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Lancashire mum fined £240 defends term-time holiday
  • The thing I don’t get though, is that can’t you just lie and pretend your kids are sick? At least for a week. I suppose two weeks might be more difficult, I was never off school for that long as a kid so dunno if you have to provide some kinda proof if it’s that long.

    Or do you have to provide some kind of doctor’s note for even a week now? I wasn’t even off for a full week to be fair so maybe I’m just unaware…

  • As an ex Redditor..
  • As an atheist, I would say that I can see the benefits of the community that churches provide. Basically having a close network of friends and supportive people is always going to be good.

    But you don’t need religion for this. We definitely need closer communities. Like if we had some other place we could all go to and make some effort to actually go at least once a week for an hour or two or however long. This would definitely be a good thing as it helps with loneliness which is a big problem these days. It would also be a much healthier alternative to the default pub social setting.

    However religion can be very harmful. So I’m definitely against religion. I’m not against religious people, apart from the people who say stuff about things being gods plan or that god made whatever bad thing happened to them for a reason. They’ll say it in a way that makes it sound like they’re being nice but it can actually be really harmful for people who have been through trauma. An example would be how people saying how god saved Trump. Which actually means god murdered those other (two?) people that died by pushing the bullets around Trump and into them lol.

    Or if you come out as gay in a lot of religious communities that means instant rejection and you lose your whole support system overnight unless you repress your true self.

    So yeah - religion bad - community good.

  • Why Trump is spreading the lie that schools are performing gender-affirming surgeries on children
  • Yeah I mean I dunno if it’s helpful to call them idiots. Cos ideally a really small number of these people might be capable of changing their opinions. I mean I don’t buy that anyone can be undecided at the moment, or for quite a long time really. I think the votes needed can either come from Trump supporters or from people who are lazy voting wise. Who would back Harris if they could vote from home, but just might not get their arse down to the polling station on the day.

    Well I suppose there is maybe some republicans who just hate the Democrats and would never vote for them under normal scenarios, but are uncomfortable as fuck with Trump.

    Meh. Maybe we can do without the Trumpers if we are lucky lol. I mean we might not have a choice in the matter. I suppose as much as we don’t want to alienate them by calling them idiots, they are in reality idiots if they’re literally believing stuff like the litter box examples and even if we don’t call them idiots, the reality is they’re probably too idiotic to be turned, so it likely won’t make a difference anyway.

    Who knows…

  • Drugs Oxymoron
    First: Methadone - I think I found the reason why I perceived myself to be going into withdrawals more quickly after a LARGER dose, it’s a bit NSFW… also Is this the main drug page?


    So I posted the other day about how I took double my dose and got a nice little high for a pretty short period sadly and then I actually seemed to go into withdrawal sooner than I would have usually, despite double dosing so expectancy of a longer half life.

    One of the major things that led me to believe I had gone into withdrawals quicker was a quirky old “withdrawal” that I’ve always noticed BIG TIME (but not until now on methadone, so assumed I hadn’t been going FAR enough into withdrawals to experience it) is a massively increased sex drive.

    So next part is the NSFW bit, like yeah, so I’m talking “no handers” lol. Just spontaneous… can happen anywhere anytime type shit… so not enjoyable.

    However I think actually this has been happening recently, not really as a withdrawal as such, but to do with the constipating effects of Methadone and possibly the reversal of those effects maybe the inbetween. Basically I think it has a lot to do with pressure being applied to your (well my) prostrate lol.

    I could be wrong but I don’t think I am. Cos also I have this problem quite often, lot more often than the spontaneous ejaculations, of feeling the need to pee all the time. Then I go for really small pees really often. Which I’m pretty much certain is down to the constipation thing.

    You know the way after you open your bowels you tend to pee. Well if you can’t open your bowels… or not much…. But kind of… then you’re left in this limbo stage of small pees and pressure being applied to prostate.

    So yeah I think that’s the reason. Although I do also still perceive myself to be in worse withdrawals if I double dose then miss dose the next day (cos I’ve taken it day before) than usual. Even though if you think about it, you’re just taking 200mg methadone a double dose and you’re waiting 48 hours until next dose instead of the usual 24 hours. (Or in my case only actually 36 hours, I took 100mg in morning then 100mg in evening. Then back to normal dosing 36 hrs after that).

    So it’s really nothing too extreme IMO, but it fucking feels like it is! I had this weird like really hot face feeling or my whole head and brain really like it was burning. As a symptom.

    Like you’d think that 100mg having to last you 36 hours wouldn’t be that bad, cos it’s only 12 hours more than normal. Yet it really feels a lot worse? Why is that? Maybe I’m a fast metaboliser so my dose is never lasting close to 24 hours let alone 36. Would make sense for the nice quite intense high I had but very short in length. Short but sweet.

    Anyone else experience this? Anyone got any advice for papa Smurf? How to stop these spontaneous smurfations?

    First: Methadone - I think I found the reason why I perceived myself to be going into withdrawals more quickly after a LARGER dose, it’s a bit NSFW… also Is this the main drug page?


    So I posted the other day about how I took double my dose and got a nice little high for a pretty short period sadly and then I actually seemed to go into withdrawal sooner than I would have usually, despite double dosing so expectancy of a longer half life.

    One of the major things that led me to believe I had gone into withdrawals quicker was a quirky old “withdrawal” that I’ve always noticed BIG TIME (but not until now on methadone, so assumed I hadn’t been going FAR enough into withdrawals to experience it) is a massively increased sex drive.

    So next part is the NSFW bit, like yeah, so I’m talking “no handers” lol. Just spontaneous… can happened anywhere anytime type shit… so not enjoyable.

    However I think actually this has been happening recently, not really as a withdrawal as such, but to do with the constipating effects of Methadone and possibly the reversal of those effects maybe the inbetween. Basically I think it has a lot to do with pressure being applied to your (well my) prostrate lol.

    I could be wrong but I don’t think I am. Cos also I have this problem quite often, lot more often than the spontaneous ejaculations, of feeling the need to pee all the time. Then I go for really small pees really often. Which I’m pretty much certain is down to the constipation thing.

    You know the way after you open your bowels you tend to pee. Well if you can’t open your bowels… or not much…. But kind of… then you’re left in this limbo stage of small pees and pressure being applied to prostate.

    So yeah I think that’s the reason. Although I do also still perceive myself to be in worse withdrawals if I double dose then miss dose the next day (cos I’ve taken it day before) than usual. Even though if you think about it, you’re just taking 200mg methadone a double dose and you’re waiting 48 hours until next dose instead of the usual 24 hours. (Or in my case only actually 36 hours, I took 100mg in morning then 100mg in evening. Then back to normal dosing 36 hrs after that).

    So it’s really nothing too extreme IMO, but it fucking feels like it is! I had this weird like really hot face feeling or my whole head and brain really like it was burning. As a symptom.

    Like you’d think that 100mg having to last you 36 hours wouldn’t be that bad, cos it’s only 12 hours more than normal. Yet it really feels a lot worse? Why is that? Maybe I’m a fast metaboliser so my dose is never lasting close to 24 hours let alone 36. Would make sense for the nice quite intense high I had but very short in length. Short but sweet.

    Anyone else experience this? Anyone got any advice for papa Smurf? How to stop these spontaneous smurfations?

    What’s the deal with people/the media not making the big obvious comparisons between how we are treating Israel vs Ukraine?

    It’s ridiculous. I know the MSM is pretty right wing in general but like really? Maybe they are and I’ve just missed it but I would think it would be big news.

    Ukrainians getting slaughtered on the daily basically on behalf of us (NATO) in order to hold the border between NATO and Russia.

    Yet we take months to agree to give them the things they need, making them ineffective, while giving Israel everything they could possibly dream of to genocide the Palestinians.

    I’ve gotta believe that history won’t look back on this kindly… if we even have much more of a future as a race…

    I think at this point, we either need to absolutely swamp Ukraine with weapons or we need to be pushing for “peace” which will involve at least pieces of Ukraine being handed over to Russia.

    I swear NATO is basically using the Ukrainians as cannon fodder right now. Or like suicide bombers: we don’t care if they die, as long as they take some Russians with them.

    I think unfortunately it’s gonna have to be piece at this point. Had we really thrown everything to Ukraine at the start, I think there’s a good a chance they could have kept Russia back. I don’t think we have that same opportunity now. We are about to start entering a cold period again. How many Ukrainians will freeze to death over this coming winter? And for what? For them to surrender next year?

    Meanwhile we continue to give Israel all the tools they need to completely wipe out the Palestinians. If the UK could make a stand, it would put a lot of pressure on America. We need our government to be brave and not repeat the failures of following America as we did with the Iraq war.

    We need to be brave on both issues. In both cases, the pressure from probably their closest ally, should make a difference. We should do it now, because it will be easier to do before hopefully Harris is elected. Then she will just be continuing with what she was left with rather than having to make the big changes herself. Like ideally she should be able to succumb to some pressure from us if it comes to it too. But it would just be easier to have this awkward moment with an outgoing president, who we won’t have to speak to in a couple of months.

    If Trump gets elected then we are just fucked all round really. Again it would make sense for us to have made our move before he gets in, but realistically we are probably all fucked anyway if Trump the Dictator gets in.

    That’s my rant over anyway… am I wrong? Am I missing something here? Apart from the obvious that we tend to treat country’s with nukes better than those countries without, even the ones we persuaded to get rid of their nukes and swore we would protect cough Ukraine cough.

    Political Memes Oxymoron
    Which type of couch is JD Vance’s favourite?

    Are we talking the big corner unit, girth monsters? Or does he prefer Lazy Boys?

    Drugs Oxymoron
    Methadone - possible withdrawals?

    I’ve been on Methadone for about 4.5 months and have been on a “stable” dose of 100mg for the last 2 months.

    I had to have an ECG to go from 85mg to 100mg and the “interval” number thing was a little high. I think they said 150 is the bottom of the “high scale” if you know what I mean? Mine was 143 at that point. They still said it was like a yellow flag and that I’d have to have ECG’s before each increase going forwards but he was still happy for me to go from 85mg to 100mg.

    I then had to have an ECG a couple of weeks after that increase at which point the number had gone up to 153. I’m sure I remember at one point him saying that it would only actually stop me being able to increase if it was above 180, but I could have misremembered that.

    I also increased my Pregabalin dose from 200mg to 300mg, so the increase in the ECG number increase was likely due to both the Methadone and Pregabalin increasing at the same time.

    I didn’t initially ask for an increase as I hoped 100mg would be enough and that maybe split dosing once I was able to get take-homes would make it work better. But he did say that had I asked he would have said no. Although I think the procedure would be to contact a cardiologist or just another (senior?) doctor to confer before deciding on if I could increase or not.

    I say this, because he did in fact say he would email a cardiologist anyway but for now would leave me at my current 100mg dose (not reduce me back down) and it’s been a month since then so we can assume the decision was it was okay for me to stay at that dose.

    Winding forward to Monday this week, I decided after this latest weekend that I don’t think 100mg is enough.

    I’m not saying I’m having severe withdrawals, but for instance one thing I’ve noticed is that I seem to sweat a LOT and it’s after like the tiniest amount of exercise.

    It happened to me today and it made me completely freezing cold. So it’s like a cold sweat. I’ve also noticed my mood not being as good as it was. I used to feel quite motivated after taking my dose, now that doesn’t seem to happen.

    I’d probably say my mood is lower in general but I do feel like it improves for a short time after taking my dose.

    This weekend I made a silly decision to take both my Saturday and Sunday dose on Saturday. Although almost 12 hours apart, like 8am and 8pm.

    I actually felt quite euphoric after the second dose for a few short hours. However the next day was not great. Well it was pretty bad. But the thing is, I only really, if you think about it, took my Sunday dose 12 hours earlier than would have been reasonable to take it on Sunday. 8pm Saturday night instead of 8am Sunday morning.

    Despite this it really seemed to leave my system quite quickly.

    The main thing that made me notice this, was my sex drive came back big timeee (like 2 wet dreams kinda sex drive rebounding lol).

    You could say “well, having your sex drive back isn’t that bad” but firstly, it is. Because no one wants to have to change their underwear twice in the early hours of the morning lol.

    But also, my point is mainly that this shows that the Methadone was obviously a lot more out of my system than usual.

    Basically, from my experience, I’d actually say that it felt like taking that double dose, somehow caused me to go into withdrawal when I wouldn’t have usually. Like not that quick. I don’t ever have wet dreams and yet occasionally I’ll take my methadone as early as like 930/10am.

    Just trust me on this because I’m probably just explaining it badly. But basically it does feel as though somehow larger doses, leave my system more quickly than smaller doses.

    Has anyone else experienced this?

    Finally, do you think the sweating and mood stuff is likely withdrawals? Do I need to be on a higher dose? What can I say to the doctor to get a higher dose?

    I know they want me to do another ECG and I’ve booked one in for the start of October, but this is a longggg time away and also, what if that number gets even worse?? And they just refuse to increase my dose??

    I’ve heard of people in the US being on really high doses like 250mg, do they all really “pass” the ECG at doses in excess of 200mg??

    If anyone has any info about any of this or just wants to share their personal experience, I’d be thankful/interested to hear in either case.


    Methadone - possible withdrawal?

    I’ve been on Methadone for about 4.5 months and have been on a “stable” dose of 100mg for the last 2 months.

    I had to have an ECG to go from 85mg to 100mg and the “interval” number thing was a little high. I think they said 150 is the bottom of the “high scale” if you know what I mean? Mine was 143 at that point. They still said it was like a yellow flag and that I’d have to have ECG’s before each increase going forwards but he was still happy for me to go from 85mg to 100mg.

    I then had to have an ECG a couple of weeks after that increase at which point the number had gone up to 153. I’m sure I remember at one point him saying that it would only actually stop me being able to increase if it was above 180, but I could have misremembered that.

    I also increased my Pregabalin dose from 200mg to 300mg, so the increase in the ECG number increase was likely due to both the Methadone and Pregabalin increasing at the same time.

    I didn’t initially ask for an increase as I hoped 100mg would be enough and that maybe split dosing once I was able to get take-homes would make it work better. But he did say that had I asked he would have said no. Although I think the procedure would be to contact a cardiologist or just another (senior?) doctor to confer before deciding on if I could increase or not.

    I say this, because he did in fact say he would email a cardiologist anyway but for now would leave me at my current 100mg dose (not reduce me back down) and it’s been a month since then so we can assume the decision was it was okay for me to stay at that dose.

    Winding forward to Monday this week, I decided after this latest weekend that I don’t think 100mg is enough.

    I’m not saying I’m having severe withdrawals, but for instance one thing I’ve noticed is that I seem to sweat a LOT and it’s after like the tiniest amount of exercise.

    It happened to me today and it made me completely freezing cold. So it’s like a cold sweat. I’ve also noticed my mood not being as good as it was. I used to feel quite motivated after taking my dose, now that doesn’t seem to happen.

    I’d probably say my mood is lower in general but I do feel like it improves for a short time after taking my dose.

    This weekend I made a silly decision to take both my Saturday and Sunday dose on Saturday. Although almost 12 hours apart, like 8am and 8pm.

    I actually felt quite euphoric after the second dose for a few short hours. However the next day was not great. Well it was pretty bad. But the thing is, I only really, if you think about it, took my Sunday dose 12 hours earlier than would have been reasonable to take it on Sunday. 8pm Saturday night instead of 8am Sunday morning.

    Despite this it really seemed to leave my system quite quickly.

    The main thing that made me notice this, was my sex drive came back big timeee (like 2 wet dreams kinda sex drive rebounding lol).

    You could say “well, having your sex drive back isn’t that bad” but firstly, it is. Because no one wants to have to change their underwear twice in the early hours of the morning lol.

    But also, my point is mainly that this shows that the Methadone was obviously a lot more out of my system than usual.

    Basically, from my experience, I’d actually say that it felt like taking that double dose, somehow caused me to go into withdrawal when I wouldn’t have usually. Like not that quick. I don’t ever have wet dreams and yet occasionally I’ll take my methadone as early as like 930/10am.

    Just trust me on this because I’m probably just explaining it badly. But basically it does feel as though somehow larger doses, leave my system more quickly than smaller doses.

    Has anyone else experienced this?

    Finally, do you think the sweating and mood stuff is likely withdrawals? Do I need to be on a higher dose? What can I say to the doctor to get a higher dose?

    I know they want me to do another ECG and I’ve booked one in for the start of October, but this is a longggg time away and also, what if that number gets even worse?? And they just refuse to increase my dose??

    I’ve heard of people in the US being on really high doses like 250mg, do they all really “pass” the ECG at doses in excess of 200mg??

    If anyone has any info about any of this or just wants to share their personal experience, I’d be thankful/interested to hear in either case.


    Think my radiator temperature thing is broken.. any ideas?
  • Ahaha yeah a photo was definitely needed. I just said all the words I could think of that might give a clue or be correct lol. I didn’t even know you could upload photos, only been on here for about a week.

    Also; I think it’s actually working again now lol. It’s not great, like I was able to turn the “dial” which I wasn’t able to last night, which I think was in part because I was getting burnt trying to do it. But once it was cool I was able to turn it like normal almost, but then the same thing happened again, but because this time it was cold; I was able to get it back into the off position.

    So think I will replace it but least it sort of works for now.

  • The Dangerous Illusion of a Presidential Third Party in 2024
  • Hahah literally what is the point!? Well like I say. Probably is about name recognition otherwise why bother.

    Either that or Jill is retired and bored/senile.. isn’t Jill the same name as Biden’s wife actually? Hahah. Maybe it’s Biden in a wig. Who can say?

  • Drugs Oxymoron
    Soma/Carisoprodol - what’s the best way to take it? I think I have tried different ways, i.e; slowly building it up OR hitting it harder at the start - it seems to be unreliable.

    As above.. it’s like some days I have a great high and others I take stupid amounts like 6000mg overall and it doesn’t even make me that tired.

    So some days I’ll take 500mg, wait an hour take another 500 etc. Then other days I’ll take 1000mg then half hour later 500mg, then half hour later 500mg etc.

    I have to admit I’m probably not always consistent with sticking with one method. Like if the former method isn’t working I’ll start taking a big boost.

    But as I say, I’ve had 6000mg nights where I haven’t really felt much.

    Is there any way to potentiate?

    Probably worth mentioning that I take it daily until what I’ve ordered is gone (usually 60 X 500mg tablets).

    I also understand that at least 25% of them are metabolised to Meprobamate.

    This to me should be a bigger deal than… well okay it’s not like I’ve talked to people about this. But the half life of Meprobamate is 12 hours compared to 2.5 hours for the Soma. So this means looking at the duration of Soma is a bit misleading providing I’m right about this (just read it on I think Wikipedia).

    Anyhow, any ideas how to get best high?



    Soma/Carisoprodol - what’s the best way to take it? I think I have tried different ways, i.e; slowly building it up OR hitting it harder at the start - it seems to be unreliable.

    As above.. it’s like some days I have a great high and others I take stupid amounts like 6000mg overall and it doesn’t even make me that tired.

    So some days I’ll take 500mg, wait an hour take another 500 etc. Then other days I’ll take 1000mg then half hour later 500mg, then half hour later 500mg etc.

    I have to admit I’m probably not always consistent with sticking with one method. Like if the former method isn’t working I’ll start taking a big boost.

    But as I say, I’ve had 6000mg nights where I haven’t really felt much.

    Is there any way to potentiate?

    Probably worth mentioning that I take it daily until what I’ve ordered is gone (usually 60 X 500mg tablets).

    I also understand that at least 25% of them are metabolised to Meprobamate.

    This to me should be a bigger deal than… well okay it’s not like I’ve talked to people about this. But the half life of Meprobamate is 12 hours compared to 2.5 hours for the Soma. So this means looking at the duration of Soma is a bit misleading providing I’m right about this (just read it on I think Wikipedia).

    Anyhow, any ideas how to get best high?



    The Dangerous Illusion of a Presidential Third Party in 2024
  • Ahh ok haha well that’s good at least. I can’t see any left leaning would-be democrat voters voting for the guy who dumped the carcass of a bear in… I wanna say.. Central Park?

    I love that they’re like “paper doesn’t grow on trees dude, we ain’t wasting anymore”.

    I don’t really understand why these independents bother. Do they really think they’re gonna turn 3% (being generous) into 51%?? I don’t think so. I wonder if there’s some ulterior motive in play, like to just get their name out there and then with that name recognition, get elected into a much lower down position at state level.

  • The Dangerous Illusion of a Presidential Third Party in 2024
  • Oh really? I don’t really get how your system works I guess lol. Cos I thought if he drops out he’s out. So he’s still running against Trump in some states basically? I would have thought he’d be taking votes from the right rather than the left though. But I probably just don’t understand your system properly tbf.

  • The Dangerous Illusion of a Presidential Third Party in 2024
  • I thought Kennedy dropped out to support Trump? Maybe I’m wrong I’m not American, but thought I heard that.

    But yeah I agree. It’s just splitting the vote, the same thing happens in the UK. For a long time until this most recent election we only had the Conservatives on the right, whereas on the left you had Labour, Lib Dem’s and Greens, yet the Conservatives kept getting back in because the left wing vote was split, they wouldn’t work together to step down in certain seats to let the party most likely to be beat the Conservatives stand.

    Thank god, in a weird way, for Reform UK, massively splitting the right wing vote this time around. Allowing Labour to win. If Labour don’t change the voting system to proportional representation now that they’ve finally got the chance after a 15 year wait, then they are truly mugs. They won’t though I’m sure. They are hopefully supposed to be letting 16 year olds vote which should help.

    But yeah, that Hitler story gave me the shivers lol. Apparently we aren’t allowed to call Trump a fascist because it pisses off Republican voters and caused that assassination attempt (even though I swear the guy was a republican voter??)

    But like; he is literally a fascist. For me personally, if someone said, “we can stop Trump from ever being elected, but the price is you have to cancel the election and just say that George Bush won and let him have another term”. I’d take that deal. I genuinely think Trump is so dangerous, it shouldn’t be a republican vs democrats thing, it should be an Americans for Democracy thing.

  • how do I accept that a doctor earns more than double what I do?
  • Final thing: I think you have it backwards. I think the culprits you’re referring to, lack the empathy in the first place, making them sociopaths. This lack of empathy allows them to ascend the ranks stepping on the shoulders of whoever.

  • how do I accept that a doctor earns more than double what I do?
  • I think you’re possibly describing sociopathy. Which is of course more common among the rich and “successful”, politicians are typically mentioned of having higher incidences of sociopathy, than the rest of the populous.

    Because to get up to a certain level you have to be pretty cut-throat. You have to not care about shitting on other people in order to progress.

    But this is the more extreme category of people. Like highly successful politicians as I say are the main culprits people usually mention.

    I certainly don’t think you have to, to simplify things, be a “dick” to be a doctor. I’m sure some are but certainly not all.

    What if one of your good friends decided to train as doctor? You wouldn’t suddenly call them a sociopath for achieving that aim, would you?

    I’d agree there’s a higher incidence of them amongst doctors compared to say… carers. But it’s nowhere near all of them.

    There is also this thing I often hear and have actually experienced first hand (obviously this is not to be taken too seriously as it’s just a personal experience) but people who care for vulnerable people like nurses or carers, can sometimes take those positions in order to gain power over vulnerable people.

    There’s a fair few documentaries that show these kinds of people abusing their vulnerable patients. Pretty disgusting stuff. Imagine bullying say a non-verbal autistic person. There is very little chance that person can defend themselves. They can’t even communicate effectively.

    So much trust is given to these low paid carers, caring for the most vulnerable. You definitely get bad apples there.

    So it’s certainly not only a problem with doctors. Who can be probably a bit more easily found out.

    Just thought about Lucy Letby as an example of an evil nurse with power over the most vulnerable tiny premature baby’s. (Although see some stuff about people doubting her conviction and her not fitting the typical serial killer profile, but that’s a tangent anyway).

    But no I don’t think it’s automatically wealthy privileged people. I hate capitalism as much as I suspect you may do unless I’ve misinterpreted your tone haha. But this is the system we have and going back to the main thing, doctors and similar professionals are valued much more than the lowly nurse or extra lowly care worker who works physically twice as hard but without all the the risks that doctors take.

  • Think my radiator temperature thing is broken.. any ideas?
  • Aha I think I get what you’re saying though. There is also a thermostat on the wall downstairs that controls the central heating. So if that is turned off, then my radiator wouldn’t heat up even if I turned the dial from the photo up.

    It’s like the main thermostat has executive control (pretty certain of this anyway) but then each room has a radiator which its own controls so if I get too hot I can turn mine off while the rest of the radiators in the house stay on.

    I’m guessing you’re not from the UK? The dial, as I’ll now call it, on the radiator is on every radiator I’ve ever seen.

    Anyhow dunno why I’m telling you all this cos if you don’t have the same system you’re not gonna be able to help but just as an FYI I guess. Hopefully someone on the other channel is from the UK!

  • Harris and Trump are getting ready for Tuesday’s debate in sharply different ways
  • Yeah so basically you don’t give a shit because Mexico isn’t more powerful than the US.

    You’re privileged (feel a little weird saying this about America) to live in the world’s most powerful country. But things change. Look how quickly China has changed. Just in my lifetime they’ve gone from the equivalent of the poorer parts of Africa to having a pretty decent standard of living.

    You can’t just isolate yourself and say fuck you, you’re on your own Ukraine, when they get invaded by Russia. I mean you can. But as I say, it won’t stop there. It didn’t stop with Crimea. Appeasement failed.

    Your balloons comment just indicates you actually have no credible argument. You know that I’m right. Just admit at least that you’re selfish and care only about yourself.

    That Russia can invade the whole of Europe if they want to do, kill as many people as they want, just so long as they don’t attack the US.

    That’s basically your argument isn’t it? At least be honest about it and we can just conclude that you’re not a very good person but at least you’re honest.

  • Think my radiator temperature thing is broken.. any ideas?
  • Cheers, just posted on there. I’ll just attach the picture here anyway as well.

    I think it may not be the thing you’re thinking it is, cos yeah nothing to do with A/C, we don’t generally have that in most UK homes unfortunately aha.

    Here’s a photo of what I was calling the thermostat (but might not be).

  • Think my radiator temperature thing is broken.. any ideas?

    You know the temperature thing you turn round from like 0 to 5 depending on how hot you want it to be? Well I think, in trying to turn it off I may have turned it too far. As the it just keeps turning but in a jerky movement and the number doesn’t change if that makes sense? Like there’s a little plastic arrow that points up at the setting it’s on, so that you know what setting it’s on. But now it’s like the whole thing is turning rather than just the plastic cover with the numbers on.

    So I think (well I’m hoping cos the opposite would be worse) that it’s now turned completely off and there is no way to turn it on. But because the whole thing is turning and the numbers don’t change up or down regardless of which way you turn it, it’s possible it could be on any one of the 0-5 settings but only stuck as showing on 0.

    Any ideas?


    how do I accept that a doctor earns more than double what I do?
  • lol. The thing is you’re taking what this nurse says at her word entirely and not allowing for the decent chance that actually this doctor does do his job cos like if he didn’t he’d be getting disciplined?

    She either watches him a lot of the time which means she’s not working. Or more likely she just sees him when he’s on his phone having a break.

    It’s takes like a decade or longer to become fully trained as a doctor so of course they earn more than nurses. The knowledge you need to have is much more advanced, the responsibility is much larger. If it’s anything like the UK then you have to do incredibly well before in what we call college (16-18) to even get a place on a course which seems to be sort of a little bit what you’re saying. Except scrap “privilege” and replace with “had to have worked really hard and got outstanding grades beforehand in order to get onto a course”.

    It’s like with a lot of professions where you’re not paying the person for working up a sweat. You’re paying them for their knowledge.

    I’ve worked in care, was the lowest paid job I’ve had yet I’d argue the hardest, certainly very physically as well as mentally demanding.

    I’ve also earned twice that wage in a job that was much easier, although could be stressful and I was taking on more responsibility.

    Especially in America which I assume the person is probably from, where doctors are getting sued for shit all the time, it really is a lot more responsibility on top of the years and years of education, debt and knowledge they have to build up to do the job.

    Just sounds like a salty nurse. Unfortunately some people want to pull everyone down to their level rather than raise everyone up.

    Like if nurses unionised properly then they could demand better pay. If we didn’t live in a capitalist society then things would be fairer too, but under the current system, doctors are just far more valuable to us than nurses. Those is the facts…

  • Think my radiator temperature thing is broken.. any ideas?

    You know the temperature thing you turn round from like 0 to 5 depending on how hot you want it to be? Well I think, in trying to turn it off I may have turned it too far. As the it just keeps turning but in a jerky movement and the number doesn’t change if that makes sense? Like there’s a little plastic arrow that points up at the setting it’s on, so that you know what setting it’s on. But now it’s like the whole thing is turning rather than just the plastic cover with the numbers on.

    So I think (well I’m hoping cos the opposite would be worse) that it’s now turned completely off and there is no way to turn it on. But because the whole thing is turning and the numbers don’t change up or down regardless of which way you turn it, it’s possible it could be on any one of the 0-5 settings but only stuck as showing on 0.

    Any ideas?


    Think my radiator temperature thing is broken.. any ideas?

    You know the temperature thing you turn round from like 0 to 5 depending on how hot you want it to be? Well I think, in trying to turn it off I may have turned it too far. As the it just keeps turning but in a jerky movement and the number doesn’t change if that makes sense? Like there’s a little plastic arrow that points up at the setting it’s on, so that you know what setting it’s on. But now it’s like the whole thing is turning rather than just the plastic cover with the numbers on.

    So I think (well I’m hoping cos the opposite would be worse) that it’s now turned completely off and there is no way to turn it on. But because the whole thing is turning and the numbers don’t change up or down regardless of which way you turn it, it’s possible it could be on any one of the 0-5 settings but only stuck as showing on 0.

    Hopefully this is the right place to post this and someone has some idea…?


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