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week 1: top 7 comments get played in a random order, legal or not
  • The skip button is added to b5 from "stanley parable ultra deluxe". If pressed additional 7 comments got played.

  • week 1: top 7 comments get played in a random order, legal or not
  • Where are the pawns? WHERE ARE THE PAWNS!?

    Edit: This needs additional explanation. What was the order of the moves and how did you interpret them.

    "Pawns join in class solidarity and rise up against the oppressive monarchy." ❌
    "One grain of rice in A1" ✅
    "Kings pawn cracks its egg and becomes a queen." ❌
    "Castle with the enemy rook." ✅
    "All previously played moves get played again." ✅
    "White queen has a mental breakdown and enters an emo phase for the next 6 turns" ❌
    "All pawns undergo mitosis. One of them had a mutation and promotes to a knook." ❌

    There are two additional queens from nowhere, while no kings are present. That wasn't in any move.

    This is not reddit. We have standards.

  • Wait what
  • There is no antimemetics division

  • week 0: top 7 comments get played in a random order, legal or not
  • All pawns undergo mitosis. One of them had a mutation and promotes to a knook.

  • Poland Internet Appreciation Brigade rule
  • from the same artists

    Drawing of Bóbr with caption BBR KRW meant to represent Bóbr Kurwa meme

  • Why in 2024 do people still believe in religion? (serious)
  • Thanks, I had the same hunch but I didn't yet put into proper words and ideas.

    Do you think, should we extrapolate those experiences to something beyond or just accept it as part of human nature?

  • :D‎
  • :D

  • Technorule
  • o7

  • It doesn't quite work any other way
  • Yes? Isn't it the normal thing to do when someone's uncertain?

  • Rule: Don't Orphan The Source


    I'm sick of my life and I don't know what to do
  • Constant fantasising and porn addiction are signs of maladaptive coping mechanisms.

    Therapists will help you work on the source of emotional discomfort and help you process those emotions and should also teach you better coping mechanisms.

    If you struggle with loneliness try choosing to be in solitude for a short period of time.

    Two years ago "healthy gamer gg" community and Dr K.'s lectures really helped me start moving forward with my emotional wellbeing.

  • Sped up footage from Chang'e 6 lander descent
  • Moon has fractal like surface. Big craters look like small craters and small craters look like big craters.

  • What's your favourite fruit(s) ?
  • I have seen naleśniki with strawberry jam or cream mixed with fresh fruit.

  • What's your favourite fruit(s) ?
  • Strawberries won over pears as they can be put into pierogies.

  • How to graphically enter Password to unlock encrypted disk
  • What distro and DE are you using?

  • Pound Cake with Strawberries and Cream

    I think this is my first baked cake. Inspired by Ascendance of a Bookworm series.

    Against the Proliferation of Sofa Ownership and Use
  • I think this is satire about video essays.

  • 4
    Massive explosion rocks SpaceX Texas facility, Starship engine in flames
  • Reusable second stage, and more economic rockets with better turnaround.

    Elon is stupid and has a lot of money. SpaceX somehow got competent people managing him to somehow steer the company in decent direction.

  • polish news ale in english Ludrol
    WSJ writes about Newag scandal
    How to speed up accessing lots of files on another computer? Some kind of local cache?
  • As far as I can see you could try to attach 1 ssd to SATA0 (it can dangle in the air) and 2 hard drives to SATA1 and SATA2 (They are capped to 300MB/s and should be attached to the case with screws)

    There should be space somewhere to put the drives as I can see in the specification. You will probably need to remove the CD drive.

    There is also a question if power supply has enough power sockets to attach to the disks. You could try to find eSATA -> SATA adapter to attach something to the last port.

    You probably won't find the bigger case as motherboard isn't standard size.

    I would probably try to upgrade to standard motherboard size but I would also calculate the cost of consumed electricity in a year vs cost of more efficient hardware.

  • Closest subway line from you, France
  • I live in Poland and in big cities that's not an issue but in cities other than Warsaw and Kraków you still need to check when the bus will depart. For rural areas reliability is an issue. If for some reason the bus won't come than the next one is in two hours.

    Trains are good enough but often delayed. Mostly 5 to 15 min but there is always the odd one out with 24h that is always talked about at parties.

    Trams, trolleybuses, metro and cycling paths are good enough. There are bicycle rental networks that work in a pinch.

  • Last Week in Fediverse – ep 65

    Forum federation, Ghosts, Event Planners and the source code of Truth Social.

    Last Week in Fediverse – ep 65

    This weeks news:

    • Interoperability between NodeBB and Discourse set a new way of federation between forums
    • Publishing platform Ghost starts work on adding #activitypub support
    • testing platform @pubkit launches in closed beta
    • Following podcasts on your fediverse account became even easier with PodcastAP
    • Mastodon has gotten funding to start implementing quote posts
    propozycja aby dodać slogan

    Tak wła­śnie trze­ba i tyl­ko tak: Pły­nąć wbrew zie­mi — nie­bu na wspak! fragment wiersza "Szmer Wioseł" Bolesława Leśmiana

    LoRaWAN on ch32v203
    Mrówki w kuchni. Co robić?!

    Zrobiło się ciepło, I mrówki zaczeły mi wyłazić ze stropu dachowego. Mają tak z 8-10 mm i ze skrzydłami 20-25mm.

    Meta wprowadza możliwość możliwości czatowania z innymi apkami Making messaging interoperability with third parties safe for users in Europe

    To comply with a new EU law, the Digital Markets Act (DMA), which comes into force on March 7th, we’ve made major changes to WhatsApp and Messenger to enable interoperability with third-party messa…

    Making messaging interoperability with third parties safe for users in Europe

    Szmer coś słabo działa to wrzucam

    >It’s important to note that the E2EE promise Meta provides to users of our messaging services requires us to control both the sending and receiving clients.

    Tego nie rozumiem. Że muszą mieć dostęp do kodu źródłowego?

    Ogólnie fajnie. Jak ktoś ma apkę to przez 3 miesiące pracuje z metą aby to wprowadzić.

    Użytkownicy muszą "opt in" aby z kimś pisać z zewnątrz.


    Edit: swaped YT link with blog post

    Rafurbished Laptop around 150€?

    It's for my friend

    • good keyboard
    • lasts a good deal of time

    Actual budget is 700PLN

    I was thinking ThinkPad T450s but i wonder if I can get something better for them.

    Chilchuck doing GEDDAN
    Ludrol Ludrol
    Posts 61
    Comments 534