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What is something you wanted as a kid and bought now that you're an adult with disposable income?
  • I have a ton of different Nintendo consoles and lots of gameboy color cartridges for that reason. Good thing I collected them like 8 years ago because they are stupid expensive now

  • (reliable) Humidifier recommendations?
  • I am living in a dry region (now it's like 60% bc it's winter, but in summer reaches almost 0%humidity). I was like you and also got humidifiers before, but my recommendation is that you forget about it and just let nature do it's thing and plants adapt to your environment.

    Obviously we cannot have ferns, but some plants like hoyas and such, you may be surprised that they adapt at the end and even thrive. At the end you do as you think best, but overcaring for plants that may be sick or cannot live in your climate is too big of a challenge long-term, take that into account

  • English may be a hot mess but at least we don't have to worry about this nonsense
  • You sound odd, like a child or someone not fluent if you don't use our misuse the genders of words.

    That being said, as native Spanish that lived in the UK for a while, I noticed that genders and verb forms are useful for providing more context when talking.

    Cannot think of specific examples now, but in general in a phrase if you don't hear a word or don't know the meaning, it is easier to guess it because the rest of the phrase is constructed around the gender and more complex verbal forms.

  • What thing do you love that you can never get anyone else to check out?
  • Aside from the accurate list you posted, I felt similarities as well with hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy.

  • What thing do you love that you can never get anyone else to check out?
  • I did read the first one and liked it a lot, I wanted to continue the series but other stuff gets in the way and recently I've been more into gaming than reading 😭

  • ich_iel
  • Sleeping with some light (the blinds not shut completely) was a cause for me, along with stress. No light, not able to see anything waking up, no eldritch horrors in the room and I probably fall asleep again.

  • It's trying to tell me something, but what?
  • I'd bet it's missing sunlight, those things thrive in direct sun.

    Second guess is that it's overwatered... does that pot drain well the water? it should definitely not be sitting in water and I would not water it very often.

    It can be a mix of both things

  • a32 5g battery died and samshit wont repair it because of magisk, so i made this meme
  • where I live there are shops for laptop, console and phone repairs. I'd keep it simple and go to one of those

  • What are you playing this weekend? 2024-01-26
  • Believe it or not, I've read the books and saw all the movies, but was a franchise for which my love decreased as it evolved. So not a huge fan at the end, but the game was not very punishing for knowing or not a lot of lore.

    Regardless, the game itself is greatly done in some parts and some others were left without any love. I won't go into spoilers. The graphics are incredible for being on the switch, and the beginning of the game and mostly the castle are amazingly done with a lot of details and love. You can definitely feel to be a student in hogwarts and it's great. There are some beasts to interact to, which was also interesting and I had some fun with those mechanics.

    The main problem is that at some point most of the missions are outside the castle (which is just land half empty with repetitive areas), which breaks the immersion of the hogwarts-life built in the castle. Partly because of that, some of the story and side missions don't make a lot of sense to me, which was a bit of a disappointment, mostly towards the end (I think I felt the same about the books/movies πŸ€”).

  • What are you playing this weekend? 2024-01-26
  • I finished Hogwarts legacy, which was a "meh" 6/10 by my taste.

    Now I'm playing Dave the Diver and I'm enjoying it a lot, definitely is more than meets the eyes.. and the cinematic videos are great πŸ˜…πŸ 

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • you're right of course, and for me the first panel the sentence sounds correct, but not the last one, where she's already refering to her cat which is a cat like "gato" only. Maybe not the same asking if you have any car, any boyfriend or any cat as opposed to saying that now you have a cat, which should go with the "a" before. Unless the cat is called "Cat" πŸ˜…

    I'm not a linguistic and cannot argue the why properly, but the sentence in last panel is definitely off

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • "un gato", it's missing the word "a" in "a cat", which makes it sound wrong and funnier in spanish than if it'd be written well

  • help! they both sound same
  • I'm not sure if it's your style, but search for Extremoduro or Estopa. I'll link something later if I remember

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • I would have translated better without the "a" to make it wrong and same level of absurd.

    • Do you have cat?
    • No
    • Now you do
    • And that's how I got cat
  • help! they both sound same
  • tell me you're not learning with Shakira songs.. native speakers can barely understand her πŸ˜…πŸ˜

  • help! they both sound same
  • slang but not new slang as it's widely used and it's even in the RAE dictionary (31 point).

    Seemingly used in central america, Argentina, Bolivia, MΓ©xico, Uruguay, Venezuela and Dominican Republic.

  • help! they both sound same
  • "coger" means fuck in latin america, but not in Spain where we use it as "grab/pick" normally. It causes fun reactions to latinamericans visiting or living in Spain for sure as it's used a lot.

    "correr" is also "run" in Spanish, we share a lot of words with Portuguese . πŸ‡΅πŸ‡Ή

  • Dating pool
  • Bc that's the number of chapters so far πŸ™ƒ

  • Dating pool
  • I check regularly from the creator website instead, which is great with references to its own lore, link here

  • And why you gotta touch my back with those ice blocks 😩
  • a curse in the winter time, a blessing in summer

  • What are these plants?

    Gifted by my aunt in Spain, they both came in water. The only thing I know is the one in the left is some sort of Agave and the one in the right seems like a rootless cutting. Thanks in advance for your time

    Vision of the Bloodstained King

    Swords DCCXLI - By Matthew Wills

    Link inside in a comment

    Choose your weapon - Swords DCCXXXIX

    By Matthew Wills. Link to original author's Webtoon

    My personal console colection. What's your favourite Gameboy?

    I got an atomic purple gameboy color when I was a child along with six games.

    In 2015 I found it back in a box and that got me into collecting consoles, games and into modding for few years.

    I haven't bought anything regarding gameboy in a while (due prices being crazy mostly 🫀) but though of sharing again to get interesting discussions going on.

    What is your favourite console for playing?

    For me at home I've used a lot the backlited gameboy advance as it's quite good ergonomic-wise. For commuting I've played usually fire emblem in the GBA SP and the tetris in the pokemon mini, super good ones and battery lasts a lot! 😎

    Day 148 opinion on Tevaplanter

    I had this series of posts in that other platform we cannot name anymore and thought to do an update on here 😁

    For those who don't know, this is a Tevaplanter, a vessel I got from a quickstarter that allows you to do some kind of hydroponic gardening. Obviously it's not suited for all types of plants, and would work best with certain epiphyte species (orchids, hoyas, ferns, etc).

    There are fake tevaplanters out there (I know bc I bought one), but at least in my experience they were leaking a lot and not fitted for the purpose (it ended up in the bin).

    The box came with chia seeds as starter, but I did not like them a lot as many developed and started growing mold πŸ˜…

    After the first trial with chia seeds (30 days aprox) I tied some pre-rooted hoya khroniana cuttings and a hoya nummularoides still tied to the mother plant. The nummularoides died and I replaced it recently with a keiki from a phalaenopsis mini orchid. 🌺

    It has been there for couple of weeks and already starting to hug the vessel so I'm quite happy. Also the hoya cuttings have a lot of roots after three months.



    I hope you liked this, I may post updates on the future 🌿

    Ficus retusa to bonsai (progress pictures inside)

    Picture when I first got it. Previous owner did some wiring work but it looked big and a bit odd to my liking. !

    Big cut to get it into smaller size (and I got lots of cuttings out of it). !

    Wiring and defoliating to give some movement to the branches. When defoliating a ficus it's better done with scissors so the new grown points are left undamaged. !

    After one month and seeing the first leaves growth, I repotted to akadama and kiryu 70/30 in the same pot. I rotated a bit the plant when doing so. Ficus are very resilient so it actually started growing better with better soil.

    This is 2months after picture, I'm quite happy in how it looks already 😊 !

    I won't work on this ficus more for the time being, just leave it grow strong and develop good radial roots and finer branching.

    I'll write another progress post in the future about the "brother" ficus of this one which looked more like a stick and will take more time to look bonsai-y 🀭

    Ninja frogs and koi carps

    Some of my creations to kick up this space. Couple of small bowls with koi carps and ninja frogs (I wanted to paint turtles but I was painting another mug with frogs at the same time, my dyslexia kicked in and ended up liking the idea πŸ˜…)

    They are all made with slabs and hand painted (no transfer or anything)

    Flowering hoya bella

    Just wanted to contribute showing my flowering Hoya Bella.

    I had it for three years and every year gives more flowers at a time and flowering period is longer. It has been with flowers at least the last six months and now its opening eight at the same time ❀️ Def my favourite plant 🫢

    !Another hoya bella pic

    !Hoya bella flower close pic

    And as a bonus, also share my hoya kerrii picture. This one was not a single heart when I bought it, but I'd say it has doubled the size in a year 🌿 !Bonus big hoya kerrii picture

    chiwiu Chiwiu

    Plant, pottery and tech enthusiast

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    Comments 67