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Have you ever switched from a more basic game to a more advanced one mid campaign? Looking for advice, suggestions, reasons why it’s a terrible idea, etc.

I’m currently running an open table with Advanced Old School Essentials. The campaign has been ongoing for about 2 years and I like the campaign and don’t want to lose progress made by starting a new campaign. I’ve recently been playing with Hyperborea in another game and I like it more than I do OSE Advanced. My core group of players in the open table are fine with the switch, and some prefer Hyperborea too.

However I know there are going to be complications. Hyperborea is all humans. Currently my advanced OSE is race as class.

I’ll have to figure out how to port over existing characters that aren’t human. Right now I plan to look at the existing characters and figure out what percentage to max level they are and them drop them into Hyperborea at that same percentage to max level.

I’ll try to port spells across as best I can or worst case just ask the player to pick a new spell.

Magic items seem compatible enough that I shouldn’t have any problems with a straight port across.

So now the reason for my post. Have you done something similar? What pit falls did you run into?

Any advice or suggestions on things I haven’t thought of?

Or is this just a terrible idea that should be scrapped? If so why?


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  • I have considered doing this. Wanted to exchange Basic Fantasy for something more in depth. Didnt go through with it though.

    Interested to hear how it goes.