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6 stages of debugging
  • 6 stages of dev grief when I find a bug which doesn't make sense and report it to the devs. Lol.

  • Who you gonna root for?
  • I reckon Zug is the lesser evil but I actually root for Mastodon in spite of not using it (not into person oriented social media, I prefer threads/topics form of forums).

  • Dear Red Hat: Are you dumb?
  • Fedora has a cult following. I remember leaving it because I had many issues with using it and how much effort it took to just make it works. I'm now on Arch via EndeavourOS and it's so smooth and enjoyable. Whenever I'd seek help or complain about something being broken on Fedora I'd get gaslight by its zealots. :/

  • How can we answer the question "China is revisionist because of billionaires in the party?"
  • The bigamy thing is sad though. I'm not poly and don't understand them, but I think it's wrong to force all people to be monogamous. Many people aren't naturally monogamous and will be miserable when forced into it.

  • Canadian Senate passes bill requiring Google, Meta to pay for news
  • Not sure if you ever used MS' or Google's news but they tend to show you the entire or near the entire article. The websites get no money from ads on their websites aka they get no income.

  • The ocean just ate the rich. We need to pick up our pace!
  • So that's why I felt a natural affinity to the sea from birth... 👀

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • I love autumn and early spring. Fuck extremism. Summer is worse than winter but only marginally.

  • Remember to check if your landlord is registered and report them if they're not

    Best to do it once you move out so they cannot retaliate. When I lived in Ireland none of my many landlords was registered. Not a single one. So I reported all of them except for one (who gave me the place overnight when a homophobic landlord kicked me out, also overnight). I hope they're all registered now and strengthening the economy with the hard labour of owning necessities, refusing to release them to those who need them and scalping the prices. 💪

    Missing Titan sub has 40 hours of air left as search yields no results
  • I don't want to buy it so billionaires don't run out of stock when they need it.

  • Missing Titan sub has 40 hours of air left as search yields no results
  • Did you report them after ceasing your employment? This could've hypothetically caused deaths or else. :/

  • Has anyone came out as nb at work?
  • I don't ID as trans. Sorry if I gave the wrong impression! I don't know of a single LGBT person within our company. I also cannot change my name because the government of the country of which citizenship I hold doesn't allow it for this case (neither does the country's I live in afaik) and my job doesn't allow preferred names. :/

  • New Tech Demo Uses AI to Let You Converse with NPCs
  • Non static dialogue was what I dreamt of for gaming as a kid. Now, even if they develop completely non standard dialogue via AI, they still need to program in game interactions which will be limited. Not to mention the impossible QA process...

  • mATX case smaller than ASUS AP201?

    The asus case arrived and it's huge. I hoped to size down (don't have any measuring tools) but it's as big as my current one. I'm very uncomfortable and would love to return it but cannot find a replacement. Should I keep it? I hate: -branding -RGB -wasted space (I've no HDD, disk drive etc so I only need cpu, mobo, psu and gpu spaces)

    Has anyone came out as nb at work?
  • Thanks, that's very inspirational, but I don't really care what other people think. If I feel silly, I feel silly. Obviously I don't live in vacuum and other people influenced many things about me but the influence makes up what I am rather than being something I can choose to opt out of.

  • Has anyone came out as nb at work?
  • I'm happy to hear that! I was thinking of laser but I cannot afford it plus the rest of my body is fairly hairy so I feel like I'd look silly. I will see how my time in the company goes.

  • Killer Whales Are Our Friends
  • Any chance someone gifted with edits may make a wallpaper from this?

  • LGBTQ+ silly . lil . jester
    Has anyone came out as nb at work?

    How did it go? I'm so tempted to when I'm freshly shaven but then the stubble comes back and I feel like I'll look like a fool once it does. 😮‍💨

    TIL Xi Jinpings wage is roughly on par with that of the median worker in China
  • That's communism. I wouldn't mind being a politician on the median wage. It's how you keep politicians reminded of what they're working for.

  • 'Psychological debriefing' right after an accident or trauma can do more harm than good – here's why
  • What? Therapy isn't a solution in all cases? But the therapy industry set up by capitalism told me it's perfect at all times... :( /s

  • Has anyone moved into a country with a communist gov from a capitalist one?
  • Nice! I'm getting more and more fedup with the country I'm currently in so I'll definitely look into Japan more seriously as the time goes.

  • Missing Titan sub has 40 hours of air left as search yields no results
  • The gov has shitload of money to pay for their pet projects and saving fellow rich. Helping the population meet their necessities? Nah...

  • (Vent) Doctor forwarded me to a care without a doctor I need

    My joints hurt and I'm constantly sleepy. There's far more but I don't want to go into detail. I need my medicine for my body to stop hurting. I moved countries and instead of being forwarded to the doctor I need I was forwarded to a specific clinic and apparently they don't accept new patients anymore and don't even have the doctor I need. I'm confused and tired. I don't speak the local language. I was fine scheduling a visit with the doctor because it allowed me to seek doctors who speak English but he forwarded me to a hospital which doesn't have any online stuff. I'll try to call tomorrow but expect them not to speak English. I was happy to finally have healthcare coverage but now I'm angry I'm forced to pay hundreds a month and cannot even receive the help I need. I'm sad. I technically can buy people reselling their medicine but I'm scared it might be too old, spiked or else. And just don't have the money nor will to do stuff like this. I hate this. :(

    Has anyone moved into a country with a communist gov from a capitalist one?

    I'm curious about your stories. In my other thread about thinking of moving to Japan because of their population decline people suggested communist countries. I personally don't consider it at the moment because, to my knowledge, they have a stable population growth so my housing issue wouldn't be easier to resolve. Nevertheless, I'm eager to listen to your stories. :)

    Reddit silly . lil . jester
    Trolling Reddit by using Reddit doesn't troll Reddit

    If you go to Reddit, you will still see their ads, be they obvious or hidden through disguising as user interaction (bots are more or less obvious, AI is at the stage where they can fake users). You drive engagement and site traffic. The only way to do anything disadvantegous to Reddit is to stop going to Reddit (if you also delete all your content they have less things to put inbetween ads for the remaining users). You are the product they offer to advertisers, be it through being the buyer for advertised things or providing content to put between the ads so the users who may buy those things don't only see ads. Your enjoyment of the platform is largely if not completely irrelevant from the corporate standpoint. If anything, your disgruntlement can make you engage more providing them with more content to put between ads.

    Has anyone moved to Asia if not born/raised there? Anyone planning to? How do you like it?

    No idea if my posts may be recognizable yet so a short intro: I'm perceived as a foreigner everywhere I go my entire life and have no attachments anywhere. Finding housing is hell due to the anti foreigner prejudice. I moved countries three times in the past three years because of this and I'm struggling again so I'm escaping the situation by thinking of the potential future solutions. I keep hearing about the Japanese decreasing population so I was thinking maybe it would be viable to look into jobs there eventually. I was wondering how it went for you or if you fantasize of it or plan to do so yourself. I just aim to someday live where my contribution to the society is more valuable than the prejudice against me not being a local and places with considerable negative birth rate feels like the most sensible choice.

    Video Games silly . lil . jester
    What is your favourite location in a game and why?

    Mine is the Bloom from Torment: Tides of Numenera. I love the fleshy bits. I love the everyday gruesome horror becoming an everyday thing for the people who live there. I love the literally organic surroundings. It's just by far my favorite location in any game ever. :)

    Video Games silly . lil . jester
    [REC] Greedfall is a janky but very charming and interesting game and a second installment will come soon!

    It touches on a very interesting topic which is colonialism and I think it does a fair justice of portraying the moral issues of such. As a lifelong foreigner I also appreciate how it portrays characters reacting to you as such and how much they demand to give you a chance at being perceived as acceptable even if you haven't done anything wrong and merely aren't a local, a topic close to me. Again, it's slightly buggy and I managed to break it but then I managed to unbreak it and didn't lose any content. It's an enjoyable journey I hope more people can appreciate. :)

    Video Games silly . lil . jester
    [REC] Revenant is my favorite game so far and a second installment is coming.

    I hope you get to play it if you didn't. If you have VR, their VR title ties into the world in an extremely special way: (spoiler) the protagonist becomes the final boss in Revenant. You get to make a decision affecting your world and even your world will have bosses you may otherwise not have depending on how it generated and some you may never see if you don't replay or opt to help someone. It's a really great punishing gun fun game with a really cool world. It has some roughness with the character creation but you can simply cover yourself in armor and forget of it. I hope you get to love it even half as much as I did. :)

    Video Games silly . lil . jester
    [REC] People speak of Wastelands but I don't ever see people speak of the masterpiece from the studio: Torment: Tides of Numenera.

    I'll admit I never got into Wastelands. The world doesn't appeal to me. But I see people occasionally speak of the games but the studio made Torment: Tides of Numenera which I loved dearly and literally never ever seen spoken of. It's a really good game which is waiting for you to discover it!

    Video Games silly . lil . jester
    [REC] You should play Tyranny if you haven't yet

    It's one of the best RPGs there are. The choices actually matter a lot. I'm really sad there's no part two and now online algorithms are reminding me of it so I want you to know of it too!

    I decided to use chatGPT after encouragement from my flatmate to try to get a landlord's attention to my housing application

    I even generated apologies for initially reaching out to them in English (I know they speak English). It also updated my surname on the applications to my new one (I was previously mistaken for a Russian). I feel bad because chatGPT has the power of algorithm to make better responses than a human does so it feels unfair but I don't want to go homeless so there's that. Best of luck to all my fellow non-locals, locals perceived as non-locals and all other people struggling with housing. I plan to get a portrait of Mao Zedong to hang in my flat if I find housing. UwU

    We urgently need to fix the issue of ghost instances/communities which defederated/got deleted.

    The longer I use Lemmy the more I run into posting on places where my posts will never reach anyone apart from my own instance. And then there's a growing amount of communities which display normally for me but if I actually open them it shows they were deleted. We desperately need a way to make them send information to all instances which used their information to remove it as it got deleted. Or a signal from an instance to other instances and their communities essentially asking them if they're still federated/existing. Of course not frequent, that'd waste resources. But happening enough not to make people lose time screaming into the abyss. Not to mention the utter waste of server space keeping content which cannot be used... :(

    Rejoice! I opted us into all cat communities.

    To my knowledge for a community to show in [All] at all someone from your server has to had looked it up. So I used the feddit communities catalog to opt us into all the cat communities. No need to thank me. Sorry if it kills our instance. ;_;

    LGBTQ+ silly . lil . jester
    Are there other lgbt+ blahaj communities with more activity?

    I would've expected blahaj to be queer central but it doesn't seem all that active which makes me sad. I want more rainbow in my life. :c

    Reddit silly . lil . jester
    I don't care about the app protests but I hope the situation escalates so Reddit no longer profits off of massive amounts of unpaid labour

    I have nothing against hobbyists moderating their tiny little corners but the vast majority of Reddit isn't it. Reddit demands more and more income out of the heaps of unpaid labour they've been thriving off of with little respect for the people who got them where they are. For me an ideal outcome would be Reddit paying for moderation of all subreddits of any notable size (unless they're corpo-owned too - then it's up to them). I would be over the moon if this turned into people questioning why Reddit is dictating things like this while profiting from unpaid moderators (if you get someone's labour worth AND don't even pay them that's an absolutely insane profit).

    I personally deleted my account and don't even browse unless I need to for work. I'm happy to see people still deleting their content and deleting their accounts.

    Reddit has been taking from their community and in spite of having the insane set up where they don't even have to pay for the moderation they push against the comfort of the community. It's time they pay. Literally.

    Arch: Flatpak of Snap for Steam?

    I am deadset on not having 32bit libraries outside of a sandbox on my PC. I'm supposed to get a refund on all faulty PC parts I had so I ordered new ones and once they arrive, I will have a fresh system. I used flatpak Steam on my current system and it had no access to my download folder which I found slightly irritating. What would be better on Arch for Steam only: Snap or Flatpak? I am now partial to trying Snap but I figured I'll ask in case anyone has any great/terrible experiences to share. c:

    Filtering by most comments gives me results with 0 comments in spite of looking in [All]

    I uploaded the screenshot picturing the issue. If I'm not mistaken, the posts are from a year ago as well. I haven't found any bug reporting community when I looked up bug so pardon me for posting this here if it should go elsewhere.

    I accidentally bought non vegan shoes and didn't refund them.

    Pls downvote me so I can experience the public shaming I feel I need.

    Why? I always only own one pair and wear it down. My pair at the time decided the top wanted to part ways with the sole so it did so I needed a new pair. The one I bought looked normal on the small photo I saw online on the website with a major sale (I paid 20 euros for the shoes, the normal price was 150 I reckon). I didn't filter by material and didn't see it saying it's not not body parts. They make my feet hurt so I need to buy new anyway. I feel bad and need therapeutic downvotes. I will appreciate your cooperation.

    SillyJester silly . lil . jester

    ['98] I'm not a girl, sorry.

    Posts 24
    Comments 155