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And people who don't read make fun of you for it.
  • Yes!! I knew I wasn't the only one

  • It's impossible that they could hurt me
  • If not friend why friend shaped??

  • POV: Iceland
  • A fire? At a sea parks?

  • Could it be?
  • Huge if true

  • Bow
  • Nah I've got something similar - not exactly like this but the glass tube with heat exchanging mesh and space underneath for a burner is pretty distinctive - then searched "Stirling engine heart arrow" and tons of these came up

  • Bow
  • It's a mini Stirling hot air engine, never seen one that shape before but here's a video of one working

  • You know it in your heart to be true
  • I'm in love with the shape of soup

  • Virgin penis
  • Probably something to do with cholesterol

  • The Paradox
  • Shot somehow ricochets off the wall, kills stormtrooper, redshirt dies of surprise

  • Buckfast gets reviewed
  • Whenever my family went on holiday to Dartmoor when I was little, parents would always take us to church at Buckfast Abbey if we were there on a Sunday.

    Always thought it was just for the nice architecture and the gardens, but maybe they had another motive....

  • Just a few specs of rust
  • Something janky about the wheels, smells like AI...

  • We may never know
  • Road distances are in miles, speed in mph, heights in feet & inches, anything else is a hot mess generally trending towards metric the younger you are (or if you're in STEM)

    ETA: there was a dumb plan a couple years ago to "reintroduce" imperial measurements after Brexit, mainly aimed at food shops, ignoring the fact that the EU never prevented anyone using them, and then the govt quietly dropped it in December lawl

  • ohhh
  • Bhhaaa the French

  • When did you get your first phone? First computer? What was it?
  • First computer in about '99, which I'd "built" (I was 8, so I mostly just watched while my dad's friend built it and occasionally let me plug some wires in)

    First phone, Nokia 3310 in 2003, with a Simpsons case, I think I've got it in a box somewhere...

  • Sheffield supertram 🌈

    (just found this place and thought it needed some Supertram)

    What are some things that you like to watch in the side or in the background when you do stuff ?
  • Was about to say the same thing - just annoying it's not all available online in the UK

  • Sometimes it's like that
  • So well...... 😬

  • Sometimes it's like that
  • Quit a job last week, on my fourth morning, this hits very close to home

  • Unconventional kitchen utensil you can't live without?
  • I've got two - a potato ricer, basically a big garlic press you put a boiled potato in, instant perfect mash.

    And one of those spiral apple peeler/corer/slicers, makes cooking anything with apple in so much faster (it's a fiddle to clean though unfortunately)

  • Alternatives to Blynk

    So since Blynk have started paywalling more and more controls, and have finally reduced it to just a button and a slider...

    Does anyone know any alternative apps which do a similar thing?

    (Use case, I just want some kind of RGB colour space slider to update some lights on an Arduino, without having to pay a subscription for the privilege)

    cute dogs, cats, and other animals CelloMike
    Staying in an Airbnb with *very* judgemental neighbours
    Mwallerby CelloMike
    Posts 15
    Comments 75