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Conservatives are freaking out because they learned that some animals are gay
  • Just know that these asshats take extreme pride in their hate. They will subject people to it until the day they die. Christianity is an eternal well of hate and ignorance. And they want to make sure no one is ever happy, the miserable fucks!

  • Eddie Vedder Calls Harrison Butker a ‘F*cking P*ssy’
  • Men who have an obsession with being "ultra masculine" usually have "small dick syndrome".
    And it seems SUPER GAY when 'straight' men are so obsessed with masculinity.
    FYI world, even gay men are not this obsessed with masculinity.

  • Tesla’s Autopilot caused a fiery crash into a tree, killing a Colorado man, lawsuit says
  • Tesla Car Computer: "Would you like to play a game? Let's play Russian Roulette."

  • What are your best intrusive ads ideas?
  • No one is allowed to wear "work clothes" anymore, like a suit & tie or any professional type of clothing like that. Instead you will be required to wear clothing covered with printed ads in ALL professions. The police, doctors, bus driver, newscaster, everyone everywhere while at work.

  • 'Real men wear diapers': Trump supporters wear nappies
  • What happens when you squeeze an orange?
    It shits it's diaper!

  • Why are many men growing beards again ?
  • Pet you? or your beard? Just to clarify.

  • Why are many men growing beards again ?
  • Vaginas are not allowed in my house. I'll take "clean shaven dudes with a dick" for $1000 Alex.

  • Why are many men growing beards again ?
  • GROSS! And can you fix my nvidia drivers???

  • Why are many men growing beards again ?
  • So many men think they look sexy with a beard.
    Reality: You look like a serial killer from the backwoods.
    Trim and wash it properly or shave it off.
    Facial hair is such a turn off.

  • The super heavy duty living room furniture of the 70's and 80's
  • I loved how easy it was to smack your shins on this set. Oh the happy times!

  • "Number of different devices" fail to keep Trump awake in court
  • Use one of those butt plugs that the chess guy used to cheat. It has an app. BUZZ BUZZ wake up you traitor!

  • Yep
  • Oh yah, sure, ya betcha! That sure feels marvy.

  • Nothing but truth
  • I "walk away" online as well.
    "Sign in to get price".
    Guess what, it's never a mind blowing low price. It's like $5.00 less than normal. Hidden prices are never a deal.

  • Top post of PCMR on Reddit today XD
  • It's SUPER hard to use. I had to download an .iso from my distro's website, make a bootable USB drive, plug that into my computer and boot into it, answer a few questions and wait a few minutes, A FEW MINUTES... can you believe that??
    And then It had the audacity to give me a super easy, working, private OS! Like what the fuck!
    How bloody dare you make my life difficult. I was expecting to be TRACKED and EXPLOITED and BOMBARDED with ads all day.
    Instead I get all this calm and happiness??

  • New York AG asks court to reject Trump's $175M bond for civil judgment
  • 4/22 will be a very bad day for the trumpster. They will reject that bond and he is screwed. Plus the criminal trial starts fully that he must attend.

  • Evil Chechen Bigot Dies. Gay torturer and supreme bigot Ramzan Kadyrov allegedly died today. It's a good day for the rainbow world community.

    /kbin meta Teon
    I want a bookmark or save function like reddit and Mastodon have.

    I want a bookmark or save function like reddit and Mastodon have. I need to see the manager about this.


    Teon Teon
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