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"Ladybird announcement" by Andreas Kling (from SerenityOS)
  • You might also want to check the latest Ladybird update:

  • "Ladybird announcement" by Andreas Kling (from SerenityOS)

    Ladybird, the browser from SerentityOS, now has a non-profit behind it! The guy in the video is not Andreas, but Chris Wanstrath (former CEO from Github), and he's pumping some financial backing into this non-profit.

    I for one am happy we're getting an alternative to the Chrome/Firefox duality we're stuck with.

    It's okay, Buddy
  • Source: BaalBuddy

    He's pretty gooood!

  • What was your latest improvement to your Linux setup?
  • Nix! Just being able to run nix-env -i git and get a newer, isolated, git installation on an older Debian is very nice. Makes it easy to remove.

    I can also do nix-shell -p <application I want to try out> if I want to test stuff out.

    I've been able to ignore the Nix language pretty well so far, so no incredibly steep learning curve quite yet. Nix OS is still too spoopy for me.

  • Been here for a year, haven't regretted it ever
  • I just sometimes wish there was a little more content getting posted.

    Well, that's a problem that's within your power to fix! Start posting!

  • Oracle Java police start knocking on Fortune 200's doors for first time
  • Oracle was never really innovative on a technical level

    Even their RDBMS and SQL was copied from ideas that came from IBM. And I recall either E. F. Codd or one of the SQL guys making a remark about Oracle's less-than-saviour sales tactics, even back in the 90s.

  • What to do when a giant company refuses to honor a GPL claim?
  • This is why we have journalists - worst case, take this information to some newspaper, who will likely LOVE to poke the bear.

    OK, maybe that's a little idealistic, but at least you can try, eh?

  • Thank you for your service
  • I was able to do it for a restaurant once, where I was the first one to do so. I got 1.6+ million views on one image of the (then empty) restaurant. I'm pretty sure that's the peak of my online presence. It's all downhill from there.

  • Leaked yesterweb document
  • weird dude who writes raw HTML

    Eyy, that's me! Good excercise to learn actual HTML, instead of directly trying to jump into <insert random JS framework> and getting confused on what's what.

    Anyway, I ended up switching to Hugo as a static site generator, because it was too damn hard to keep all my <header>, <nav> and <main> aligned for all my HTML files.

    Now I can just write a markdown file as an article, or switch back to raw HTML if I so need (like rewriting Alan Turing's paper " On computable numbers" in HTML because I can't use TTS on the PDFs I found; I still haven't finished writing it, because I am now reading E. F. Codd's papers on the Relational Model, which is pretty wild how we already figured that shit out in the 1970s!)

  • Shit...
  • Ubuntu is a gateway drug to Arch.

  • Here’s what we’re working on in Firefox | The Mozilla Blog
  • Soon, Firefox can block ads better than Chrome. Ads are annoying. I see Chrome losing at least a 5% of the market, if not more, to Firefox, just because they're going to break uBlock Origin, and Firefox isn't.

  • Can I refuse MS Authenticator?
  • Just ask whether they can provide a phone as well.

  • Sorry, the name stuck
  • Why all this when prayer would keep him safe?

    You're thinking of American Baptists and Evangelicals. Catholics are a little bit more practical, in general. Like protecting pedos, instead of ejecting them. Very practical.

  • Lemmy is a worse platform for women than Reddit was
  • Anyway anyone who feels attacked by the whole I’d rather a bear thing needs to stop being a pansy little shit.

    I mean, the casual misandry stung a bit. Not sure why that'd make me a "pansy little shit", lmao.

    Anyway, the whole thing was ragebait and a big part of the internet fell for it (me included, at least initially).

  • A bit late
  • Bears do not want to kill you. They want to be left alone.

    I'm not a bear, but same.

  • shared rule is log(rule)
  • "Gedeelde smart is halve smart" (shared sorrow is half a sorrow) is a classic Dutch saying. I've never thought of the positive form. Good to learn.

  • Red Hat Announces RHEL AI
  • Not very RHELAIable, you say?

  • Pronouns
  • Huh? Did someone claim that???

  • time
  • That's obviously a randomly generated string.

    A bot-ass username would be FirstnameLastnameFourdigitnumber. Sheesh.

  • Back to Basics in Web Apps
  • Only Hugo; I didn't want to try anything JS based and hugo is faaaaaast in its generation. Sub 1 second fast. It's so nice.

  • NostraDavid NostraDavid
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