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This Some Bullshit Right Here
  • It's not that they "no longer have the ability." Most people have never been able to comprehend things on that time scale when it's happening in real-time. It's only after the fact that people are able to look back and see clear signs and the early groundwork being laid.

  • Untitled - by Zdzisław Beksiński
  • And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,

    Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?

  • They're just fun to browse through, ok?
  • Exactly. I think we actually "started" just by giving them coloring pages of cartoony fantasy creatures and characters and then making up stories about goblins and dragons on our morning walks, which in turn got them excited about their characters and miniatures and rolling dice

  • They're just fun to browse through, ok?
  • You can start when they're as little as 4 and have decent results. I started with mine when they were 5 and 3 with Hero Kids and by the time they hit 6 and 8, they'd graduated to Pathfinder 2 (edit: albeit with a great deal of help/handholding)

    10/10, would indoctrinate children with gateway drugs games again

  • Hyperbor(ule)ean Hold 'em
  • I've only ever heard it used in pulpy adventure stories/comics like Howard's Conan world (some of which do admittedly have some if that implicit racism common to fiction from that time). Has it become more explicitly neo-Nazi?

  • Spare Trouser please understand it.
  • Still a beginner, so I'm also a little hazy on the rules for some of the other hand-specific jokers. Does a straight flush count as a straight and a flush when it comes to triggering jokers? Does a full house trigger pair and three-of-a-kind jokers?

  • Spare Trouser please understand it.
  • I can't count the number of times I've tried to play a double double run in this game. It's worth more than a two-pair, Goddamnit!

  • Hyperbor(ule)ean Hold 'em
  • Y'all got any more of them x3 jokers?

  • This sounds a bit like how "time blindness" feels
  • There's always a relevant xkcd

  • This sounds a bit like how "time blindness" feels
  • God, I spent so much time I didn't have playing KSP.

    On the plus side, I did learn the basics of rocket science, so it wasn't a total waste of time...

  • The experts weigh in.
  • My God, is there nowhere I can be safe from being reminded that my beloved SFG are utter trash this year?

  • Ah, no that was the captain of Deep Space 9. A real reactionary.
  • "Riker treats objects like women, man!"

  • Monastery Graveyard in the Snow - Caspar David Friedrich (1819) 🇩🇪
  • This should absolutely be an album cover for a black metal or trad doom band

    Edit: in fact, the branches are practically a black metal band logo already

  • Name some reasons to like either Marvel Comics or DC Comics.
  • If you haven't read it yet, Invincible is great.

    Lemire and Ellis's runs in Moon Knight are amazing.

    You also might really like Black Hammer, which is like a deconstruction/reimagining of the Silver Age Justice League (I think it's Dark Horse, but it might be Vertigo). In general, I tend to like more high brow/pretentious stuff and the art, the characters, and the plot are all spectacular.

    Edit: plus Hellboy, obviously. Mignola's art and love for pulpy, over-the-top monsters and plots are just phenomenal, IMHO. Nothing like Lovecraftian horrors and world-shattering battles to make for great comics

    Edit 2: you mentioned Silver Surfer, so I'm also assuming you've already read Hickman's run on Fantastic Four and FF. If not, start there. It's one of my favorite Marvel runs of all time

  • Name some reasons to like either Marvel Comics or DC Comics.
  • Neither. All the best stuff is creator-owned these days, if you ask me. Image and Dark Horse are the biggest and best "third party candidates," but Boom and Dynamite have some good stuff, too.

    Honestly, find an author that you like and follow them, not the characters. Mignola, Lemire, Hickman, Faction or Gillen can write absolutely anything and make it compelling, and there are a ton of other interesting, unique authors out there these days.

    If you want specific series or arcs, HMU with a few examples of what you like and I'm sure I can throw out a few suggestions (and if I can't, someone else can)

  • me_irl
  • Thanks! I knew I recognized the guy and the quote, but I couldn't place it until you gave me the Banksy quote. Thierry is a real piece of work.

  • Rover
  • On a Saturday morning, no less.

  • Pourque no los dos?
  • Anyone who's ever abused ketamine or DXM knows that dissociating from reality is relaxing.

    After all, have you seen reality lately?

  • Sorry, Matilda.
  • Don't get me wrong, I love Christmas movies. Just not that one. Any movie that paints a healthy level of skepticism as a negative has got some issues in my book.

  • If I subscribe to a community that's from a different instance than my "home" instance, where should I browse to see that community?

    For instance, I made an account here in because it seemed like a nice, well rounded place to start. However, I want stuff from to show up when I browse my "frontpage," but all I see is my Lemmy.World communities.

    I'm using Liftoff on Android at the moment, but I'm a newb, so I'm clearly not tied to that app.

    NielsBohron NielsBohron
    Posts 4
    Comments 584