These people care more about an unborn baby than they do about the baby after it's born. Actually sad.
If every one of these anti-abortion assholes want to start taking the babies of families who cannot raise them then it wouldn't be seen as just a disgustingly hypocritical movement.
That is not the case. If you want to start forcing women to have babies they can't care for but you don't want to take care of the consequences of that, you are the problem.
Nobodies out here delivering fully sized aborted babies for shits and giggles. Pregnancies are painful and traumatic enough.
Celeste Burgess, now 19, pleaded guilty to illegally concealing human remains after she had an abortion when around 28 weeks pregnant, beyond the 20-week limit then set by Nebraska law.
This was before the change in the law. It is certainly possible that there were medical issues or that Nebraska made it extremely difficult to get an abortion. I wish the article offered more details. 28 weeks is extremely late for an abortion.
Just to point out something the headline is missing:
I'm the united states 99% of abortions happen before the 21st week. For every state that has any sort of time limit on abortion, the absolute latest is the 25th week.
At some point, there needs to be a cut off. At some point we should all be able to agree that the baby is too far along to be aborted. This girl took a pill at the 28th week, which was far beyond when it was designed to be taken.
Now I don't know if 28 weeks should be old enough for a criminal charge, but it's definitely not as black and white as the headline makes it seem
Considering no one would want to have an abortion in the third trimester if they couldn't help it, this is either a situation of them being blocked from having an abortion at every turn earlier or a case where they wanted the baby, but found out that it was going to harm the mother and the state would do nothing about it because an unborn fetus trumps the life of the mother.
She was 28 weeks (6.5 months) pregnant. The survival rate for babies born at at 28 weeks is 80%. ( source: ). This wasn't a fetus, this was a fully formed baby.
I fully support right to choose, but this wasn't was murder followed by coverup. Everyone getting riled up over the social justice of this has plenty of things to be riled up over these days, but this isn't one of those things.
The article makes it sound like she didn't go to a doctor for this and her mother helped her get the pills and she took them super late in the pregnancy and then dumped the body. Any other articles that confirm the slant of this article?
pleaded guilty to illegally concealing human remains after she had an abortion when around 28 weeks pregnant
Regardless of the circumstances that may have led to this decision, this isn't a case worthy of outrage. There were 28-week preemies in the NICU when my daughter was there. While there's still growing to do at 28 weeks, this is a whole-ass baby, not just a bundle of cells.