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  • There's no wiring on the Enterprises. It's all broadcast energy from the warp core directly powering whatever passes for chips, and it's all solid state electronics. This is why, while individual components may fail, you never get situations like, there's no power to only one lift; or, only the bridge looses power. Nobody crawls into a Jeffries Tube to fix wiring, and they never have bulky tool kits; their equivalent of sonic screwdrivers can either make molecular repairs, or the whole component is swapped out.

    Many components are modules with onboard capacitors required for performing their functions; this is why control boards explode so much when the Enterprise takes damage: it's capacitors discharging. Same for the sparks: rapid (but not complete) discharging for the capacitors causes sparks - it's a designed safety feature to reduce full-on explosions. Sparks are better than booms.

    You never see wiring. Ships fall apart in combat; stations explode; support beams fall on people... but never a mess of dangling wires.

    I just made all of that up. I'm sure there's a complete description of the electronics on Memory Alpha somewhere. But I think there are no fuses because there are no wires.