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The number of lines for each character by percentage of the series
  • That was my takeaway as well. I just wish I had data for the other seasons. It'd be interesting to see how that might change the percentages as they are.

    As for GEOGIOU, I'm reasonably sure that this refers to both versions of her.

  • The number of lines for each character by percentage of the series
  • Honestly, it's 'cause I forgot to include it! I'll see if I can add it tonight. Check back in 24hrs :-)

  • The number of lines for each character by percentage of the series

    It would seem that I have far too much time on my hands. After the post about a Star Trek "test", I started wondering if there could be any data to back it up and... well here we go:

    The Next Generation

    | Name | Percentage of Lines | | ---------------- | ------------------: | | PICARD | 20.16 | | RIKER | 11.64 | | DATA | 10.1 | | LAFORGE | 6.93 | | WORF | 6.14 | | TROI | 5.4 | | CRUSHER | 5.11 | | WESLEY | 2.32 |


    | Name | Percentage of Lines | | ---------------- | ------------------: | | SISKO | 13.0 | | KIRA | 8.23 | | BASHIR | 7.79 | | O'BRIEN | 7.31 | | ODO | 7.26 | | QUARK | 6.98 | | DAX | 5.73 | | WORF | 3.18 | | JAKE | 2.31 | | GARAK | 2.29 | | NOG | 2.01 | | ROM | 1.89 | | DUKAT | 1.76 | | EZRI | 1.53 |


    | Name | Percentage of Lines | | ---------------- | ------------------: | | JANEWAY | 17.7 | | CHAKOTAY | 8.76 | | EMH | 8.34 | | PARIS | 7.63 | | TUVOK | 6.9 | | KIM | 6.57 | | TORRES | 6.45 | | SEVEN | 6.1 | | NEELIX | 4.99 | | KES | 2.06 |


    | Name | Percentage of Lines | | ---------------- | ------------------: | | ARCHER | 24.52 | | T'POL | 13.09 | | TUCKER | 12.72 | | REED | 7.34 | | PHLOX | 5.71 | | HOSHI | 4.63 | | TRAVIS | 3.83 | | SHRAN | 1.26 |


    Note: This is a limited dataset, as the source site only has transcripts for seasons 1, 2, and 4

    | Name | Percentage of Lines | | ---------------- | -----------------: | | BURNHAM | 22.92 | | SARU | 8.2 | | BOOK | 6.21 | | STAMETS | 5.44 | | TILLY | 5.17 | | LORCA | 4.99 | | TARKA | 3.32 | | TYLER | 3.18 | | GEORGIOU | 2.96 | | CULBER | 2.83 | | RILLAK | 2.17 | | DETMER | 1.97 | | OWOSEKUN | 1.79 | | ADIRA | 1.63 | | COMPUTER | 1.61 | | ZORA | 1.6 | | VANCE | 1.07 | | CORNWELL | 1.07 | | SAREK | 1.06 | | T'RINA | 1.02 |

    If anyone is interested, here's the (rather hurried) Python used:

    ```python #!/usr/bin/env python

    This script assumes that you've already downloaded all the episode lines from

    the fantastic

    wget --accept=html,htm --relative --wait=2 --include-directories=/STDisco17/ -m

    wget --accept=html,htm --relative --wait=2 --include-directories=/Enterprise/ -m

    wget --accept=html,htm --relative --wait=2 --include-directories=/Voyager/ -m

    wget --accept=html,htm --relative --wait=2 --include-directories=/DS9/ -m

    wget --accept=html,htm --relative --wait=2 --include-directories=/NextGen/ -m

    Then you'll probably have to convert the following files to UTF-8 as they

    differ from the rest:

    * Voyager/709.htm

    * Voyager/515.htm

    * Voyager/416.htm

    * Enterprise/41.htm

    import re from collections import defaultdict from pathlib import Path

    EPISODE_REGEX = re.compile(r"^\d+\.html?$") LINE_REGEX = re.compile(r"^(?P<name>[A-Z']+): ")

    EPISODES = Path("") DISCO = EPISODES / "STDisco17" ENT = EPISODES / "Enterprise" TNG = EPISODES / "NextGen" DS9 = EPISODES / "DS9" VOY = EPISODES / "Voyager"

    class CharacterLines: def init(self, path: Path) -> None: self.path = path self.line_count = defaultdict(int)

    def collect(self) -> None: for episode in self.path.glob(".htm"): if EPISODE_REGEX.match( for line in episode.read_text().split("\n"): if m := LINE_REGEX.match(line): self.line_count["name")] += 1

    @property def as_percentages(self) -> dict[str, float]: total = sum(self.line_count.values()) r = {} for k, v in self.line_count.items(): percentage = round(v * 100 / total, 2) if percentage > 1: r[k] = percentage return {k: v for k, v in reversed(sorted(r.items(), key=lambda _: _[1]))}

    def render(self) -> None: print( print("| Name | Percentage of Lines |") print("| ---------------- | ------------------- |") for character, pct in self.as_percentages.items(): print(f"| {character:16} | {pct} |")

    if name == "main": for series in (TNG, DS9, VOY, ENT, DISCO): counter = CharacterLines(series) counter.collect() counter.render() ```

    On Open Source and the Sustainability of the Commons
  • That you cannot understand technology without understanding the people. And you cannot understand people without understanding politics. Every choice you made has an impact on the world.

    As it happens, I had this very conversation with a high school kid yesterday who was in my office on work experience. She said something to the effect of "I'm not political" to which I looked her dead in the eye and said: "You should be. Everything is political".

    Thanks for sharing. It's always good to see people advocating for Free licensing for the right reasons.

  • A "test" to judge Star Trek shows
  • I like it, and I'd bet dollars to doughnuts that you're talking about Discovery. I've said in the past that the show should be called "Star Trek: Michael Burnham" as it would at least be more honest.

    To be fair, I think every series has a lot of episodes that would fail this test, some of which were excellent, like DS9's "In the Pale Moonlight", and "Far Beyond the Stars" or TNG's "The Inner Light", but if used to assess a series, I think this could be a good metric.

  • [Suggestion] Disallow the use of sources deprecated by the Wikipedia editing community for unreliability
  • Looking at that list, this suggestion seems entirely appropriate.

  • Stop use docker
  • As someone who has used and loved Docker since 2015, but never used Podman, can you explain the difference and why I might want to make the switch?

  • Billy, yes!!
  • Nebula might be the answer for you. A low annual fee means every video you watch gives a portion of that fee to the artist.

  • The Biden administration’s new automatic braking rule is “impractical,” auto industry says
  • These rules are convoluted and near impossible to apply. Specific braking speeds for some objects compared to others? That requires reliable computer vision, which hasn't been demonstrated anywhere yet.

    And those speeds? 92mph is 148kph! Why the fuck are cars even permitted to be capable of that when no road in the country allows it? And why would you want to introduce unpredictable braking scenarios at such speeds?

    What is feasible is a speed limiter based on the posted limit, but that'd be too practical.

  • domains on internal network
  • Thanks for posting this! I have the same router.

  • Wealthy Canadians announce BMW X3 convoy to protest capital gains tax hike
  • I love this. I can just imagine them paying poor people to drive and protest in their place too.

  • VR support for GNOME Wayland is here!
  • Awesome. Perhaps now there will be some renewed focus on screen reader support?

  • BBC uncovers 6,000 possible illegal sewage spills in one year
  • Can we really call it a "spill" if they dump it deliberately?

  • California socialite Rebecca Grossman sentenced to 15 to life for killing 2 kids in crosswalk
  • I'm not saying that she's blameless, rather that a design of straight roads and traffic lights ensured that this was going to happen. If it wasn't an old lady speeding, it would have been a dumb teen on their phone, or a middle-aged man "trying to catch the yellow". If the road allows for dangerous driving, kids are going to die on it.

  • California socialite Rebecca Grossman sentenced to 15 to life for killing 2 kids in crosswalk
  • Congratulations, you've put an old woman behind bars. Who wants to bet that they haven't fixed the street design in the last 4 years to actually prevent this from happening again? Are we to assume that prison is a deterrent here?

    I mean, sure, she killed two kids, she should go to jail, but any street design that would permit the sort of driving that makes killing those kids accidentally is more at fault than the unlucky idiot behind the wheel.

  • What's the best way to remote into a Mac?
  • Put Linux on it. 😃

    That's the plan, though I doubt I'll be able to do a proper install remotely. I may have to wait 'til I visit again, or maybe he can mail it to me.

    I also am a fan of splashtop. Works well for me on windows and mac.

    Thanks for the suggestion! I'll add it to the pile. I had no idea there were so many different ways to do something like this. Do you know if SplashTop is very "boomer-friendly" or if it works on rather old machines?

  • What's the best way to remote into a Mac?
  • Those all sound promising. Chrome Remote Desktop sounds like the easiest for him since he's most comfortable with Google things. Thanks!

  • What's the best way to remote into a Mac?

    My father is 75 and not very capable on a computer. He's got an old MacBook Air at home behind a typical ISP router for which he has no access controls (so no port forwarding).

    My immediate need is actually not his machine at all, but the Raspberry Pi I installed at his house before I left the country and forgot to enable cron on so it's not doing what I need yet. However, it would be really nice if I could also do one of the following as well:

    • VNC (or something) into his computer whenever something "isn't working" rather than doing the talk-him-through-it dance over Skype.
    • Install a new OS (the Mac is no longer supported by MacOS). I don't know how plausible this is though.

    My current plan is to email him a shell script that should create a reverse SSH tunnel to a server in Montréal or something and then I can shell into his Mac through there. It's not ideal though since we're still talking shell scripts and he's easily frustrated.

    I know that in Windows land there are all sorts of tools scammers use to take over a machine remotely. Does Mac allow for the same thing? Note that I only have Linux machines available to me on this side of the Atlantic.

    The carbon pricing debate is somehow getting worse
  • Yeah I share your issue with their stance on Nuclear as well (though having worked in the industry for a few years now, I'm coming to realise it's a moot point). I'll push back a bit on your other points though. I've always found their proposals to be well thought out and fully costed.

    The reason I've long supported them (even when the leadership was chaotic) was that they were the only party with a platform that shared my priority: a world not on fire. the Conservatives muzzled climate scientists, the Liberals literally bought a pipeline and the NDP keeps cozying up to oil in Alberta and loggers in BC.

    Sure we've got crystal-clutching anti-nuclear loonies in the Greens, but at least I can trust they actually believe the IPCC enough to want to do something about it.

  • The carbon pricing debate is somehow getting worse
  • What's wrong with the Greens?

  • I made a thing: "django-cool-urls" django-cool-urls

    It's taken the better part of six months, working a few hours in the evenings when I can scratch the time together, but my latest …

    What're some of the dumbest things you've done to yourself in Linux?

    I'm working on a some materials for a class wherein I'll be teaching some young, wide-eyed Windows nerds about Linux and we're including a section we're calling "foot guns". Basically it's ways you might shoot yourself in the foot while meddling with your newfound Linux powers.

    I've got the usual forgetting the . in lines like this:

    $ rm -rf ./bin

    As well as a bunch of other fun stories like that one time I mounted my Linux home folder into my Windows machine, forgot I did that, then deleted a parent folder.

    You know, the war stories.

    Tell me yours. I wanna share your mistakes so that they can learn from them.

    Fun (?) side note: somehow, my entire ${HOME}/projects folder has been deleted like... just now, and I have no idea how it happened. I may have a terrible new story to add if I figure it out.

    I'm having serious problems with Omega

    I've got a very simple Kodi setup:

    • Arch Linux on a laptop behind the TV
    • Media files on a server upstairs, shared over NFS

    I've been running Kodi quite successfully on this machine for years, but with the Omega update, videos play without audio for about 10seconds, then freeze. Sometimes if I wait a while, I see subtitles for the episode while the video is frozen. Music doesn't play either. The interface freezes too, to the point where I have to kill -9 it. Switching from Wayland to Xorg hasn't had an effect.

    I tried deleting ~/.kodi and restarting, but nothing changes.

    Has anyone else run into this?

    Some dude 3D printed a little house for his local frog Maaike (

    Attached: 1 video Makers rule! Meet Frodrick and the evolution of his house Trust me, it’s worth it, it’ll make you smile #maker #frodrick #3DPrinting

    Maaike (

    A break from the usual in this community, but I trust it'll be appreciated. I think this is very solarpunk: using technology to improve the lives of all creatures.

    I lost days of play time to a stream cloud sync error

    I've been playing a lot of Fallout 4 over the holidays. I started and finished the Nuka World DLC (killed all the baddies), made it to level 90, etc.

    Today I was playing on my Deck as the battery got a little low (11%) so I saved my game, exited the game, and went to shut down.

    As it was shutting down, the Deck displayed a message, something like "Syncing to Steam Cloud" as the logo was spinning.

    A few hours later, on a full charge, I booted it back up, started Fallout 4 again and... some of my old saves are there, but only about 30% of them, and critically not the most recent ones.

    Has this ever happened to anyone else? Is this a known issue? Can I fix it, or report it? I've basically lost interest in finishing the game now.

    9 days after writing in defence of a Free Palestine, Paul Biggar is dropped from his director role at CircleCI Paul Biggar (

    Attached: 1 image Actions have consequences, and that's ok

    Paul Biggar (

    His original post , titled I can't sleep, is some brilliant writing. When we talk about the chilling effect that criticism of Israel creates in industries everywhere (including ours) this is what that looks like.

    A giant, muscular penguin roaring in a comic book style

    I needed something for a presentation I'm doing on advanced Linux, so I thought something like this might be appropriate.

    Annoyingly, I can't seem to get Bing to generate an image that isn't square.

    Ash Vs Bash

    [For reference, I'm talking about Ash in Alpine Linux here, which is part of BusyBox.]

    I thought I knew the big differences, but it turns out I've had false assumptions for years. Ash does support [[ double square brackets ]] and (as best I can tell) all of Bash's logical trickery inside them. It also supports ${VARIABLE_SUBSTRINGS:5:12}` which was another surprise.

    At this stage, the only things I've found that Bash can do that Ash can't are:

    • Arrays, which Bash doesn't seem to do well anyway
    • Brace expansion, which is awesome but I can live without it.

    What else is there? Did Ash used to be more limited? The double square bracket thing really surprised me.

    I made a thing to make playing YouTube videos locally from your browser easier Daniel Quinn / video-bypass · GitLab

    Watch YouTube videos locally by clicking a button

    Daniel Quinn / video-bypass · GitLab

    The other day someone was complaining about the new ad blocker-blocker on YouTube and I mentioned that it might be fun to write a Firefox extension that would just load up yt-dlp and play the video through mpv.

    It turns out, writing a Firefox extension is easy and tricking Firefox into launching yt-dlp isn't much harder (though it does require some annoying configuration on the user's end).

    Anyway, if you're a Linux user, feel free to try it out. I don't know how much I'm going to pour into this, but as an exercise of "can this be done", it was pretty good for a few hours on a Friday night.

    How do you get an application onto this list?

    I'm working on a little program that'll launch different browsers based on the content of the URL passed and I'd like to set it as the default Web app in this list (under Settings → Default Apps). I've written a .desktop file based on the epiphany.desktop file, but it doesn't show up when I hit [Win]+o+p+e and it doesn't show up in the default apps either, so I'm hoping that someone here can explain what I've done wrong.

    Here's the contents of the opening.desktop file:

    $ cat ~/.local/share/applications/opening.desktop [Desktop Entry] Name=Opening GenericName=Web Browser Comment=Open links in the right browsers Keywords=web;browser;internet;opening; Exec=opening %u StartupNotify=true Terminal=false Type=Application Icon=/home/daniel/.local/share/applications/opening.png Categories=Network;WebBrowser; MimeType=text/html;application/xhtml+xml;x-scheme-handler/http;x-scheme-handler/https;multipart/related;application/x-mimearchive;message/rfc822;application/x-xpinstall;

    Any criticisms are much appreciated!

    Where can I eat the Midsummer Common cows?

    They must get turned into streaks to be eaten somewhere right? It'd be nice if every morning that I have to ride my bike through their wet piles of shit, I can think to myself: "at least I'll get to eat you at ________ in a few months".

    Request a community Daniel Quinn

    There was a reasonably active community on Reddit, but now that I'm not there anymore, I miss it.

    I like the *idea* of solarpunk...

    ...but I think I'd probably be miserable there.

    I'm violently allergic to pollen, am terrified of bees, wasps, and grasshoppers, and generally despise bugs and dirt. My ideal world would see everything paved in marble. No cars, (obviously) with a quiet, sustainable, walkable communiy, but green, as beautiful as it is, causes me a great deal of pain.

    It's there any place for me in a solarpunk world?

    How to find the "Star Trek Logs" Star Trek: Discovery Logs (TV Series 2020– ) - IMDb

    Star Trek: Discovery Logs: With Kate Mulgrew, Sonequa Martin-Green, Doug Jones, David Ajala. The crews of various Starfleet vessels record their personal logs.

    Star Trek: Discovery Logs (TV Series 2020– ) - IMDb

    I just found this post on IMDB and I can't believe I haven't heard about this yet. How do I see/hear them? I didn't see it on Paramount+ or YouTube, so I guess the next stop is the high seas? 🏴‍☠️

    danielquinn Daniel Quinn

    Canadian software engineer living in Europe.

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