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Ok. Now they've done it.
  • I mean, in context that verse is about being aware one's belief in Jesus may cause strife with their family/community, and how Christians are meant to endure this strife without denying their faith. The choice of wording makes sense in the context of the time it was written, when affirming Christ is God would have absolutely caused some major animosity with those who don't believe. It's assuring the reader that the division and pain that will come from those disagreements is not lost on God, and also not something we can turn away from and ignore.

    The Christians that everyone is up in arms about all the time are close to the worst representation of the faith as possible, and you can easily point out their lazy interpretations as well as scripture that, more often than not, outright rejects their twisting of the faith. Modern day Pharisees all the way. Unfortunately the church on a national level is inundated with them, and has done a poor job of separating from them.

  • Texas asks people to avoid using their cars
  • People who've never lived in Texas really don't get it. Everything is spread out to an almost ludicrous degree. I drive an hour to get to my friend's house, and I don't even consider him to be far away. We both live in the same metroplex.

    Public transportation is almost complete failure here due to not being prioritized, and driving anywhere is a pain in the ass with drivers from all over just winging it on congested streets. Don't even get me started on overpriced tolls that have become the only reasonable way to travel 30min+

    Texas is not ok.

  • [REDRAW] Chapter 200 [English]
  • Pretty significant changes with the redraws. Not bad, just different. I wonder if we'll see god essentially headhunting the top tiers, or if there's a more specific plan in the works.

  • Israel shuts down live camera facing Gaza under its restrictive new law
  • To play devil's advocate, though, I do wonder what the exact rationale was for this. Was Al Jazeera engaged in legitimate espionage, using their news organization as a front?

    Even then, it's a broadcast that Al Jazeera could just go view somewhere else and get the same info. Its a very thin excuse, and I think it just is what it is at face value. A poor justification for limiting coverage of the the war

  • "Thought-Terminating Cliches"
  • I agree with this. I use the phrase essentially as "this is the reality" to either set a baseline, or just a different way to say c'est la vie. It frustrates me when people say it's always a dismissive phrase, because when I am dissmive with it I'm not doing so in a negative way. There's something to be said about letting little inconveniences lie and fade away.

  • PSA: Don't eat cicadas if you're allergic to shellfish... or at all
  • You know what, I'm here for it. Anytime I hear about the cicadas coming back it's always over the top dread. People freak out, and there's so much acting like seeing a cicada is going to grind life to a halt. Everyone seems to lean into the bit.

    The fact that the growing answer to the cicadas this year is a wildly different "fuck it, we'll eat them and then they can't get us" could not be more beautiful to me.

  • As his trans daughter struggles, a father pushes past his prejudice. ‘It was like a wake-up.’
  • I haven't seen it because I have the opposite problem.

    I can relate to that. I'm one of those people who won't even squash bugs, and even heavy-handed, poorly written emotional moments in movies can make me tear up because I'll inevitably find something in there that speaks to me. Shits wild compared to my friends and family

  • We need a Bianca based drama show
  • There's gotta be some crazy scam that will work on me that I've never heard of. Every time a new one comes around its always something that throws a ton of red flags out the whole way. They have to be just catching people with particular blind spots

  • Trump is 'inciting political violence' sharing Biden hog-tied video: Biden campaign
  • There are over a hundred million working adults in the US, and all of them with their own opinions and needs. Many of them completely out of touch with the world outside of their bubble, and some who even approve of the current trajectory. The idea of organizing a generalized strike is a complete pipe dream. I'd love to see it, but we are nowhere even close to that. We must work with reasonable, attainable solutions.

  • 'Never in American history': Ex-judge hits out at nation's 'passivity' over Trump attacks
  • They're terrified of seeming political, or making a mistake that will let him walk. Republicans have stacked the courts with people who barely grasp US law, and certainly have no respect for it, and the Democrats have put up glorified bureaucrats. We need a judge willing to force the issue and say "if you were anyone else this behavior would land you jail awaiting trial, so that's where you're going.", Or I dunno, maybe stop giving breaks with fines. Let the morons whine and cry about being biased, or an activist judge; make the USSS have to coordinate with corrections to maintain protection while being held. Show this isn't a game. Prove that you have some conviction when it comes to the rule of law in the US. History would look kindly on the person who chose the make the right call when it wasn't easy.

    I feel like a broken record with how much I've said this in the last handful of years, but: someone needs to be the fucking adult in the room.

  • Retcon 6 chapters
  • It's not the first time, at least. If I remember right the monster association arc had some major changes, and the entire end of the garou fight was changed.

    At this point I'm pretty confident I remember a different version of OPM than whatever canon is.

  • Occupational fulfillment
  • The headline, which very likely isn't even real, is also not inherently fascistic. If anything its more a statement on people being so stressed with life, that a fantastical idea of going off to live a sci-fi movie life is appealing.

    You're pulling the fascism from the movie, which is inherently satirical. It makes sense something like that, which was already popular, continues to be so when the satire has more real world connections. You're on a platform with a ton of nerds, they're gonna reference sci-fi classics. If anything I'd say that's a healthy sign. Satire is arguably one of the strongest forces pushing back against fascism and the like on a cultural level.

  • Respect
  • I never thought "With great power comes great responsibility" would be a lasting principle in my life, but hell if it isn't. I don't have a ton of "authority", but what I have I see as a responsibility to and for the people I delegate to, rather than the step up that some appear to view it as. Thanks, Uncle Ben.

  • What was Capcom thinking?
  • I don't think she's the only one able, just willing. Isn't there still someone who consistently cracks Madden games or something similar? Also fitgirl maybe, but I think that's just repack stuff.

  • "This tweet has been deleted"
  • It annoying, but also leads to some wonderful moments. I was at small event yesterday, when a weather alert started rolling out. I can only describe it as glorious sitting at the back listening to a sea of angry alarms, and watching people frantically try to silence their phones. Idk if that outweigh the alarm fatigue it gives people, but it was a fun moment for me.

  • 4
    Next Chapter Sept. 7th

    We're on break people. August is memes and speculation!

    Ch. 190 [RAW] [第235話] ワンパンマン - 原作/ONE/漫画/村田雄介 | となりのヤングジャンプ

    時代が求めたニューヒーロー『一撃男』と言えば?!? 『WEB界のカリスマ』と『最強ジャンプ遺伝子』の超強力タッグが描き出す! 平熱系最強ヒーロー“サイタマ”の日常ノックアウトコミック!!

    Chapter 188 [Raw/Untranslated] [第233話] ワンパンマン - 原作/ONE/漫画/村田雄介 | となりのヤングジャンプ

    時代が求めたニューヒーロー『一撃男』と言えば?!? 『WEB界のカリスマ』と『最強ジャンプ遺伝子』の超強力タッグが描き出す! 平熱系最強ヒーロー“サイタマ”の日常ノックアウトコミック!!

    [第233話] ワンパンマン - 原作/ONE/漫画/村田雄介 | となりのヤングジャンプ

    I usually wait for the translation, but just in case any of you guys are interested! I'll replace this pinned thread with the translated version as soon as I see it up.

    Vol. 28 Bonus Chapter/Extras (187.5) One Punch Man | Chapter 187.5 | Cubari

    Read the One Punch Man manga series.

    One Punch Man | Chapter 187.5 | Cubari

    Little slow on this one, but I got it! Enjoy!

    OPM and You (and also me)

    Whats up?

    I made a community and you guys were kind enough to show up. I don't expect this thing to take off in any major way, but I figure it'd be a good idea to kind of lay out what I'm planning here. That way we're on the same page, and I can hear feedback and ideas that anyone has regarding the community. All that can go here, in this thread.

    I'm not the power-tripping type, and frankly I'm open to whatever. So fire away.

    Anyway, the housekeeping.


    I typically catch chapters the day of release, and I'll try to be prompt about getting a link up here. Full disclosure, I am not at all involved in the translation. So, in that regard we are kind of at the whims of another team. This could change in the future, but that is the deal as of now. I'm open to throwing the untranslated chapters up as well. It's not something I check out, but if people here want it, no big deal.

    Further, I can have a somewhat chaotic schedule and there are points where I will be tied up. If a release occurs during a particularly busy week I'll likely be late with the upload. In that case, I have no issue with someone else throwing up the chapter. I'm not going to go around deleting threads because I didn't get to post them. There's not a ton of people here, so I don't foresee us having an issue with a bunch of members posting the new chapter at once.

    The Vibe

    As a community we have to have some form of rules. I think. It's definitely a good idea either way. Currently, the all encompassing "stay chill" constitutes the whole of the law. In essence:

    • Don't be a dick

    • No racist/sexist/etc. shit (I will make fun of you)

    • Just enjoy a fun manga about a bald dude that punches real good.

    The community is currently not marked NSFW. So, overt porn, please. I don't want it dominating(hot) the community, and I guarantee you there is a plethora of separate places to find and share your goods.

    As for the look, I've forgone the banner at this point. Personally, I like the simple look with the simple Saitama. As with most things regarding the community, I'm open to change. Feel free to post some choices for a banner, and we'll figure out which we like best.

    Third Act

    Again, I welcome input here. Drop whatever thoughts you have below.

    I'm happy to see a few people join, and love seeing the little bit of activity we've got so far. I'm hoping to build this into something just big enough to have a little discussion after a chapter drops and memes in between. If you can dig it, I hope you stick around.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
    Posts 9
    Comments 118