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c/OSR Zine Thread
  • Its ai generated nonsense. But the project is also nonsense so it fits

  • Reddit CEO Teases Paywalled Subreddits
  • This is what got me to return to Lemmy

  • What is your favorite OSR system and why?
  • Rules cyclopedia simply because it has the highest level cap

  • Completely random session?
  • Yes! Use solo rpg tools and you can play with a few friends and no DM. It can be fun!

  • c/OSR Zine Thread
  • The end of the year is fast approaching. I will enjoy releasing this zine in January. For better or for worse, it is coming out.

  • Lemmy active users down, comments steady and posts up
  • I have Jerboa installed. It's okay.

  • Lemmy active users down, comments steady and posts up
  • Testing if my account still works

    EDIT: I was excited about this place during the exodus, but it stopped working for me for a while. Couldn't use it from my phone. Technical issues got me to stop coming, but they don't seem to be an issue now.

  • OSR system with specific 'low level' rulebook? (Holmes/Moldvay/Mentzeresque)
  • White Box: Fantasy Medeval Adventure Game is a great choice. Everything caps around level 5.

    Blueholme Pretense caps at level 3. Another great choice.

    I thing Dungeon Crawl Classics has an into version as well, though I have never read it.

  • Simple stat roller for OSR/D&D with support for several different methods of dice rolling

    I created a simple stat roller for OSR/D&D with support for several different methods of dice rolling in Pico-8. It supports:

    • 3d6
    • 4d6 drop lowest
    • 3d6 reroll 1s
    • 4d4+2

    Run it here!

    Updated my Pico-8 Solo Roleplay and Hex Generator Tools!
  • Updated it further + officially released it free to the pico-8 site. Now you can run it embeddable in a browser

  • Updated my Pico-8 Hex Generator and Solo Tools!

    If you aren’t familiar with Pico 8, the programs code is embedded in the image. Just find a pico8 player and you are good to go!

    7/19/2023 CHANGE LOG

    • Changed it so each tool will retain its values as you scroll through the tools.
    • Clearly defined text positioning to fix compatibility with pico-8 players.
    • Made POI’s more prevalent in hex generator
    • Added some error handling to the dungeon room generator.
    • Character stats are now only held when you press the button with the generator up.
    • Added a sound effect for holding the stats.
    • Added place holder page for NPC generator.
    • Added the navigation ball to make it less confusing to flip between tools.
    Updated my Pico-8 Solo Roleplay and Hex Generator Tools!

    If you aren't familiar with Pico 8, the programs code is embedded in the image. Just find a pico8 player and you are good to go!

    7/19/2023 CHANGE LOG -Changed it so each tool will retain its values as you scroll through the tools. -Clearly defined text positioning to fix compatability with pico-8 players. -Made POI's more prevelant in hex generator -Added some error handling to the dungeon room generator. -Character stats are now only held when you press the button with the generator up. -Added a sound effect for holding the stats. -Added place holder page for NPC generator. -Added the navigation ball to make it less confusing to flip between tools.

    Chainmail, the precursor to D&D is on sale

    I was shocked but PDF+POD book is 7.92. I was able to order one shipped for just under 12 bucks.

    Hex Crawl and Solo RPG Tool Kit
  • Thanks so much! I got to say. I badly want to work on some new rpg tools for pico 8. Specifically a program that runs tables to talk with npcs.

  • The Inifinite Dungeon by Rutibex for use with OSR (3.99)

    Bruce MacKenzie releases Age of Wonders PWYW for OSE

    Hex Crawl and Solo RPG Tool Kit

    I made this program for Pico8 a while back. If you arent familiar, the code is embedded in the image. Just grab a pico8 player and load the image.

    Contains a dice roller, simple oracle, hex crawl terrain generator. (One hex at a time for solo crawling), dungeon room generator, pc stat generator, and a Norse rune picker for story telling purposes.

    Have you ever switched from a more basic game to a more advanced one mid campaign? Looking for advice, suggestions, reasons why it’s a terrible idea, etc.
  • I have considered doing this. Wanted to exchange Basic Fantasy for something more in depth. Didnt go through with it though.

    Interested to hear how it goes.

  • WEB 4.69
  • For what it's worth at least they raised the limit to 25 megs. Still sucks though.

  • I made Solo RPG Tools for Pico 8

    Incase there are any pico 8 users, I made a little solo rpg kit.

    It has a dice roller, a simple oracle, a Norse rune picker, a stat generator and a hex terrain generator.

    If you arent familiar with Pico 8, The code is embedded into the image. Get a pico 8 player and load this image and your good to go.

    Blueholme came today
  • Easy to read D&D that clones the specific blue box from the 70s, created by family of the original creator.

  • I heard that lemmy will upvote anything. This is literally just a can of fucking beans
  • Fucking beans are sexier than regular beans.

  • Blueholme came today

    I got to say I have a real hard time with the "everything does 1d6 damage" mechanic. Gorgeous book though.

    What have you been reading recently?
  • Mostly reading Dark Dungeons the source book that arrived last week. Blue Holme journamann arrives tomorrow and I just ordered the Gold and Glory source book. Lot of source books lately.

  • c/OSR Zine Thread
  • Bizarre and creative. I love it!

  • We need a Retro Clone of Car Wars
  • I am tentatively naming the clone "Drive Offensively"