I believe everyone who was involved in war crimes or crimes against humanity should be tried at the hague. Israel just happens to have a lot more of those.
Both sides should be tries at the hague. Both, not just one. After Palestinians have their freedom. That's the only way justice can be achieved in this mess.
You do know the only reason the walls/borders are militarised is due to Palestine and their infitada bullshit?
Israel built the barrier in June 2002, at the height of the second intifada/uprising, when Palestinians carried out scores of suicide bombings and other attacks that killed Israeli civilians. Authorities said the barrier was designed to prevent attackers from crossing into Israel from the West Bank and was never intended to be a permanent border.
They don't want freedom, they want the complete removal of the Israeli state.
You do realize the West Bank (and Gaza until 2006) has been under Israeli military rule since 1967 right? The problem is much older than the second Intifada and much bigger than a bunch of checkpoints on a border.
So setting aside how the war was with Egypt, not Palestine, occupied people still have a right to resist against their occupiers. If you have a problem with that take it up with the UN. And this is before getting into the whole human rights violations and Apartheid thing.
Doesn’t intifada just mean uprising? What would they be uprising against? Israeli settlers taking their homes? IDF indiscriminately beating, maiming, killing anyone with rocks in their hands? What could they possibly be uprising against?? Context to this whole thing requires you look past Oct 7 and to what lead to it.
What did you find deeply ignorant? The fact that someone objected to having been collectively labelled as supporting Palestinian protests? or the fact that this current issue is on Hamas?
If they release the hostages, the fighting stops. That was already proposed - seems pretty non-ignorant unless you're just a fan of "the other side" using rape as a weapon?
If you support Israel, you support genocide and apartheid.
You sound more ignorant than the other guy. I pray that your head is buried deeply up your ass and that you are not really this bigoted. But it’s definitely one or the other.
The fighting stops, but what about the occupations, the imprisonment of everyone in Gaza, the apartide laws in Israel, the geopolitical neuturing of the people of Palestine?
When do those people get to be free? To trade freely again? To live in their homes with no fear they will be taken from them? To have their voices meaningfully heard in international courts?
I have not seen or heard an Israeli peace plan, just cease fires in an ongoing siege.
Isreal shot all the hostages in the back, right around week one of this conflict. "Hostages" are just a red herring used to support this genocide. Really, what hostages?
Hopefully Hamas has been taking care of the hostages. Let’s all agree that would be a good thing. But let’s also end the apartheid state in West Bank and Gaza and have a Palestinian state despite the genocidal Israeli government