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What do the different comment background shades mean?
  • Yes the cutoff is 10 minutes I recently saw a comment turn the darker shade at exactly 11 minutes old.

  • Hot sorting shows many day-old posts
  • I read in a comment about the 0.18 update that it has a fix for sorting by hot which might fix this issue. Is there already a plan to update this instance to 0.18?

  • I wish there were a more old-reddit style theme option for Lemmy.
  • In the meantime you can use custom themes with browser extensions like Stylus from ! or injected scripts which try to recreate the old Reddit style.

  • Yuri Kiss [Original]


    What's your most favorite android games right now?
  • My favourite Android game is Genshin Impact even though I only play it on PC... but hey it exists on Android 😬

  • Protect. Moderate. Purge. Your. Sever.
  • And blacklist domain filters are pretty useless when you can create unlimited emails with

  • Republikaner stimmen für Amtsenthebungsverfahren gegen Joe Biden
  • Obwohl die Entscheidung im Repräsentantenhaus am Donnerstag entlang der Parteilinien gefällt wurde, sind die Republikaner sich alles andere als einig. Das Lager des republikanischen Vorsitzenden des Repräsentantenhauses, Kevin McCarthy, warf den Rechtsaußen der Partei vor, aus der Reihe zu tanzen.

    Und trotzdem haben die, die eigentlich dagegen sind, dafuer gestimmt. Warum stimmen die dann nicht einfach dagegen. Es haette jetzt nichts am Ausgang geaendert, aber man will doch zeigen, dass man dagegen ist oder nicht? Wenn man das eine sagt und dann anders abstimmt, ist das Gesagte ziemlich wertlos.

  • SDXL 0.9 release for research, public 1.0 mid-July
  • I feel like I've been waiting for the release for ages. I'm really excited to see how popular this model will be for checkpoints.

  • [Diablo 4] Who actually likes Battle Passes in games?
  • Isolated to one game I don't really mind them but when too many games have a battle pass they become a problem especially when they are time limit like most are. I just don't have enough time to complete multiple battle passes in different games. If they weren't time limited though I wouldn't really care how many games have one.

  • Benecke: "Wenn Sie sagen, ich verwende weiter Eier und Milch, haben Sie den Knall nicht gehört"
  • Ich verlange ja gar nicht, dass jeder sofort vegan lebt. Ich freue mich auch schon über kleine Veränderungen im positiven Sinne. Aber selbst die minimalisten Veränderungen sind SO schwer zu erreichen.

    Und vor allem sollten die minimalistischen Veraenderung nicht das Endziel sein, sondern nur ein weiterer Schritt in Richtung Vegan, welches das wirkliche Endziel sein sollte.

  • Hot sorting shows many day-old posts

    Me again with another observation about this instance (I hope I don't seem annoying to you 😅):

    I've seen that many of the posts I see when sorting by "Hot" are (almost) a day old while on other instances these same posts aren't considered "Hot" anymore.

    I keep comparing and because I want to be absolutely sure that I want this instance to be my home instance, so sorry for the multitude of questions in the last days.

    I suspect that it has something to do with the difference in upvote counts in instances because this is just a smaller instance, but on the off chance it might not be the cause, what is the cause? Is that something the admin/s can set in options? Is it a bug that will be fixed in Lemmy v0.18 (although we would probably see this in other instances as well if that would be the cause I guess)?

    What I also noticed is that some comments don't get pulled by this instance even though it does indeed federate with the instance of the comment author. It also takes a much longer time for new comments to appear in comparison. Is this because the hardware is maybe not keeping up and might this be another cause for the difference in "Hot" sorting?

    Introducing Connect for Lemmy
  • I signed into my account but when I go on profile I see my profile even though I didn't login with it.

  • Introducing Connect for Lemmy
  • Looks great from the screenshots!

    The Google Play link doesn't let me install it though and I can't find it via the Google Play app.

    Edit: it says that the app is not available for any of my devices. I'm using a Pixel 7

  • DATATERM is started - but why no kbin?
  • We tried to install kbin, but failed at several points, so we had to switch to Lemmy.

    Can you clarify if that means you might make a kbin instance in the event that the installation doesn't fail anymore or is the idea of making a kbin instance gone?

  • Windows vs Steam OS for your deck?
  • It's still too risky for me. Unlikely doesn't mean impossible and I'd rather not deal with that stress.

  • Windows vs Steam OS for your deck?
  • I know about it but I don't want to risk a ban.

  • Final Fantasy 16 Review - On Its Own Terms
  • The game is not going anyway, just play it later :)

    Playing it later also has the benefit of more fixed bugs.

    Edit: typo

  • Weird armor/spacesuit?

    What do you think this is? It looks humanoid (arms and legs) and could even be the player. Do you think it's a spacesuit that we can get like some repurposed alien corpse that we wear?

    Instance Hardware and Location

    What kind of hardware is the instance running on and where is the server located?

    Will it be open source?
  • If you don't like that Sync is closed source you are free to use any other Lemmy app that is FOSS 🤷

  • Discrepancy in comment and upvote count on different instances

    I noticed that when I view this post for example on and on that both of them are the same post but with a different number of votes and comments.

    I believe this also leads to different sorting of the all feed in these instances. Why is that and can it be fixed? Is it even a bug?

    I even saw while having both posts open that on a new comment got added in realtime but not on

    All Feed difference between instances

    I recently migrated or better yet am still in the process of migrating from to I really like it here and probably will stay here but I've been wondering about the difference in the "all" feed when comparing the 2 instances. On's "all" feed I see many more new posts than on's "all" feed. (I'm comparing sorted by new)

    Can someone explain to me why that is and what's happening there? Shouldn't I be seeing the same posts regardless of the instances, given the instance isn't defederated?

    Remote community is not getting indexed

    I don't know how many times I have tried it now but it seems to be impossible to let ! be indexed by the instance.

    Is anyone having the same problem?

    Others communities from didn't cause any problems.

    Tywele Tywele

    I'm in the process of migration from

    Posts 8
    Comments 34