Copyright is far too long and should only last at most 20 years.
Actually, George Washington would agree with me if he was still alive. He and the other founding fathers created the notion of copyright, which was to last 14 years. Then big corporations changed the laws in their favor.
Young people are people and deserving of rights, including but not limited to the vote. There is no stupid thing a young person could do with their vote that old people don't already do and we don't require them not to in order to keep their vote.
People are crazy when they promote closed-source AI (okay, okay, generative model) projects like ChatGPT, Bard etc.
This is literally one of the most important technologies of the future, and after all the times technology companies screwed them (us) up big time and monopolized the Internet, they go into the same trap again and again.
First they surrendered the free Internet, now they surrender the new frontiers.
Wake up, people. Go HuggingFace, advocate for free AI, and ideally - for a GPL one. We cannot afford for this part of our future to be taken away from us.
Pitbulls are not more genetically predisposed towards biting or mauling than other breeds and the supposed "statistical data" on the subject is based around a confluence of inaccurate metrics caused by 1) people not being very good at accurately identifying dog breeds, 2) existing groups that hate pitbulls pushing bad statistics for political purposes, and 3) a self-fulfilling prophecy of pitbulls having a bad reputation and actively being sought out by people who want vicious dogs and who will treat their dogs in such a way as to encourage that behavior. And I say all of this as someone who does not own a pitbull and probably never will.
Disruptive protest, no matter how annoying, is valid and should be protected under law. When the government moves to ban protest and dissent, they've crossed the line into authoritarianism.
The right to protest is a fundamental of democracy, and we should not accept any erosion of the fundamentals of democracy.
People overlook vegetarianism and semi-vegetarian lifestyles as an option too much and it is not helpful that real life examples of vegetarian cultures, get co-opted by Vegans purists as "Vegan cultures" in easily disproven claims- thus hurting the whole movement
That pedos shouldn't be subject to extra-legal punishments. Think being lynched and shit. I also don't think they should be getting their own special cases in the law beyond those with a clear purpose of preventing reoffending.
Don't get me wrong, I think they are pure scum.
But things we allow on the basis of the accused being a pedo or terrorist have a habit of spilling over and affecting the general population. A lot of bad laws have made it onto books by blaming these two groups, for example.
Many, many spoilers below. But, seriously, this movie is 21 years old. Get over yourselves.
Check it: a young girl adopts an illegal alien (killing machine from deep space) and protects him from the U.S. (and galactic) government (Military-Industrial complexes), while keeping her incredibly depressed sister (slices both ways) from giving up completely as they keep their Indigenous Hawaiian family together in their co-opted homeland. One sister works a series of dead-end tourism jobs; the other has anger issues. The hate each other and love each other fiercely, though they are about 12 years apart in age.
Oh, yeah, and their parents are dead.
Meanwhile, the alien is a political refugee and freedom fighter fleeing from his own people who want him dead for —get this— existing. A lab-grown, indestructible terrorist, he seeks asylum on an island — but he can't swim.
He does learn to surf.
The only downside to this film is that Disney produced it. And Elvis.
"Ohana means family. Nobody gets left behind or forgotten."
Teachers should be paid 50% more. If you want good teachers to stay, you have to walk the walk, otherwise you'll get a perpetual cycle of overwhelmed grads being bossed around by rusted-on bottom teer heads.
TikTok and YouTube shorts are brain-rotting garbage, and if you use them regularly you need to stop now. Yes, even if you claim you only watch educational stuff.
Also giving a child under the age of 8 or 9 a personal internet-connected device should be seen on a similar level as neglect if not full-on abuse.
Nowadays, patents are being misused in Patent Ambush mechanisms and scenarios, meanwhile Patent Trolls and Hoarders whole existence is are to impede/obstruct legally and impose exorbitant levies/fees onto organization and companies actually innovating and developing useful art/process/devices. Even more incredible, there are Submarine Patents being hidden away to suddenly take hostage existing products and process of various companies by imposing extortionate royalties.
The vast majority of humans are actually nice, altruistic and not selfish if you treat them with respect. And hence anarchism would not resolve in everyone killing each other.
Zelda BotW and TotK are not fun. The stamina system is pointless and the weapon durability is frustrating. On top of that, the world's are just sooo empty. There's really nothing in them. Oh look, an interesting ruin... it's another repetitive shrine. Oh, that geological formation is really unique aaannnddd it's another fucking korok seed. That's all you ever got for exploring. Shrines and korok seeds.
I did like slapping random shit onto my weapons in tears of the kingdom though. All in all to me the games are fine but not really Zelda games.
Force damage in D&D 5E is too poorly-defined to be a good part of the game and exists solely for when the designers don't want any characters or creatures to have access to resistance against the thing in question. Either we need an actual description of what happens to a thing that gets hit by it or it should be cut; the vast majority of the things that deal it could perfectly easily be magical bludgeoning / piercing / slashing. Spiritual weapon and Bigby's hand are particularly egregious
What we're currently calling AI isn't AI but just a language processing system that takes its best guess at a response from it's database of information they pilfered from the internet like a more sophisticated Google.
It can't really think for itself and it's answers can be completely wrong. There's nothing intelligent about it.
All DST and time zones should be removed and we should only have one global time. People in different locations would just get up at different times on the clock. Communication about times would get so much easier, communication about schedules would get so much easier. "The same time every week" would have an actual meaning all year around regardless of any notions about getting up later relative to local sunrise in the darker time of the year.
We learn and teach inferior personal computing practice, and most people don't realize how much they are missing.
The vast majority of people outside of enthusiast circles have absolutely no idea what a personal computer is, how it works, what is an operating system, what it does, and how it is supposed to be used. Instead of teaching about shells, sessions, environments, file systems, protocols, standards and Unix philosophy (things that actually make our digital world spin) we teach narrow systems of proprietary walled gardens.
This makes powerful personal computing seem mysterious and intimidating to regular people, so they keep opting out of open infrastructures, preferring everything to come pre-made and pre-configured for them by an exploitative corporation. This lack of education is precisely what makes us so vulnerable to tech hype cycles, software and hardware obsolescence, or just plain shitty products that would have no right to exist in a better world.
This blindness and apathy makes our computing more inaccessible and less sustainable, and it makes us crave things that don't actually deserve our collective attention.
And the most frustrating thing is: proper personal computing is actually not that hard, and it has never been more easy to get into, but no one cares, because getting milked for data is just too convenient for most adults.
Leadership has the capacity and capability to change things for the better and continue to fail to do so because true leadership means making decisions that at times may hurt and may not be universally liked.
This is as true in politics as it is in business.
In short our leaders are not leading out of the fear of repercussions of leading.
There's no public debt crisis. People don't understand how government debt works. One casualty of this is the slow green transition which will cost us dearly in the future.
Large corporations are, indeed, soulless and thankless. No amount of their pandering to the masses with charity campaigns and outreach programs ever end without them making money.
Knowing this, I prefer to take everything at face value. If I start concerning myself with the ulterior motives of these people that don't believe in class equality, I will very quickly want to put a lightbulb in my mouth.
For those familiar, Destiny 2 (a video game by Bungie, the originators of the Halo franchise) has come under scrutiny lately due to mass layoffs, and the following PR nightmare it has turned into. With every day that passes, we learn more thanks to the diligent work of journalists doing their job.
I appreciate knowing to help me make informed decisions about who I fiscally support, but I will spend my money on entertainment based on the value it gives me. Not the morals I'm told I should have by people bickering on the internet, and content creators that use these situations as clickbait.
And that all goes for any corp, I'm just largely invested in this one example. I am aware that Nestle is garbage ass company, but due to me not existing in their world view, I will buy a KitKat when I want one, thanks.
Eating meat and dairy is not sustainable in terms of resources and greenhouse gases, and non-vegan environmentalists are clowns on the level of people flying private jets to climate conferences.
Saw it posted on Instagram or Facebook or somewhere and all of the top comments were saying 1. Any comment saying 16 had tons of comments ironically telling that person to go back to first grade and calling them stupid.
US Senators and congressmen are underpaid. Their salaries should be doubled. The president should make at least a $1 million a year, directly paid by taxpayers.
Reason: If I, the taxpayer, pay them, then they have to work for me. The payment makes that service relationship explicit. I pay you, you work for me. And, yes, the current pay is too little, $174,000 - barely comparable to tech workers.
Only taking $1 is an invitation for corruption. (Not claiming it happened, but it is an invitation.)
Lore is not story. Sekiro is the best From Soft game. Sekiro's second half doesn't fall apart or disappoint. The puzzle boss is acceptable. The combat actually feels like Seven Samurai and Star Wars: a flurry of blocks and parrys, culminating in a coup de grace.
Chipping hit points with a light sabre or a battle axe is dumb as shit and it's been normal so long we don't notice.
Humanity cannot and will not change its practices fast enough to avoid running out of resources we keep ourselves dependent on because it's "profitable." We are a doomed species and won't be around for very much longer. We are likely living in the flash of bright before the long dark. I don't think the world my grandchildren live in will be remotely like the one we have now.
I'm perfectly fine hedging my bets and living life normally, but I think our longevity is an uncomfortable truth most people don't want to face.
That capitalism is not the cause of most societal grief. Pathological self preservation is a fundamental human problem. It’s the reason we’re okay with seeing hordes of homeless people, or with killing people to resolve geopolitical issues. Greed can optimize any system to work for itself, people who are or will be adept at such optimization would thrive under any kind of socioeconomic or cultural system, including extremely leftist systems. Just spit ballin’ tho, haven’t thought about it much tbh.
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon are some of the best Pokemon games, better than most of the (especially newer) main series games. I started with Pokemon Mystery Dungeon so I may be biased though.
World Peace is no longer an idea. It's happening, and will be the norm before most of us die. The United Federation of Humanity will happen, relatively soon.
The main story of Baldur's Gate 3 is pretty bland and mediocre.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s still a phenomenal game! The companion arcs, acting and overall presentation are still next level, some sidestories are very good, and it’s great how faithfully they adapted the D&D rules. But the main story ...
... is pretty bare bones and has no real twists and turns along the way.
You start with a mindflayer tadpole in your head, so who do you think will be the final boss? Exactly, an elder brain.
On the way you kill 3 major henchmen, who just want power, destruction, or are confused beyond saving. None of them were particularly interesting or multi-layered (maybe Ketheric a bit). None of them could be saved, convinced to switch sides, or at least affected somehow. Aligning with them is only temporary, makes barely any difference, and absolutely no difference for the end afaik.
Most big quests end in act 3 in the same manner: Go to a place in BG and dispose of the boss character behind it all.
The revelations with the Emperor/Balduran were nice, but he was a very mysterious character for the entirety oft he game, and his decision to fight you if you side with Orpheus is just absolutely ridiculous!
All forms of communication that promotes any level of division between the general population, and the idea of payback or revenge is very wrong and toxic and are some of the main reasons for the shit we all go through these days, yet most people either don't think it's a big deal or think it's necessary. We're gonna end up killing ourselves and we're all gonna lose, but at least you got to punch the guy that punched you first, right? Or kill all the ancestors of the guy that punched your great great great granddad, then their ancestors killing yours for killing their ancestors, right? You deserve to kill them all, they had it coming, so did your ancestors, right?
Until the childish ideas of revenge and division is gone from our adult society, i don't see us surviving as a civilization before we kill each other first.
I'm tired of hearing people justify either. It's all nonsense, illogical, and childish.
Cars > public transportation. I forget things & often have to turn back, and I like the freedom to change my mind at any point, stop where I want, and go wherever I want. I also hate being forced into shared public spaces. I also hate the idea of trusting the government to make any of it in any way near efficient. Fuck public transportation.
Gender is the cultural outcome of primary and secondary sexual characteristics and in no meaningfully physical way exist. In other words, we traditionally have a "boy" culture and a "girl" culture, not a gender. We are artificially indoctrinated and assimilated into a given culture based on primary or secondary sexual characteristics.
Likewise, it follows that all other gender identities are similarly a cultural phenomenon and not the outcome of some essential characteristic of the individual.
Gender cultures are, at least historically speaking, bad. They've generally been used to persecute people who aren't in the dominant (boy) gender, and the conditions dictating mobility between genders is so intensly arbitrary that it warrants abolishing the whole stupid idea. Gender dysphoria is a symptom, generally, of the tyranny of these conditions.
(PS, I totally am open to being wrong about this.)
We are trying to solve computer/rocket-age problems with a caveman brain. If we don't start genetic engineering humans soon i'd wager we'll eradicate ourselves before we colonize other planets and stars.
The Last Jedi is the best Star Wars movie since the OT. Then they "course corrected" after listening too closely to online discourse, and ended up really ruining the franchise.
Both Mario Odyssey and SMB Wonder are only innovative in a vacuum where Mario is the only platformer franchise. Which for a lot of people I imagine is the extent of their knowledge about platformers.
The things people call "innovative" about Mario Odyssey are just half Kirby and half Banjo-Kazooie. Yeah Odyssey's biggest maps are way bigger than Banjo-Kazooie, but SMO runs on hardware that can emulate the N64, and it still has quite a few maps on the smaller side
SMB Wonder... I don't actually know what people call "innovative" about SMB Wonder, but I've seen people call it "innovative." It's the best 2D Mario made in the 21st century and it has a pretty cool gimmick. What's innovative about this?
NFTs are an interesting and valuable technology that will be useful in the future as a means of digital media 'ownership' in place of 'perpetual licensing' like we see when we 'buy' media from servers today.
There's more to it than monkey pictures, and if people saw that, we would have greater control over media libraries than in the present.
I don't want to get rid of daylight savings, because it's still a better option than keeping either summer or winter time.
Edit: another one: not having kids does not in any way contribute to solving environmental problems, we need MORE young, educated minds who have a chance to figure it out (as terrible as it sounds to push problems on the new generation), and we should ensure that in the event that we do manage to stabilize the situation, we won't instead have fucked up demographics to deal with.
If you want a source for a claim, Google it yourself. This isn't the 70s where you have to go to a library and flip through a card catalog to find information. The answer is literally a few seconds away.
The machine learning models and developments we see these last years called "AI" for some reason, is as big, if not bigger than the IT and internet revolution, and has applications on a broader spectrum than anyone can currently imagine.
I’m American and have worked in the service industry in the US and Germany. I fully support tipping in the US, because waiting tables is one of the few jobs in the US where you can actually earn a good living without breaking your body (as much as construction, as a comparison) and without a training program. In a place where unions actually make a difference, it’s just a nice thing to do, and that’s obviously a better solution generally, but that’s not currently the case in the US.
I'm not cut out for this politically correct shit. I say one historical fact people act like I'm making shit up and they delete my comment and call me dumb even though it's a universally established tradition of ancient states.
I really can't deal with this "you have to be sensitive about others' feelings" so much so that you can't talk about real historical facts! I say fuck you to all.
Here's something about American politics to provoke a lot of people, especially on this site:
Donald Trump should be elected in 2024 purely to serve as an exam to the left. Liberalism clearly doesn't work anymore, there's a lot of discontent in the world and a shift towards far-right politics, while left is almost non-existent in almost any country, it doesn't have an answer. With Donald Trump getting elected for his revenge term and demolishing democracy, hopefully it's a catastrophe strong enough for the left to wake up.
The stock market should not exist. Investing in companies is fine, but we shouldn't be able to buy our sell investment shares like a commodity.
All subsidies should not exist. They only alter the supply/demand in unnecessary and damaging ways. This must come with ending commodities trading like stock market investing.
Parents who purchase animal products care more about their “personal choice” than the world they’re leaving for their children. Bacon is more important to them than their own kids.
Your are assailed by many threats: the religious, the nihilists, the corporatists, the fascists, and the alleged "collectivists". Extreme authoritarian "leftists", A.K.A. “tankies” (i.e., apologists for Lenin, Stalin, Mao, the CCP, the DPRK, Fidel Castro, Che Guevara, Xi Jingping, etc.), are threats to a free, egalitarian, and open society, are just as violently authoritarian as their religious, corporatist, and fascist competitors, and should be treated with the contempt, distrust, and ridicule they deserve.
They claim to speak and fight for the proletariat, promising a new utopia, never before seen, once their revolution executes the last “class-traitor”. In practice, once they’re finished with “seizing the means of production”, they’ll never relinquish control and become the new ruling class.
They’ll assume the mantle of an enlightened elite post-revolutionary administration to guide the proletariat to their promised utopia of “each according to their ability, to each according to their need”. In practice, "the party leadership needs the most, because they’re obviously the most able” in reorganizing the economic and political structure of society. The utopia of the “dictatorship of the proletariat” will never exist, only the dictatorship of the “revolutionary party”. Repression and execution await those who question their claims and decisions.
These supposed champions of labor are really harbingers of death - of the mind and the body. They claim to be the true authoritative “voice of the people”. Understand what they really are; power over everything and everyone, forever, is what they seek. They want you either as a true believer (a willing pawn) or dead, just like all of the other supposedly benevolent dictators who promised utopias throughout history.
They’re akin to the pigs in Orwell's Animal Farm, the loudest voices in the revolution, usurpers of a righteous cause, but a bit “more equal” than everyone else after the farmer is done away with. Fortunately, the pigs, like the farmer, got their comeuppance in the end of the story. Make these pigs squeal.
C and C++ are awesome and I hope they survive for another 50 years. Sorry Python folks. I just can't get past the strange syntax. Gimme my curly braces, away with this function block spacing crap.