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The US of A
  • Israel will never willingly give up the land they stole, the core of Zionist ideology is settler colonialism. The high court and the mainstream opposition parties made it clear that they are neither willing to let Jewish people coexist with Palestinians as equals nor dismantle the oppressive Zionist state.

    It is very short-sighted of you to claim that the only way to return land to their rightful owners is by voting for people who explicitly don't want to do that.

  • Harvard was forced to admit that "Chinese citizens rate the government as more capable and effective than ever before", with the rates eclipsing any other country.
  • Strongly recommend everyone read Capitalist Realism by Mark Fisher if you have the time. People in the west have it thoroughly ingrained into their heads that governments can not act in the people's interest, that they simply cannot imagine that a government does. Especially not one like China which is constantly slandered as 'authoritarian'.

    That book is excellent for explaining that phenomenon.

  • Intelligence report exposes media promotion of Wuhan Lab lie
  • Clearly Beijing Biden is just collaborating with China to hide the truth

  • What's the most deranged political hot take you've ever seen?
  • As a result of this analysis of antisemitism, support for Israel and opposition to Anti-Zionism is a primary unifying factor of the anti-German movement.[5]

    "Left wing" ideology that supports a far-right state. Amazing.

  • Congratulations Lemmycraft! We're finally popular enough to be targetted with griefing!
  • I should probably join this server, it looks like very fun

  • Congratulations Lemmycraft! We're finally popular enough to be targetted with griefing!
  • Lmao peak liberal praxis.

    Oh no they drew us as soyjaks

  • Average Vampire Fan vs Average Dawnguard Enjoyer
  • Can your blood shut down the entire sun? Didn't think so, sit down Dawnguard losers

  • Account request received on ProleWiki just earlier
  • The way this person insults DPRK citizens' intelligence is just unbelievable. "Kool-aid chugging cult". They are just people like everyone else ffs

  • Anniversary Thanks
  • Happy anniversary, and thank you!

  • How can I remotely start/stop my BEDROCK server and manage the file system remotely?
  • There are programs out there that can let you remote control your home PC via your phone. In the past I used Chrome remote desktop, though there's probably something better out there.

    I believe Minecraft servers also have rcon settings, so there could be a way to remotely manage the server using that. I don't know how to do that though.

  • Who (and what?) comes after Xi?
  • Omicron, obviously.

  • What are your thoughts on China promoting peace talks in Palestine? China's security vision for advancing peace to give play as Abbas visits

    Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas arrived in Beijing on Tuesday to start a three-day state visit.This is Abbas' fifth visit to China. He is also the first Arab head of state to be hosted by China this year.Following a positive trend in the Middle East

    It is an interesting development, to be sure. On the one hand, I am glad to see that US influence in the middle east is weakening, and after seeing China negotiate peace between KSA and Iran I am relatively optimistic about China being able to use their growing influence for good.

    On the other hand China seems to be aiming for a "two state solution" in Palestine, which I fear will legitimize Israel and harm Palestine in the long run.

    What are your thoughts/opinions on this? Is there anything I am missing and should know about?

    What video games are you playing? What have you finished recently? What do you plan to play? - Video Game General Discussion Thread #21
  • Understandable, Factorio is not for everyone.

    DSP has a much more forgiving early game and it's much easier to set things up, and no biters so you don't have to worry about base defense or ethics.

  • Mmm
  • In evil gobbunist CHYNA people have to work FOREVER for minimum wage and they are BRIANWASHED into liking it

    It is literally a cyberpunk brave new fahrenheit 1489 dystopia and they also HAVE NO FOOD

  • Discussion Thread: What are all you reading in terms of fiction AND non-fiction? - #21
  • Thank you for your recommendation, I do need to brush up on my dialectical thinking skills a bit.

    At this rate my reading list will itself become a huge book, no idea how will I ever finish it all!

  • What video games are you playing? What have you finished recently? What do you plan to play? - Video Game General Discussion Thread #21
  • I recently got big into automation games: Factorio and Dyson Sphere Program, they are a joy. Maybe I'll try out Satisfactory as well.

  • Discussion Thread: What are all you reading in terms of fiction AND non-fiction? - #21
  • Finished reading Imperialism the Highest Stage of Capitalism, now I'm reading Imperialism in the 21st century to get a better understanding. After this book I'll probably re-read Imperialism and State and Revolution, I think I wasn't focused enough the first time.

  • What terrible event happened in the beginning of 90s?
  • Freedom and democracy, obviously.

  • NYTimes: Nazi Symbols on Ukraine’s Front Lines Highlight Thorny Issues of History Nazi Symbols on Ukraine’s Front Lines Highlight Thorny Issues of History

    Troops’ use of patches bearing Nazi emblems risks fueling Russian propaganda and spreading imagery that the West has spent a half-century trying to eliminate.

    Where do you get your news from?

    I watched a couple videos from BT News on Youtube and it seems pretty good. I was wondering if there are other good news sources for staying informed about current events.

    So where you comrades get your news from?

    Looking for more reading recommendations regarding imperialism

    Hello beloved comrades,

    I recently finished reading Lenin's book on imperialism, but I feel like I still have a very loose understanding of what imperialism is. Are there any more books/articles I can read that cover this topic?

    Thanks in advance!

    How do modern day monarchies function within a capitalist economy?

    When bourgeois revolutions happened and replaced feudalism, in many countries republics also replaced monarchies. But in some places like the UK there are still monarchies in place, even though economically these places are most certainly capitalist and not feudalist.

    I have a few questions regarding monarchies today:

    How does the royalty function within capitalism, while taking class into account? Previously the bourgeoisie seemed to be at irreconcilable odds with the nobility, while today it doesn't seem to be the case. Is the royalty even still considered to be a different class? Or are they just bourgeoisie with more bells and whistles?

    What role do monarchies still play in politics today? Also how does royalty in different countries differ in their role? Does the royal family in Saudi Arabia play a more significant role than the monarchy in Britain, for example?

    Thank you very much for your answers, you are all very helpful!

    How come Russia wasn't "decommunized" as much as other eastern bloc countries?

    Countries like Ukraine and Poland banned Communist parties and Communist symbols, while Russia didn't. Ukraine demolished statues of Lenin, while Russia still keeps him preserved at his mausoleum.

    Is there a reason why anti-communist sentiment is (or at least seems to be) much stronger in other former socialist countries compared to Russia?

    Did Russian Communists manage to still remain powerful enough to force concessions?

    Can socialists infiltrate bourgeois parties like they do to socialist parties?

    When talking about, for example, the USSR, people seem to put some of the blame for their demise on the likes of Khruschev and Gorbachev. It seems like a major component of the downfall of the Soviet Union is the infiltration of the Communist Party by opportunists paving the way to a bourgeois counter-revolution.

    My question is: can Communists do the same in order to help bring about a socialist revolution? Can principled Communists join, for example, the American Democrat or Republican parties and somehow weaken the state from within, until it can be smashed by a revolution?

    If not, then why? And in the case that it's not possible, then why is it possible the other way around?

    What are the arguments for the death penalty? Why do past and current socialist countries have it?

    Hello everyone. I am interested in learning about the death penalty specifically from a socialist perspective, as well as why do socialist countries currently implement it.

    China is notable for being based as hell and executing corrupt capitalists. But, my question is, why is execution necessary or preferable to, say, life imprisonment?

    The biggest argument I can think of against the death penalty is simply that nobody and no government is perfect, and it's entirely possible that somewhere along the line, an innocent person will get executed and be exonerated only after the fact.

    If someone gets life in prison and it later turns out they are not guilty, they could be released and recompensated. The death penalty however, is not reversible.

    So this raises a few questions for me:

    1. What are your opinions on the death penalty (both in principle and in practice)?
    2. What are the reasons current and former socialist countries practice it?

    I should also mention I am primarily thinking of countries in a stable, peaceful state, as opposed to during a war/civil war.


    SleepyCat SleepyCat
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