what hostages.
The people taken in October by Gaza.
How is this so hard?
I love a false dichotomy with an ad hominem attack as much as the next guy.
Try this one -
You're either a stupid cunt or naively stupid. But it's definitely one or the other.
What did you find deeply ignorant? The fact that someone objected to having been collectively labelled as supporting Palestinian protests? or the fact that this current issue is on Hamas?
If they release the hostages, the fighting stops. That was already proposed - seems pretty non-ignorant unless you're just a fan of "the other side" using rape as a weapon?
Bruh - you're so close.
You do know the only reason the walls/borders are militarised is due to Palestine and their infitada bullshit?
Israel built the barrier in June 2002, at the height of the second intifada/uprising, when Palestinians carried out scores of suicide bombings and other attacks that killed Israeli civilians. Authorities said the barrier was designed to prevent attackers from crossing into Israel from the West Bank and was never intended to be a permanent border.
They don't want freedom, they want the complete removal of the Israeli state.
How do you reconcile that?
Surely it's an order of operations thing then?
If Hamas returns the hostages, then is tried at the Hague for what they did - this all ends?
I appreciate your naivete but come on, this isn't about Palestine any more than the Ukraine invasion is about the average Russian.
Ok, go ahead - make your point on why Hamas run Gaza is supported and Israel is not.
Who's this "we"?
This whole thing is on Hamas.
agreed - that's apocalypse tier!
It's not really a recipe but the Bitter Waters can be viewed as an abortifacient.
Regardless of if true - that verse does show that the christian god is pro-abortion.
worcester = wooster/wuster
worcestershire = woh - stuh - sheer
I mean, given that y'all qaeda had stopped them from being able to actually seek medical support for this, what did you expect her to do?
Hopefully sense prevails and this birther cult can be sent to the garbage can of history.