Conservatives are freaking out because they learned that some animals are gay
Are we seriously doomed to have this stupid ass homophobia shoved down our throats by conservative bigots every 5-10 years because they keep getting mad about the same thing all over again? I've been listening to this shit for over 20 years now.
They are in violent and vehement denial about facts that are empirically documented and readily observable with ones own eyes.
They didn't actually learn anything. It will be written off as some "degenerate liberuhl conspiracy", as they do with every other fact that doesn't align with their perverse totalitarian worldview.
I mean, that's the entire conservative/right-wing M.O.
“It’s unclear if there is an official Hierarchy of Victimhood for animals,” Outkick bleats. “There is for humans. Transgender persons sit atop. Straight white Christian men sit at the bottom, almost buried beneath the pyramid.”
Pfffft. What a hypocrite. Whining about trans people's immense victimhood, while using the exact same metaphor to imply that, in fact, HE is the most victimized of all by not even being allowed to be the victim. By being "buried beneath the pyramid" of victimhood. Bahahahaha. The cognitive dissonance is incredible.
And buddy... That "Christian" part is apparently doing a lot of heavy lifting on your victim complex, my guy. Plenty of us straight white men get by without being under constant attack. If everyone around you seems like an asshole, maybe you're the asshole. And maybe if you acted a little more Christ-like, you'd give people less reason to attack you and you'd make more friends with different kinds of people.
Let's now wait until they learn about shrimps and hermaphroditism in animals.
Northern shrimp, also commonly known as northern prawn, are a sequential hermaphrodite. This is a term used for animals that start their life as one sex and change to the other later in life. In the case of northern shrimp, they are born as males and become females at around four or five years of age.
In a group of anemonefish, a strict dominance hierarchy exists. The largest and most aggressive female is found at the top. Anemonefish are protandrous sequential hermaphrodites, meaning they develop into males first, and when they mature, they become females. If the female anemonefish is removed from the group, such as by death, one of the largest and most dominant males becomes a female.
I remember Manny Pacquiao saying homosexuals are worst than animals because homosexuality does not exist in the animal kingdom. He was promptly educated.
Haven't seen the documentary but would be great to have an annotated list of accounts of gay animals from throughout history to point people towards so they can't say its chemicals in the water or microplastics turning animals gay in the current era.
The trailer for the series is full of comments criticizing Peacock (the publisher) for releasing this documentary and saying they'll delete their Peacock accounts.
I've never heard of them before and I might open an account specifically to watch this! It looks genuinely good from the trailer
Lazy reporting. Three comments on X is not a freak out. What happened to journalism? When did it become copying and pasting comments from social media?
yawn... why do we still sit around and talk in flabbergasted bewilderment about how dumb conservatives are? WE KNOW THEY'RE FUCKING IDIOTS. the question is 'what are we going to do about it?' - continue to let them have a say in democracy?
say what you want about them but they're doing a pretty good job of forcing their agenda on US because most of YOU are too chickenshit to do anything to stop them.
I was told that all these things happen because Eve ate the forbidden fruit and doomed the world to fall into sin. I guess that is why they hate women so much.
Also, I am glad to hear about another interesting documentary. I'm going to add this to my watch list.