a fan of heavily moderated places, but maybe having a rule like "don't post post x y z argument and watch a b c Earthling Ed video instead" would help cut out some of the "good-faith" antivegans. But then again, the omis were excusing their behavior as it "reached the front page of lemmy", that means murder is OK now! /s

    Curious to see what the community's thoughts would be. Do we just need to relegate ourselves to the circlejerk communities from now on, or would this community actually be by vegans for vegans?

    Edit 1: I am now a mod of the community. I've reworked the sidebar and added some resources on veganism, rules, and links to other communities. I am interested to gauge feedback on it, and if anyone has any suggestions please comment them :)

    Do (ADHD) meds make anyone else struggle with socialising?

    It seems that for me whenever the meds "kick in" I can't really mask properly anymore which causes undesired social issues with some friends (especially in an outdoor setting like this meme implies). Wondering how many others experience this, and does anyone know why this happens? I haven't found any good reading on it and the psychs I mention it to just dismiss it.

    Good knowledge sources for tinkering Firefox

    I am looking for alternative knowledge sources to mozillazine that's a bit more up to date.

    Specifically, I am after something that explains advanced about:config options and what each sqlite file and storage directories in my profile are actually used for. When I search online for things I get unhelpful support articles from mozilla and random reddit threads with conflicting information.

    I've played around with a lot of things through a lot of trial and error (I can share some about:config values if anyone's interested in them), but I'd like to be directed somewhere I can go to and check first to make sure I won't break my profile tinkering.

    I already use ffprofile to set up my user.js, but I'm looking for something with more documentation without having to resort to reading the source code of firefox.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

    20s ADHDer, lesbian, 🌱, she/her

    Certified Zoomer.

    I use Arch (btw)

    Master of jack, trades of all none—or however that saying goes, I don't remember.

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