Not for the first round of appointments in 2017. Tillerson, Pruitt, Ajit Pai, DeVos, etc. were all industry insiders with their own harmful agendas who resigned as soon as they gutted whatever specific parts of their agencies they wanted.
Not quite true the last time around. A dozen former advisors called him unfit for office. If they were yes men they would have kept their mouths shut and waited for the call to go back to his administration. This might actually be good news for America. Donald Trump is a fucking moron and it sounds like nobody in his new administration will call him out for being a moron, they'll just go along with whatever stupid ideas he has.
To be fair, he hires who he thinks will be yes men, then the yes men get in and often realize it’s worse than they thought, they either don’t do what he wants or make him look bad, then they bail or get fired. Been like this for decades with Trump. In office and in private business.
I want to make sure now that we know who the real players are, the people who will actually deliver on the president’s message, the people who don’t think that they know better than the duly elected president of the United States.
Yeah. We're fucked, no matter who he picks. But there is at least a glimmer of hope that this means that we'll just get ordinary yes men and not "Project 2025" yes men. There is a glaring flaw in Project 2025, as far as Donald Trump is concerned: it wasn't his idea to begin with. And if he goes too fast with it too quickly, people might think that the Heritage Foundation is pulling his strings. And he has to be the boss, he can't abide even the appearance that he is taking orders from anyone else.