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Eliminating singularities: Physicists describe the creation of black holes through pure gravity
  • Depends what you mean by "our current theories". In classical General Relatively the answer is pretty conclusively no but many people think that a quantum theory of gravity should be able to remove the singularities. In fact, this article is about an attempt to do just that with a fairly natural extension to GR (albeit one that is only mathematically tractable in 5 or more dimensions) and seems to have succeeded for the static spherically symmetric case at least.

  • Chess
  • This would likely have been a stalemate anyway.

    How come? I'm not very good at chess personally but I was under the impression that queen-bishop-king was generally sufficient to force a mate.

  • UK's biggest water company seeks court approval for emergency funding to prevent nationalization
  • Privatizing it in the first place is the work of people who are corrupt as hell, inhumanly evil, dumb as rocks, or, most likely, all of the above.

    In this case corrupt and evil. Thatcher had tried it twice before and had to back down because it was (and still is) an incredibly unpopular policy that was at risk of losing them the 1987 election. Immediately after the election they privatized the lot before anyone could complain.

  • I don't see the problem. It's A tree. It's not THE tree.
  • unless someone went to the trouble of making a font that looks exactly like AI generated text.

    Can I just say that's a hilariously evil idea to fuck with people and if I knew more about font formats I'd be tempted to give it a go.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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